1,605 research outputs found

    Avaliação da eficiência de horticultores agroecológicos utilizando análise envoltória de dados.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as eficiências produtivas, de acordo com modelos de Análise Envoltória de Dados [(Data Envelopment Analysis) DEA], sob critérios agroecológicos, buscando a maior estabilidade e menor variabilidade sazonal, maior variedade/diversidade de itens produzidos e quantidade de itens disponibilizados para venda. O monitoramento e a avaliação das eficiências de lotes de agricultores pode auxiliar na gestão da agricultura familiar agroecológica. A metodologia DEA foi aplicada para medir a eficiência produtiva de dezessete lotes de agricultores familiares agroecológicos, localizados em uma faixa de dutos da Petrobras no Município de Nova Iguaçu-RJ, na baixada fluminense. Foram levantados dados primários listados em itens, quantidades e valor médio, referentes à produção disponibilizada para venda em feiras semanais distribuídas ao longo dos meses de janeiro a dezembro de 2009. Foi registrada uma relação conjunta de critérios agroecológicos, com foco econômico, social e ambiental. Pôde-se observar que sete lotes tiveram eficiência média composta acima do valor médio de 67,6%, variando de 71,3 a 86,6%

    Information literacy and evidence-based medicine

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    The academic research and those involving the clinical decisions making are presented on juxtaposed form in health-care providers' practice, demand improvements and specialization of new necessary abilities to the professionals of information. Starting from this premise, we decide to investigate in the literature the publications in the areas that dealt, at the same time, with the thematic ones: Evidence-Based Medicine and Information Literacy. The objective of this work was to concept Evidence-Based Medicine and Information Literacy through literature revision and to designate the confluence of these thematic ones in health care providers' practice. As a result of this analysis, it was verified that the professional of information needs to know the users, how the information is organized and how it presents itself, to get better search results, to reduce uncertainties and at the same time to provide to these researchers a bigger support for decision making. It was concluded that a demand for information needs directly that the professional of information applies the ability to take care appealing it to both qualification and knowledge to get to the suitable information, using the correct tools, answering the demand without leaving trustworthiness doubts. This professional, as a mediator, contributes very much for the practice of the Evidence-Based Medicine and the spreading of services and accesses to it as well as education and promotion.201738

    Restrictions and extensions of semibounded operators

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    We study restriction and extension theory for semibounded Hermitian operators in the Hardy space of analytic functions on the disk D. Starting with the operator zd/dz, we show that, for every choice of a closed subset F in T=bd(D) of measure zero, there is a densely defined Hermitian restriction of zd/dz corresponding to boundary functions vanishing on F. For every such restriction operator, we classify all its selfadjoint extension, and for each we present a complete spectral picture. We prove that different sets F with the same cardinality can lead to quite different boundary-value problems, inequivalent selfadjoint extension operators, and quite different spectral configurations. As a tool in our analysis, we prove that the von Neumann deficiency spaces, for a fixed set F, have a natural presentation as reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, with a Hurwitz zeta-function, restricted to FxF, as reproducing kernel.Comment: 63 pages, 11 figure

    Mucosal Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Background: Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is a parasite recognized as the most important etiologic agent of mucosal leishmaniasis (ML) in the New World. In Amazonia, seven different species of Leishmania, etiologic agents of human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, have been described. Isolated cases of ML have been described for several different species of Leishmania: L. (V.) panamensis, L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (L.) amazonensis. Methodology: Leishmania species were characterized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of tissues taken from mucosal biopsies of Amazonian patients who were diagnosed with ML and treated at the Tropical Medicine Foundation of Amazonas (FMTAM) in Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil. Samples were obtained retrospectively from the pathology laboratory and prospectively from patients attending the aforementioned tertiary care unit. Results: This study reports 46 cases of ML along with their geographical origin, 30 cases caused by L. (V.) braziliensis and 16 cases by L. (V.) guyanensis. This is the first record of ML cases in 16 different municipalities in the state of Amazonas and of simultaneous detection of both species in 4 municipalities of this state. It is also the first record of ML caused by L. (V.) guyanensis in the states of Para, Acre, and Rondonia and cases of ML caused by L. (V.) braziliensis in the state of Rondonia. Conclusions/Significance: L. (V.) braziliensis is the predominant species that causes ML in the Amazon region. However, contrary to previous studies, L. (V.) guyanensis is also a significant causative agent of ML within the region. The clinical and epidemiological expression of ML in the Manaus region is similar to the rest of the country, although the majority of ML cases are found south of the Amazon River.SUFRAMA[016/2004