1,473 research outputs found


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    In the context of the economic crisis, the European Union has found a solution in order to support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, representing the backbone of the European economy. Small Business Act represents a policy initiative which aims to promote a SMEs-friendly environment. Having in mind that most jobs in the EU are provided by SMEs, companies of 250 employees or less and that they have a crucial importance for the future development, but very often face enormous bureaucratic hurdles and obstacles, we may state that the European SMEs deserve to be better assisted to fully unlock their potential of long term sustainable growth and of more job creation. To achieve this goal, the European Commission has conceived the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), a policy initiative based on ten guiding principles and proposes policy actions to be undertaken by both the Commission and Member States.Small Business Act, SMEs, economic crisis, SMEs-friendly environment, competitiveness.

    What is Offshoring Management Capability and How Do Organizations Develop It? A Study of Dutch IT Service Providers

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    This study develops a capability perspective of offshoring. While previous research shows that experience affects future offshoring decisions, we still lack an understanding of what offshoring management capability is and how organizations develop it. Using data on five Dutch IT service providers, we find that offshoring management capability is multidimensional as it comprises four dimensions: coordination competency, relationship development, relationship design, and organizational identification. Furthermore, we uncover the process through which organizations can actively develop an offshoring management capability. We find that there are four elements in this learning loop: an offshoring growth mentality, adaptive monitoring of offshoring performance, offshoring reflexivity, and mechanisms for storing and disseminating offshoring best practice. Therefore, our capability perspective of offshoring provides a comprehensive conceptualization of offshoring management capability as a multidimensional construct and uncovers the process through which organizations develop it


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    In the context of the economic crisis, the European Union has found a solution in order to support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, representing the backbone of the European economy. Small Business Act represents a policy initiative which aims to promote a SMEs-friendly environment. Having in mind that most jobs in the EU are provided by SMEs, companies of 250 employees or less and that they have a crucial importance for the future development, but very often face enormous bureaucratic hurdles and obstacles, we may state that the European SMEs deserve to be better assisted to fully unlock their potential of long term sustainable growth and of more job creation. To achieve this goal, the European Commission has conceived the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), a policy initiative based on ten guiding principles and proposes policy actions to be undertaken by both the Commission and Member States.Small Business Act, SMEs, economic crisis, SMEs-friendly environment, competitiveness.

    Symmetric Itinerary Sets

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    We consider a one parameter family of dynamical systems W :[0, 1] -> [0, 1] constructed from a pair of monotone increasing diffeomorphisms Wsub(i), such that Wsub(i)(inverse): [0, 1] -> [0, 1], (i = 0, 1). We characterise the set of symbolic itineraries of W using an attractor of an iterated closed relation,in the terminology of McGehee, and prove that there is a member of the family for which is symmetrical


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    Corporate Social Responsibility, a concept without a world accepted definition is starting to beused in Romania as well. This is the reason why in the present article we try to make a theoreticaldescription of the present concept and to exemplify it by presenting the responsible activities of acorporation in Romania, Rosia Montana Gold Corporation.corporate social responsibility, stakeholder, social impact

    Metric properties of mean wiggly continua

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    We study lower and upper bounds of the Hausdorff dimension for sets which are wiggly at scales of positive density. The main technical ingredient is a construction, for every continuum K, of a Borel probabilistic measure \mu with the property that on every ball B(x,r), with x in K, the measure is bounded by a universal constant multiple of r\exp(-g(x,r)), where g(x,r) > 0 is an explicit function. The continuum K is mean wiggly at exactly those points x in K where g(x, r) has a logarithmic growth to infinity as r goes to 0. The theory of mean wiggly continua leads, via the product formula for dimensions, to new estimates of the Hausdorff dimension for Cantor sets. We prove also that asymptotically flat sets are of Hausdorff dimension 1 and that asymptotically non-porous continua are of the maximal dimension. Another application of the theory is geometric Bowen's dichotomy for Topological Collet-Eckmann maps in rational dynamics. In particular, mean wiggly continua are dynamically natural as they occur as Julia sets of quadratic polynomials for parameters from a generic set on the boundary of the Mandelbrot set


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    Although several years ago people rejected the idea of corporate responsibility, todayCSR is a concept directly related to sustainable development, competitive companies, to modernfirms. But unfortunately, in Romania companies still have several years to catch the Europeanmodern enterprises from the member states. The aim of this article is to emphasize the fact that the majority of the firms from Alba Iuliastill do not know what CSR concept mean. In order to demonstrate that we applied a CSRquestionnaire on 111 firms from Alba Iulia and analyzed their answers.corporate social responsibility, Alba Iulia enterprises, sustainable development