36 research outputs found
Experimental studies of energy characteristics of mixer with deformable camera
Currently the development of new machine designs and methods of their engineering calculation is one of the most priority areas of construction industry. It allows one to carry out research at the stage of theoretical calculations in order to predict the expected result. One of the promising constructive solutions for economic profitability increase of mixing equipment is the use of deformable working chamber
The mantle paleogeotherm under the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe (Kuoika field, Siberian craton) was reconstructed using the chemical composition of clinopyroxene xenocrystals and the FITPLOT program. The lithosphere thickness 187–193 km and surface heat flow 41–42 mW/m2 were measured for the Obnazhennaya pipe at the time of kimberlite magmatism in the Mesozoic. The lithosphere thickness was found to be much smaller than that in the central part of the Siberian craton (210–230 km), where Paleozoic diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes-deposits are located. It is however comparable to the highly diamond-bearing Kimberley field in the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa). The absence of diamonds in the pipes of the Kuoika field, but poor diamondiferous Dyanga pipe, might be associated with the more intense metasomatic alteration of the rocks within the lithospheric mantle of this region in the Mesozoic time, as compared to the central part of the Siberian craton in the Middle Paleozoic time
Influence of novel GPR119 agonist in combination with metformin and sitagliptin on glycemia, body weight and food intake in rats fed a high-fat diet
BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome and obesity are often precursors of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), and current recommendations indicate the advisability of early initiation of drug therapy at the stage of prediabetes. Drugs with incretin activity are one of the priority groups for monotherapy of type 2 diabetes in the onset of the disease, and certain drugs are used to treat obesity. GPR119 agonists increase the secretion of endogenous incretins, and their effectiveness in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity in mono- and combination therapy is currently being actively studied. AIM. To evaluate of the effect of administration of a GPR119 receptor agonist, its combination with metformin or sitagliptin on body weight, food intake and glycemia in rats under a high-calorie diet. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on 56 outbred female rats aged 7–8 months and an initial weight of 305–320 g. Compound ZB-16 is a highly active GPR119 receptor agonist (EC50 = 7 nM). For 12 weeks, the animals were kept on a high-fat and carbohydrate diet and at the same time received the compound ZB-16, metformin and sitagliptin, or its combination (ZB-16 + metformin and ZB-16 + sitagliptin). During the experiment, the weight of the animals, the mass of feed eaten, as well as the level of glycemia after 6 hours of fasting and with an oral glucose load were assessed. RESULTS: In animals of the control group that were on a high-calorie and fatty diet for 12 weeks, an increase in body weight, glycemia and a decrease in the rate of glucose utilization were observed. The introduction of the GPR119 agonist (ZB-16) for 12 weeks led to a significant reduction in the amount of food consumed, limited weight gain and prevented the development of carbohydrate metabolism disorders. The addition of sitagliptin and especially metformin to therapy with the GPR119 agonist significantly increased the effectiveness of therapy compared to the control group, which was expressed in the normalization of animal body weight and glycemia (p <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of a combination of the GPR119 agonist (compound ZB-16) with metformin and sitagliptin is more effective than monotherapy in terms of weight gain, food intake, and also prevents the development of carbohydrate metabolism disorders in animals when kept on a high-fat and carbohydrate diet
Functional brain MRI in the setting of drug correction of obesity
AIMS. Study of the dynamics of brain activity using functional MRI (fMRI) in obese patients treated with sibutramine (Reduxine®).MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study enrolled patients with a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2 . All participants underwent initial brain fMRI mapping. The obesity cohort was treated with sibutramine at a dose of 10 or 15 mg per day for 3 months. After treatment patients with obesity underwent a second fMRI mapping to assess changes against the initial mapping.RESULTS. The study included: 30 patients (86,7% women) with mean age of 31 [27.25; 36] years, mean body weight (BW) - 106 [95.75; 121.75] kg, mean BMI 37.4 [33.55; 41.9] kg/m2 , mean waist circumference (WC) - 109 [100; 114.75] cm. The most marked activation volume (via fMRI) was observed in patients with obesity (before treatment) in the visual cortex (occipital lobes). After 3 months of treatment with