14,800 research outputs found

    On geometry-dependent vortex stability and topological spin excitations on curved surfaces with cylindrical symmetry

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    We study the Heisenberg Model on cylindrically symmetric curved surfaces. Two kinds of excitations are considered. The first is given by the isotropic regime, yielding the sine-Gordon equation and π\pi-solitons are predicted. The second one is given by the XY model, leading to a vortex turning around the surface. Helical states are also considered, however, topological arguments can not be used to ensure its stability. The energy and the anisotropy parameter which stabilizes the vortex state are explicitly calculated for two surfaces: catenoid and hyperboloid. The results show that the anisotropy and the vortex energy depends on the underlying geometry.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett A (2013

    Plasmon polaritons in photonic superlattices containing a left-handed material

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    We analyze one-dimensional photonic superlattices which alternate layers of air and a left-handed material. We assume Drude-type dispersive responses for the dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the left-handed material. Maxwell's equations and the transfer-matrix technique are used to derive the dispersion relation for the propagation of obliquely incident optical fields. The photonic dispersion indicates that the growth-direction component of the electric (or magnetic) field leads to the propagation of electric (or magnetic) plasmon polaritons, for either TE or TM configurations. Furthermore, we show that if the plasma frequency is chosen within the photonic =0=0 zeroth-order bandgap, the coupling of light with plasmons weakens considerably. As light propagation is forbidden in that particular frequency region, the plasmon-polariton mode reduces to a pure plasmon mode.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Natural regeneration of trees in selectively logged forest in western Amazonia.

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    We evaluated the impacts of selective logging on tree regeneration one, four, and eight years after harvests in Antimary State Forest in the State of Acre, Brazil. We inventoried tree seedlings, saplings, and poles (>50 cm tall to <10 cm DBH) on secondary roads, log landing, and skid trails, as well as in the bole and crown zones of canopy gaps created by felling; for comparison we also sampled areas not affected directly by logging. We compared these habitats on the basis soil (physical) characteristics, canopy cover, and floristic composition. For areas one and four years after logging, we supplemented the ground-based information with aerial LiDAR data. By eight years post-logging the size class distributions of tree regeneration in all habitat types resembled those in unlogged areas, and densities were only lower in crown gaps. Eight years after logging, relative densities of pioneer trees were highest on secondary roads and log landings; no among habitat differences were observed in the relative densities of non-pioneer species at any time along the chronosequence. Tree species diversity (Fisher's alpha) converged on unlogged values on skid trails, bole gaps, and crown gaps at 8-years post-logging, but values remained lower on secondary roads and log landings. Canopy openness was greatest one year after logging, especially in log landings (mean 45.4 ± SE 4.5%) whereas four and eight years post-logging it did not exceed 10% and no differences were found among habitats. Soil bulk density was elevated relative to un-logged areas only on log landings one and four years after logging, and this difference disappeared by eight years postlogging. The total area disturbed by logging varied from 7.0% to 8.6% with nearly half of the totals in felling gaps (3.0-3.7%)

    Otimização de locos de microssatélites para diferentes espécies de Passiflora.

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    A variabilidade genética das inúmeras espécies do gênero Passiflora vem sendo caracterizada por meio de estudos fenotípicos e moleculares. Contudo, a caracterização molecular de passifloras, pode ser considerada incipiente, visto o grande número de espécies ainda não estudadas e o potencial inexplorado para essas espécies com marcadores moleculares (Cerqueira-Silva et al., 2008). Os marcadores do tipo microssatélites, também conhecidos como SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) são sequências de 1 a 6 pares de bases repetidas em tandem. Suas principais vantagens são a co-dominância, o multialelismo, a geração de alto nível de polimorfismo, alta reprodutividade, rapidez e simplicidade da técnica, baixo custo de utilização e grande poder de resolução (Oliveira et al., 2006). Entre as dificuldades está o alto custo no desenvolvimento dos iniciadores e na difícil análise de polimorfismos em géis de alta resolução. Assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivo otimizar a amplificação de iniciadores de SSR desenvolvidos para Passiflora edulis Sims., em outras espécies do gênero

    Transferibilidade de marcadores microssatélites em espécies de Passiflora.

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    Os marcadores do tipo microssatélites, também conhecidos como SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) ou SRT (Short Tandem Repeats) são unidades de 1 a 6 nucleotídeos repetidas em tandem. Apresentam um elevado conteúdo de informação de polimorfismo, sendo indicados para identificação e discriminação de genótipos. Como outras vantagens apresentam a co-dominância dos marcadores, alta reprodutividade, rapidez e simplicidade da técnica, baixo custo de utilização e grande poder de resolução (Oliveira et al., 2006). Dentre as dificuldades está o alto custo no desenvolvimento dos iniciadores específicos e na difícil análise de polimorfismos em géis de baixa resolução e com bandas inespecíficas (Faleiro, 2007). Na tentativa de facilitar sua utilização, favorecendo assim as pesquisas, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a transferibilidade de iniciadores da espécie Passiflora edulis Sims. (maracujá amarelo) para outras espécies de Passiflora.pdf 89