91 research outputs found

    Managing the production potential of enterprises in the conditions of the smart economy

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    Magnetic Transformations in the Organic Conductor kappa-(BETS)2Mn[N(CN)2]3 at the Metal-Insulator Transition

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    A complex study of magnetic properties including dc magnetization, 1H NMR and magnetic torque measurements has been performed for the organic conductor kappa-(BETS)2Mn[N(CN)2]3 which undergoes a metal-insulator transition at T_MI~25K. NMR and the magnetization data indicate a transition in the manganese subsystem from paramagnetic to a frozen state at T_MI, which is, however, not a simple Neel type order. Further, a magnetic field induced transition resembling a spin flop has been detected in the torque measurements at temperatures below T_MI. This transition is most likely related to the spins of pi-electrons localized on the organic molecules BETS and coupled with the manganese 3d spins via exchange interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Figures, 1 Table; Submitted to Phys.Rev.B (Nov.2010


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    It has been shown that the influence of hormonal and non-hormonal therapy of menopausal syndrome upon immune profile may be variable, and the results of appropriate studies may be often contradictory. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of hormonal and non-hormonal therapy in menopausal syndrome upon serum levels of some immunoregulatory proteins, i.e., alpha2-macroglobulin (a2-MG), pregnancy-associated alpha 2-glycoprotein (PAG), contents of some related cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNFα, IFNγ, IL-2) as well as VEGF amounts. Administration of menopausal hormone treatment and nonhormonal therapy was associated with reduced IL-6 levels in serum, regardless of treatment duration, or type of drug applied. We have found a statistically significant decrease of IL-8 serum levels in the course of dynamic monitoring in the women taking a menopausal hormone preparation containing 1 mg of 17β-estradiol and 5 mg dydrogesterone, and a non-hormonal drug containing genistein (60 mg) for 3-6 months. The levels of VEGF demonstrated high individual variability during therapy of menopausal syndrome. Serum concentrations of immunoregulatory a2-MG were stable in climacteric syndrome, and did not differ from normal values. However, the content of PAG, a known immunosuppressive protein, was increased 3-4 times in serum of 33-50% of the women receiving menopausal hormonal therapy, regardless of progestogen dose (5 or 10 mg dydrogesterone), and duration of its use. These findings suggest a need for individualized drug selection in order to minimize a risk of immunodeficiency conditions in the patients receiving hormone therapy of menopausal syndrome

    Animal cognition (reasoning) in the light of genetic ideas

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    The historical overview is presented of genetic experiments in L.V. Krushinsky’s laboratory in Moscow State University. L.V. Krushinsky stated the three-component concept of animal behavior. He claimed that animal behavior has not only innate species specific behavior and the learning ability, but should be supplemented by another mental category, reasoning the ability for elementary logic operarions. Being rather lonesome at the beginning, Krushinsky got the spiritual support from D.K. Belyaev and B.L. Astaurov. The attempt to study the genetic bases of reasoning ability was performed in Krushinsky’s lab using the trait “extrapolation problem solving”, which meant the ability of an unexperienced naïve animal to find the food bait when it moved aside and disappeared from (not “in”) the view. The selection for high scores of this trait in the hybrid rat population (Norway rat × laboratory strain cross) was started. Initially the hybrid rats solved this problem in the statistically significant proportions, while the animals from further selection generations demonstrated the dramatic increase of anxiety (in spite of extensive handling of these animals), which made further experiments impossible. Much later another selection experiment started in which mice of a genetically heterogeneous population were selected for high scores of extrapolation problem and concomitantly for the lack-ofanxiety signs during the testing procedure. This selection for a cognitive trait produced some positive results, although the direct response to selection was very weak. The data obtained show the intricate connection between the mouse ability to solve the problem and the processes of anxiety, which in turn looks as non-uniform by its nature and mechanisms. The data from experiments performed in classical genetics should be combined with the new knowledge concerning the role of single genes determining animal behavior

    Euxinia as a dominant process during OAE1a (Early Aptian) on the Eastern Russian Platform and during OAE1b (Early Albian) in the Middle Caspian

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    © 2016, Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.A detailed study of the mineral composition and microstructure of the black shales associated with OAE1a (Eastern Russian Platform), OAE1b (Middle Caspian), and the host rocks has been carried out using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopic, and microprobe analyses. The results provide important constraints for depositional environments in the sedimentary basins. Black shales with pyrite framboids imply euxinic (sulfidic) conditions with increased organic matter preservation. Disintegrating framboids suggest partial or complete dissolution of the organic matter inside the framboids due to increasing water oxygenation. OAE1a on the Eastern Russian Platform is heterogeneous as it includes thin interbeds of concretionary coccolith limestones within the interval of bituminous shales, and correlates with the Lower Aptian Rhagodiscus angustus nannofossil zone. The coccolith limestones indicate short intermittent episodes of interrupted stagnation, rapid oxygenation, and restoration of normal marine conditions. The presence of montmorillonite, albite, microcline, and diopside in the bituminous siltstones and in the host siltstones of OAE1a on the Eastern Russian Platform, as well as a high content of titanium in the black siltstones correlated with OAE1b in the Middle Caspian allow proposing significant input of pyroclastic material into the extant sea

