15 research outputs found

    A comparative assessment of the methods of control of water hyacinth infestation with regards to fish production

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    Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) has been subject of three control methods since its arrival into the Nigerian freshwater lagoon system in 1984 - mechanical, chemical and biological. An assessment of these three methods seems to suggest that mechanical and chemical control methods, both of which being costly, must be applied either solely or integrated to combat the present level of considerable infestation in Nigeria. The biological control methods are advisable for slow, sustained control and can only cope with low levels of infestation. It is thus concluded that the preliminary control method should be mechanical or chemical to effectively abate the nuisance plant, followed by biological control once infestation levels have been sufficiently reduce

    A Cross-sectional Study of Female HIV Patient Perspective of Dyadic Adjustment in HIV Sero-concordant and Sero-discordant couples

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    Background: Dyadic Adjustment is defined as the process with which couples form a steady relationship. This study assessed dyadic adjustment in HIVcouples in Ogun State, Nigeria. Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out among 458 women accessing HIV care in tertiary hospitals in Ogun State, Nigeria. Participants were evaluated using the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale and analyzed using the Stata/SE 15.1 statistical Package. Chi-square and t-tests were used to determine the correlates of dyadic adjustment (Distress/Non-distress) while logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of distress. Results: Only 28.82% had relationship distress while the majority (71.18%) had no distress. There was a statistically significant association between marital status and the level of distress. Those who were currently married were less likely to have distress than those who were single or previously married. Conclusion: Those who were not married were more predisposed to distress. More support for these groups is therefore recommended. Keywords: Couple, Distress, Dyadic adjustment, HIV, Sero-concordant, Sero-discordan

    MARCADORES DE PATOGENICIDADE EM Yersinia enterocolitica O: 3 ISOLADAS DE SUÍNOS DO RIO DE JANEIRO Genetic markers of pathogenicity in Yersinia enterocolitica O: 3 isolated from healthy pigs from Rio de Janeiro

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    Foi realizada a caracterização genotĂ­pica e fenotĂ­pica de fatores de patogenicidade em 16 amostras de Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 isoladas de suĂ­nos sadios do Rio de Janeiro. Foi observado que apenas 6 cepas possuĂ­am o plasmĂ­dio de virulĂȘncia, pYV (+ 70 kb) e apresentavam dependĂȘncia ao cĂĄlcio no meio MOX a 37C. Um plasmĂ­dio crĂ­ptico de cerca de 8,6 kb foi encontrado em uma cepa. Doze cepas revelaram sensibilidade Ă  pesticina enquanto que apenas trĂȘs se revelaram capazes de hidrolisar a esculina. AtravĂ©s de PCR com "primers" especĂ­ficos, foi constatada a presença dos genes ail em 14 cepas, irp2, em 1 cepa e a ausĂȘncia de psaA em todas as cepas analisadas. Quanto aos quimioterĂĄpicos, a quase totalidade das cepas mostrou-se ao mesmo tempo resistente Ă  ampicilina e carbenicilina e sensĂ­vel ao sulfazotrin e Ă  cefoxitina. As respostas foram variadas frente ao cloranfenicol, tetraciclina, kanamicina, gentamicina e ĂĄcido nalidĂ­xo.<br>Sixteen Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3 strains, isolated from pigs from Rio de Janeiro, have been analyzed for genetic and phenotypic markers of pathogenicity. It was observed that only 6 strains harbored the pYV (+70 kb) plasmid and one strain harbored a small cryptic plasmid of about 8.6 kb. Accordingly only strains harboring pYV were calcium dependent in the MOX medium at 370C. Twelve strains showed pesticin sensitivity and the esculin reaction was negative in 13 strains. PCR analysis of pathogenicity genes using specific primers showed the presence of the ail gene in 14 strains, the irp2 gene in one and the psaA in none. Most of the strains were resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin, although they were susceptible to sulfazotrin and cefoxitin. For chloramphenicol, tetracycline, kanamycin, gentamicin and nalidixic acid the results varied among the strains