33 research outputs found
Distemper, extinction, and vaccination of the Amur tiger
Canine distemper virus (CDV) has recently emerged as an extinction threat for the endangered Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica). CDV is vaccine-preventable, and control strategies could require vaccination of domestic dogs and/or wildlife populations. However, vaccination of endangered wildlife remains controversial, which has led to a focus on interventions in domestic dogs, often assumed to be the source of infection. Effective decision making requires an understanding of the true reservoir dynamics, which poses substantial challenges in remote areas with diverse host communities. We carried out serological, demographic, and phylogenetic studies of dog and wildlife populations in the Russian Far East to show that a number of wildlife species are more important than dogs, both in maintaining CDV and as sources of infection for tigers. Critically, therefore, because CDV circulates among multiple wildlife sources, dog vaccination alone would not be effective at protecting tigers. We show, however, that low-coverage vaccination of tigers themselves is feasible and would produce substantive reductions in extinction risks. Vaccination of endangered wildlife provides a valuable component of conservation strategies for endangered species
Atomic Resonance and Scattering
Contains reports on six research projects.National Science Foundation (PHY83-06273)Joint Services Electronics Program (DAAL03-86-K-0002)National Science Foundation (PHY84-11483)U.S. Navy-Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-79-C-0183)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAG29-83-K-0003)National Science Foundation (Grant PHY83-07172-A01)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-83-K-0695)National Science Foundation (Grant CHE84-21392
One health, une seule santé
One Health, « Une seule santĂ© », est une stratĂ©gie mondiale visant Ă dĂ©velopper les collaborations interdisciplinaires pour la santĂ© humaine, animale et environnementale. Elle promeut une approche intĂ©grĂ©e, systĂ©mique et unifiĂ©e de la santĂ© aux Ă©chelles locale, nationale et mondiale, afin de mieux affronter les maladies Ă©mergentes Ă risque pandĂ©mique, mais aussi s'adapter aux impacts environnementaux prĂ©sents et futurs. Bien que ce mouvement sâĂ©tende, la littĂ©rature en français reste rare. Traduit de lâanglais, coordonnĂ© par dâĂ©minents Ă©pidĂ©miologistes et s'appuyant sur un large panel d' approches scientifiques rarement rĂ©unies autour de la santĂ©, cet ouvrage retrace les origines du concept et prĂ©sente un contenu pratique sur les outils mĂ©thodologiques, la collecte de donnĂ©es, les techniques de surveillance et les plans dâĂ©tude. Il combine recherche et pratique en un seul volume et constitue un ouvrage de rĂ©fĂ©rence unique pour la santĂ© mondiale