    Multicultural education of multi-ethnic students at the foreign language class

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    © 2016 Zorina et al.The relevance of the problems stated in the article is determined by the fact that with the expansion of relations between the nations all over the world, the problems caused by misunderstanding, religion differences, and lack of cultural tolerance, have become more vital than ever. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying the conditions of teaching university students to live and communicate successfully in the multicultural world. The authors of the article consider an elective course ‘A Multicultural Planet’, aimed at teaching students to be tolerant towards people belonging to different cultural and religious groups, is an important part of the process of foreign language learning. The article presents theoretical ideas of multicultural education; aims and tasks of the elective course, approaches and principles it is based on; the results of the study conducted among the university students. The materials of the article are intended for university foreign language teachers

    New palynological data for Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) deep-marine sandstones of the Western Caucasus, southwestern Russia

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    Information on Jurassic palynomorphs from the Greater Caucasus is potentially of great importance, but its availability to the international research community is severely limited. New palynological data for Toarcian deposits of the Western Caucasus are recorded in the present paper. Particularly, dinoflagellate cysts are described for the first time from the Bagovskaja Formation; palynomorphs are found in sandstone levels within this unit. The most representative assemblage includes pollen (with predominant bisaccate pollen), spores (Cyathidites being commonest), and dinoflagellate cysts amongst which the predominant taxon is Nannoceratopsis spiculata. The dinocyst assemblage implies a late Toarcian age for the upper part of the Bagovskaja Formation. On the basis of these new palynostratigraphical results, the range of the formation is extended; previously, only the lower part had been dated on ammonite evidence

    Periodontal pocket microbiocenosis and periodontal inflammatory diseases

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    Oral bacterial communities includes several microbiocenoses. Saliva, periodontal pocket and tunica mucosa of mouth is a habitat of a set of more that 700 different species of microorganisms. Some of them can cause periodontitis or gingivitis. Periodontitis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of tooth-supporting tissues caused by multibacterial infection. It has been shown that periodontitis patients carry higher number of disease-associated bacteria than healthy ones. The goal of the current review is to summarize knowledge about influence of periodontal pocket microbiocenosis composition on inflammatory diseases of tooth-supporting tissues.Полость рта представляет собой комплексную зкологическую систему. В таких биотопах как слюна, десневая жидкость, пародонтальный карман и биопленки обнаружено свыше 700 различных видов микроорганизмов. Нарушение соотношения нормальной и условно-патогенной флоры приводит к развитию дисбактериозов. Одним из проявлений такого дисбаланса является широко распространенное заболевание - пародонтит. В обзоре рассмотрены ключевые аспекты влияния состава микробного биоценоза пародонтального кармана на развитие воспалительных заболеваний пародонта

    New palynological data for Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) deep-marine sandstones of the Western Caucasus, southwestern Russia

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    © 2018 Anna A. Goryacheva et al., published by Sciendo 2018. Information on Jurassic palynomorphs from the Greater Caucasus is potentially of great importance, but its availability to the international research community is severely limited. New palynological data for Toarcian deposits of the Western Caucasus are recorded in the present paper. Particularly, dinoflagellate cysts are described for the first time from the Bagovskaja Formation; palynomorphs are found in sandstone levels within this unit. The most representative assemblage includes pollen (with predominant bisaccate pollen), spores (Cyathidites being commonest), and dinoflagellate cysts amongst which the predominant taxon is Nannoceratopsis spiculata. The dinocyst assemblage implies a late Toarcian age for the upper part of the Bagovskaja Formation. On the basis of these new palynostratigraphical results, the range of the formation is extended; previously, only the lower part had been dated on ammonite evidence

    Paleogeography as geological heritage: Developing geosite classification

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. Geological heritage sites (geosites) are sites that contain information about the state and the dynamics of the Earth. Paleogeographical (paleoenvironmental) geosites preserve paleoenvironments, paleoecosystems, and other relevant phenomena. However, the value of these sites can only be fully understood through professional interpretation of the observed features. Description of paleogeographical geosites in terms of the paleospace and the geologic time they encompass is challenging, partially because of many uncertainties in the interpretations of a given geosite and in the paleogeographical, paleobiogeographical, and stratigraphical nomenclature. These geosites can be classified on the basis of facies, paleoecosystems, ichnological value, taphonomic patterns, major events and catastrophes, and geoarcheological potential that they exhibit. Some geosites comprise several subtypes, and some are especially important for construction of paleogeographical maps. Moreover, the paleogeographical geosite type always associates with other types of geosites (20 in total). These combinations form complex geosites that contribute to geodiversity. If information about the Earth's past is especially valuable for a given complex geosite, then the paleogeographical type is dominant