11 research outputs found

    Chronic tubulointerstitial changes induced by germanium dioxide in comparison with carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide

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    Chronic tubulointerstitial changes induced by germanium dioxide in comparison with carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide. Chronic nephrotoxicity was investigated in rats orally administered germanium dioxide (GeO2) and carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) for 24 weeks. Increased BUN and serum phosphate as well as decreased creatinine clearance, weight loss, anemia and liver dysfunction were apparent at week 24 only in the GeO2 treated group. Vacuolar degeneration and granular depositions were observed by light microscope in the degenerated renal distal tubules in the rats of this group, with the semiquantitative scores of tubular degeneration being 95 ± 9% in the GeO2 group, 3 ± 1% in the Ge-132 group and 1 ± 1% in the control group, respectively. Electron microscopy revealed electron-dense inclusions in the swollen mitochondrial matrix of the distal tubular epithelium in the GeO2 group. Although systemic toxicities were reduced after GeO2 was discontinued at week 24, renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis became prominent even at week 40 (16 weeks after discontinuation). A Ge ·Kα X-ray spectrum was clearly demonstrated in the mitochondrial matrix of the distal tubular epithelium in the GeO2 group with the help of electron probe X-ray microanalysis. On the other hand, neither toxic effects nor renal histological abnormalities were manifested in either the Ge-132 or the control group. The renal tissue content of germanium was high at weeks 24 and 40 in the GeO2 group. From these results, it is concluded that GeO2 causes characteristic nephropathy while Ge-132 does not. In addition, it appears that residual GeO2 remains for a considerably long time even after the cessation of GeO2 intake

    Fibronectin mediates activation of stromal fibroblasts by SPARC in endometrial cancer cells

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    Background: Matricellular glycoprotein, SPARC is a secreted molecule, that mediates the interaction between cells and extracellular matrix. SPARC functions as a regulator of matrix organization and modulates cell behavior. In various kinds of cancer, strong SPARC expression was observed in stromal tissues as well as in cancer epithelial cells. The function of SPARC in cancer cells is somewhat controversial and its impact on peritumoral stromal cells remains to be resolved. / Methods: We investigated the effects of SPARC expression in endometrial cancer cells on the surrounding stromal fibroblasts using in vitro co-culture system. Changes in characteristics of fibroblasts were examined by analysis of fibroblast-specific markers and in vitro contraction assay. / Results: SPARC induced AKT phosphorylation and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, consistent with previous reports. Cancer-associated fibroblasts of endometrial cancer expressed higher levels of mesenchymal- and fibroblast-associated factors and had a stronger contraction ability. Unexpectedly, cancer-associated fibroblasts expressed comparable levels of SPARC compared with fibroblasts from normal endometrium. However, co-culture of normal fibroblasts with SPARC-expressing Ishikawa cells resulted in activation of the fibroblasts. Immunodepletion of SPARC did not affect the activation of fibroblasts. / Conclusions: Our data indicated that SPARC activated fibroblasts only in the presence of fibronectin, which was abundantly secreted from SPARC-expressing endometrial cancer cells. These results suggested that a SPARCfibronectin- mediated activation of fibroblasts might be involved in enhanced mobility and invasion of cancer cells

    Hypersensitivity reaction to pegylated liposomal doxorubicin administration for Mullerian carcinoma in Japanese women

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    Aim / PEGylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) is a therapeutic agent for gynecological malignancy. Hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) is a major adverse effect that usually disappears after halting administration of PLD. Premedication is usually not necessary before administration of PLD to prevent HSR. Here, we evaluated the frequency of HSR during administration of PLD following premedication in Japanese women. / Methods / We performed PLD administration in 78 patients (386 cycles) between 2013 and 2018. Granisetron hydrochloride and dexamethasone sodium phosphate were administered 30 min before PLD administration. Then, PLD (40 or 30 mg/m2 combined usage with carboplatin) was administered. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 78 patients and examined the frequency of HSR. / Results / Seven of 78 (9%) patients showed HSR by PLD administration following premedication. One patient showed cardiopulmonary arrest in 13 min after PLD administration (grade 4). The other six patients showed grade 2 HSR. All patients developed HSR in the first course. The incidence of HSR was significantly higher in patients with allergic history than in patients without allergic history (p = 0.0151). / Conclusions / Clinicians should be aware of the potential for HSR in patients administered PLD, particularly those with allergic history and those receiving the first cycle of PLD, even following premedication

