12 research outputs found

    The use of big data in interdisciplinary research on example of the Greater Mediterranean macroregion

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    Big data collection and analysis technologies are being intensively introduced into the social, economic and political spheres in countries and macroregions, including the Mediterranean region. This fact actualises the prospects of interdisciplinary research at the intersection of sociology, political science and regional studies. The article examines the benefits and risks of using these technologies in listed areas, taking Spain and the Middle East as examples. Among the main problems and threats, the authors consider the following: personal data confidentiality breach, and increased data manipulation for political purposes, the emergence of illegitimate forms of citizens self-organisation, the transition of Internet users to anonymous accounts due to the practice of “privatization” of personal data by non-state and terrorist groups in regional spaces, preventing the qualitative collection of data. The need to solve these problems at the international level was noted. The range of possibilities offered by working with big data to provide pragmatic and effective socio-political forecasting and operational regional studies is shown


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    The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of immunomodulation therapy on factors of nonspecific immunity in children with bronchial asthma (BA) by including interferon (cycloferon) in a standard therapy. 120 children with BA aged from 5 to 14 were examined. The main group (n = 60) included children who, in addition to basic therapy, received an interferon inducer (cycloferon) according to the generally accepted scheme. In comparison group were children who received only basic therapy (n = 60), depending on the severity of the disease. In control group were 25 healthy children. The level of serum interferon, virus-induced interferon production (VII), mitogen-stimulated production of interferon (MSI), phagocytic activity of neutrophils, as well as spontaneous and induced activity were determined. The arithmetic mean (M) and the absolute value error (m) were statistically calculated. The reliability of the differences was determined by the t-test of the Student (p < 0,05). The analysis of the indices of interferon status and phagocytic activity, depending on the type of therapeutic tactics, showed that as a result of the inclusion of cycloferon in the baseline, there was a significant increase in the levels of VII (p < 0,05) and MSI (p < 0,05 ), spontaneous and induced neutrophil activity. It was noted that this positive effect was more noticeable in moderate and severe BA (p < 0,05). Activation of factors of nonspecific protection contributed to a decrease in the frequency of exacerbations of BA in children, as well as a longer-term clinical remission in this contingent of children

    Social Portrait of a Modern Student

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    Introduction. Sociological studies of the social portrait of students are an urgent problem of science, which has recently acquired special significance in Russian conditions. This is due to those circumstances, which, on the one hand, follow from the special characteristics of students as a specific social group, for which the problems of successful socialization are especially relevant, and on the other, they are dictated by the significant dependence of students on those factors that are formed in the political, economic and the legal space of different regions. In conditions of social transformations and turbulence, almost always young students find themselves in a more difficult situation than older generations. In particular, a number of problems arise on the basis of the divergences and nuances of the social perception of reality, which are formed among students who, to varying degrees, are adapted to the local conditions of the university.Methodology and sources. The theoretical foundation of the study is the concept of youth as a cultural group, the methodology of sociological research of risk and social uncertainty, the works of foreign and national researchers of student youth, which reflect various aspects of students' social life, in particular, the results of a study of the effects of social factors in the information space, new phenomena of youth subcultures, etc., which involve the development of new strategies for a sociological study of the social portrait of young students.Results and discussion. Particular problems of students' socialization arise in those regions of the country where new legal and political realities are forming. Compared with other social groups, in such social spaces, it is more difficult for young people to integrate and join in a new reality, because the usual mechanisms of socialization, formed earlier, are not actual now, and how to achieve full potential in the new social space is not yet clear to everyone. In particular, such contradictions are clearly visible in the Crimean realities, in the university community of Sevastopol. The purpose of the sociological research conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research of Sevastopol State University was to study the characteristics of the social portrait of student youth in Sevastopol, including those representing various groups of students according the period of their residence on the peninsula. For this purpose, two groups of young people were distinguished in the analysis, differing by the period of their residence in Sevastopol: an “indigenous” one – those who live in Sevastopol from birth or moved here at an early age, and a “new” one – those who moved to Sevastopol after 2014. The results of the study made it possible to determine the strategic life goals of university students, which can be described as ambitious: starting a business, acquiring a car and housing, providing material wealth, pursuing career success and self-realization.Conclusion. Most of the “indigenous” youth and “new” residents of the southern capital of Russia have shown their attitude to Sevastopol as a city that they want to develop together. This fact was assessed as a phenomenon of social gratitude: the young generation, who found in Sevastopol the opportunity to live peacefully and fulfill itself, binds itself to the city, but wants to make it better. The study also confirms the relevance of highlighting among students social and demographic groups that differ in the perception of social reality, due to the time spent in this social environment. In particular, this is noted in a higher degree of readiness of “old-timers” for practical participation in changes in social reality – participation in public life, volunteering, etc