sibutramine, 80% of patients lose ≥5% of BW. Mean BW decrease was -7.2 [-13.46; -5.37] kg, BMI decrease — -7.2 [-13.49; -5.34] кг/м2 , WC decrease — -6.9 [-11.88; -4.03] см, p <0,05. According to fMRI data, a decrease in brain activation in the projection of the occipital lobes (35%), left insula (44%), and increase inactivation by 70% in the area of the left DMPF.CONCLUSION. A dynamic study of brain activity using fMRI in obese patients showed that during treatment with sibutramine, a decrease in body weight is accompanied by a decrease in activation in the projection of the occipital lobes and the left insular lobe of the brain, and an increase in activation in the area of the left DMPFC. These data may indicate a decrease in the emotional perception of high-calorie food, a decrease in motivation to eat it, and an increase in cognitive control. In general, the noted dynamics of the functional activity of the brain in obese patients against the background of obesity therapy can be regarded as a change in previously formed patterns of eating behavior
Влияние гуминовых веществ угля и биокомпозиций с наночастицами серебра на их основе на баланс аргинина в перитонеальных макрофагах интактных мышей
Background. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs), especially macrophages, play an important role in the body defense against various pathogens. Their dysfunction and polarization are associated with most inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The inflammatory process is regulated by activation and / or inhibition of genes differentially expressed by macrophages. Successful correction of inflammation leads firstly to elimination of inflammatory stimuli and then to remodeling and restoration of tissues and organs. It was experimentally confirmed that silvercontaining bionanocomposites based on natural humic substances (HS) obtained from coal of different origin, as well as initial matrices of these HS, are capable of activating pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of macrophages.Aim. To study cytotoxic, pyrogenic, and immunomodulatory properties (arginine balance) of initial HS samples and samples of silver nanoparticles ultradispersed in these HS matrices (HS-AgNPs) in the cell culture of peritoneal macrophages, as well as their effect on pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of APCs.Materials and methods. Cultural and biochemical methods were used in the study.Results. The study showed that the samples CHE-K, CHE-AgNPs, CHS-K, and CHP-K increased M1 macrophage polarization due to stimulation of the NO-synthase activity and inhibition of arginase. The samples CHI-K, CHIAgNPs, CHP-AgNPs, and CHS-AgNPs modulated an alternative M2 or M2-like state of macrophage activation. At the same time, HS are not cytotoxic at effective concentrations, and three out of four studied samples did not contain pyrogenic impurities.Conclusion. The use of HS and their silver-containing bionanocomposites, which have the ability to greatly affect the polarization of antigen-presenting cells, is a promising research area in correction of the inflammatory response for solving an important social and medical problem of treating chronic wounds. Введение. Антигенпрезентирующие клетки, особенно макрофаги, играют важную роль в защите организма от различных патогенов, их дисфункции, и поляризация связана с большинством воспалительных и аутоиммунных заболеваний. Воспалительный процесс жестко регулируется активацией и (или) ингибированием дифференциально экспрессируемых макрофагами генов. Успешная коррекция воспалительного процесса приводит к устранению воспалительных стимулов и далее ремоделированию и восстановлению тканей и органов. Экспериментально доказано, что биокомпозиции с наночастицами серебра на основе природных гуминовых веществ (ГВ) угля различного генеза, а также исходные матрицы данных ГВ способны активировать про- и противовоспалительные свойства макрофагов.Цель. Исследование в культуре клеток перитонеальных макрофагов цитотоксических, пирогенных и иммуномодулирующих свойств (баланс аргинина) исходных образцов ГВ и образцов наночастиц серебра, ультрадиспергированных в данных матрицах гуминовых веществ (ГВ-AgNPs),а также их влияния на про- и противовоспалительные свойства антигенпрезентирующих клеток. Материалы и методы. Использовались культуральные и биохимические методы.Результаты. Показано, что образцы CHE-K, CHE-AgNPs, CHS-K, CHP-K за счет усиления активности NOсинтазы и ингибиции аргиназы способствуют поляризации перитонеальных макрофагов по классическому типу (М1). Образцы CHI-K, CHI-AgNPs, CHP-AgNPs и CHS-AgNPs модулируют альтернативный М2 или M2-подобный тип (M2-like state) активации макрофагов. При этом ГВ не цитотоксичны в эффективных концентрациях, а также три из четырех исследуемых образцов не содержат пирогенных примесей.Заключение. Применение ГВ и серебросодержащих бионанокомпозиций на основе ГВ, обладающих способностью широко влиять на поляризацию антигенпрезентирующих клеток, является перспективным направлением исследований коррекции воспалительной реакции и, в частности, для решения острой социальной и медицинской проблемы – лечения хронических ран.