    Renal protective effect of magnesium sulfate in gynecologic cancer patients during cisplatin-containing chemotherapy

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    [Objective]Nephrotoxicity is diagnosed in 28-42% of patients applied cisplatin. Mg2+ is involved in active transport of cisplatin in proximal tubule cells, therefore, we retrospectively examined whether Mg2+ supplementation prevent nephrotoxicity during cisplatin-containing chemotherapy. All patients provided written informed consent before treatment. [Methods]Forty four patients of gynecologic cancer treated in our hospital from Oct 2014 to Sep 2015(study group)were analyzed. They were supplied magnesium sulfate containing 8mEq of Mg2+ just before cisplatin administration. Serum creatinine level(Cr:mg/dL)and glomerular filtration rate(GFR:mL/min)were examined before and after treatment. These laboratory data were compared with those of 74 patients treated previously without Mg2+ supplementation(control group). [Results]Statistically significant Cr elevation(+0.11±0.17 vs -0.03±0.10)and GFR decrease(-13.0±22.2 vs+2.2±17.6)were found in control group compared with study group(p<0.001). Discontinuation of chemotherapy occurred in 8 cases in control group due to renal dysfunction. However, all patients in study group could receive scheduled treatment. [Conclusion]Magnesium sulfate supplementation might be effective for renal protection during cisplatin-containing chemotherapy

    Retrospective analysis of treatment and prognosis for uterine leiomyosarcoma: 10-year experience of a single institute

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    Aim: Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) is a highly aggressive and lethal disease. This malignancy remains the most common type of uterine sarcoma, affecting approximately 0.4/100 000 women each year.Our aim was to assess the treatment and prognosis of ULMS patients. / Methods: A total of 14 patients were treated at our institution between January 2008 and July 2017.We retrospectively analyzed their clinicopathological variables, treatment and prognosis. / Results: The median patient age was 63 years (range, 35–83 years). The largest group of patients had stage IB disease (stage IB, n = 8; IIB, n = 2; IIIB, n = 1; IVB, n = 3) and the largest group by histological subtype was ordinary (ordinary, n = 11; myxoid, n = 2; epithelioid, n = 1). Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were performed for all patients, with additional surgical procedures (e.g., tumor resection, lymphadenectomy) performed if necessary. Twelve patients received adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) consisting of gemcitabine and docetaxel. Ten patients experienced recurrence and received multidisciplinary therapies, including tumor resection, chemotherapy, radiation and targeted therapies. The median observation period was 17months (range, 5–75months), and 11 patients were alive (without disease, n = 5; with disease, n = 6). Intriguingly, five of eight stage IB patients who received postoperative ACTwere alive without disease. / Conclusion: ULMS is rare but is associated with a poor prognosis, even if multidisciplinary therapies are administered. However, ACT appears to be effective in improving the prognosis of patients with stage IB disease

    Nonlinear Optics with Near-Infrared Excitation Enable Real-Time Quantitative Diagnosis of Human Cervical Cancers

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    Histopathologic analysis through biopsy has been one of the most useful methods for the assessment of malignant neoplasms. However, some aspects of the analysis such as invasiveness, evaluation range, and turnaround time from biopsy to report could be improved. Here, we report a novel method for visualizing human cervical tissue three-dimensionally, without biopsy, fixation, or staining, and with sufficient quality for histologic diagnosis. Near-infrared excitation and nonlinear optics were employed to visualize unstained human epithelial tissues of the cervix uteri by constructing images with third-harmonic generation (THG) and second-harmonic generation (SHG). THG images enabled evaluation of nuclear morphology in a quantitative manner with six parameters after image analysis using deep learning. It was also possible to quantitatively assess intraepithelial fibrotic changes based on SHG images and another deep learning analysis. Using each analytical procedure alone, normal and cancerous tissue were classified quantitatively with an AUC ≥0.92. Moreover, a combinatory analysis of THG and SHG images with a machine learning algorithm allowed accurate classification of three-dimensional image files of normal tissue, intraepithelial neoplasia, and invasive carcinoma with a weighted kappa coefficient of 0.86. Our method enables real-time noninvasive diagnosis of cervical lesions, thus constituting a potential tool to dramatically change early detection