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    The study of the image of Russia in the minds of the youth of the Crimea and Sevastopol is extremely relevant in connection with the integration processes taking place on the peninsula. This issue becomes particularly relevant, since the existing image of Russia among young Crimean and Sevastopol people was formed in various social environments. The article presents some results of monitoring sociological research, which demonstrate the process of forming the image of Russia among the Crimean youth, and also describes the factors that influence this process. In particular, the impact of the understanding of the geopolitical status of the modern Russian state, the economic problems in the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance of Sevastopol, the level of political tension on the peninsula, the general socio-cultural background in which the young man lives are determined by the Crimean youth


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    The article reveals the main methodological principles of the analysis of the multifunctional nature of modern rural families in the changing Russian society. The importance of concrete historical approach, taking into account regional peculiarities of living of rural families, consideration of the functions of the family as a social institution and as a small social group, the need to distinguish between functions of rural and urban family are shown. New social challenges that affect the appearance of actual approaches to the study of family functions are presented. The polyfunctionality of the rural family is considered as a necessity to realize the challenges of the external environment and meet the needs of family members

    Social Well-being of the Megalopolis Population as an Integral Indicator

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    Introduction. The basic theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the social well-being of the population of megacities as an integral indicator, as well as current trends in the development of new diagnostic methods are considered. The experience of empirical sociological research is presented, showing methodological algorithms for system fixation and processing of the main indicators-indicators.Methodology and sources. The analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations for diagnosing the social well-being of residents of a metropolis as an integral indicator is carried out on the basis of a set of scientific approaches. They combine the characteristics of objective and subjective indicators in a single research procedure that ensure the integrity of the external and internal characteristics of the object of study.Results and discussion. From the methodological point of view, the diagnosis of social well-being is built as a system analysis of three groups of data. Firstly, the protection of residents of St. Petersburg from social dangers and threats can be measured on the basis of indicators such as environmental threats; harassment due to gender and age; arbitrariness of officials; infringement due to nationality and religious beliefs; arbitrariness of officials; political persecution; poverty; loneliness; crime. Secondly, satisfaction with life is diagnosed by referring to such parameters as attitude to the region of residence; satisfaction with life in general. Thirdly, the degree of social optimism is revealed on the basis of appeal to such parameters as confidence in the future; comparison of the present and past lifestyle; future life forecast.Conclusion. This paper captures an important point in methodological and methodological unity in approaches. In the research methodology, the integral nature of social well-being involves an appeal to theoretical and conceptual principles that are aimed at exploring such unity. Further, the same trend is continued in integrated methods for the integrated diagnosis of social well-being


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    The results of the analysis of the developed method of adhesive peritoneal disease prevention are presented. The method is based on the performance of laparoscopic sympatholitic intestinal block, while performing adhesive disease surgery. The progress of the adhesive disease process in this case is prevented by the early restoration of the gastro-intestinal function, which has a positive effect on the postoperative course. Moreover, early mobilization is prompted by the adequate level of analgesia.Приведен анализ результатов использования разработанного способа предупреждения спаечной болезни брюшины. Метод основан на выполнении лапароскопической кишечной симпатолитической блокады во время вмешательств по поводу спаечной болезни. Прогрессирование спаечного процесса в послеоперационном периоде предупреждается путем раннего восстановления функции желудочно-кишечного тракта, что имеет положительный эффект на течение послеоперационного периода. Кроме того, ранней мобилизации больных способствует высокий уровень обезболивания.Наведено аналіз результатів використання розробленого способу запобігання спайкової хвороби очеревини. Метод базується на виконанні лапароскопічної кишкової симпатолітичної блокади під час втручань стосовно спайкової хвороби. Прогресування спайкового процесу у післяопераційному періоді запобігається шляхом раннього відновлення функції шлунково-кишкового тракту, що має позитивний ефект на перебіг післяопераційного періоду. Крім того, ранній мобілізації хворих сприяє високий рівень знеболення

    Training of Students of Non-Linguistic Universities of Organization of English-Speaking Presentation of Scientific Researches

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    У статті розглянуто основні підходи до навчання студентів немовних вищих навчальних закладів уміння презентувати результати своїх наукових досліджень англійською мовою; подано структуру англомовної наукової доповіді, яка відповідає міжнародним вимогам; надано практичні рекомендації до підготовки доповіді англійською мовою для виступів на наукових конференціях, семінарах тощо.The main theme under consideration in the article is to address the issue of problems in teaching students to present the results gathered from their scientific researches in English. The latest approaches to forming students speaking skills and the structure of a scientific report are in the focus of attention. Practical recommendations for the preparation of the scientific report deserve special mention