The mantle paleogeotherm under the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe (Kuoika field, Siberian craton) was reconstructed using the chemical composition of clinopyroxene xenocrystals and the FITPLOT program. The lithosphere thickness 187–193 km and surface heat flow 41–42 mW/m2 were measured for the Obnazhennaya pipe at the time of kimberlite magmatism in the Mesozoic. The lithosphere thickness was found to be much smaller than that in the central part of the Siberian craton (210–230 km), where Paleozoic diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes-deposits are located. It is however comparable to the highly diamond-bearing Kimberley field in the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa). The absence of diamonds in the pipes of the Kuoika field, but poor diamondiferous Dyanga pipe, might be associated with the more intense metasomatic alteration of the rocks within the lithospheric mantle of this region in the Mesozoic time, as compared to the central part of the Siberian craton in the Middle Paleozoic time.На основе химического состава ксенокристаллов клинопироксена и с использованием программного пакета FITPLOT была реконструирована мантийная палеогеотерма под кимберлитовой трубкой Обнаженной (Куойкское поле, Сибирский кратон). Значения мощности литосферы и поверхностного теплового потока для трубки Обнаженной на момент кимберлитового магматизма (мезозой) составили 187–193 км и 41–42 мВт/м2. Полученное значение мощности литосферы значительно меньше, чем в центральной части Сибирского кратона, где располагаются алмазоносные кимберлитовые трубки-месторождения среднепалеозойского возраста (210–230 км), однако оно сопоставимо с таковым в районе высокоалмазоносного поля Кимберли (Каапвальский кратон, Южная Африка). Отсутствие алмазов в трубках Куойкского поля, за исключением убогоалмазоносной трубки Дьянга, может быть связано с интенсивным метасоматическим преобразованием пород литосферной мантии данного региона в мезозое по сравнению с центральной частью Сибирского кратона в среднем палеозое
Effect of liraglutide 3.0 mg on eating behavior in patients with obesity
Introduction. One of the objectives of weight loss in obesity is to prevent metabolic disorders associated with it. An important component in the maintenance of the achieved results is a change of eating behavior.Goal: to study the effect of liraglutide 3.0 mg on the dynamics of metabolic parameters and eating behavior in patients with obesity. Materials and methods. The study enrolled 42 obese patients in whom anthropometric parameters, metabolic parameters, and eating behavior were assessed with Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ). Patients were divided into 2 groups, one of which received liraglutide 3.0 mg with lifestyle modification for 3 months. The other group was recommended to receive only lifestyle modification. The participants were re-examined after 3 months.Results and discussion. in the liraglutide group in addition to a significant decrease in body weight, BMI and waist circumference, there was a statistical trend toward lower glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR levels. When comparing the dynamics of parameters between the groups, Д body weight, BMI and glucose in the liraglutide group were significantly superior. In reassessment of eating behavior after 3 months of treatment, no statistically significant differences were found with the initial severity of restrictive, emotional, and/or external types in both groups and, despite a more pronounced decrease in body weight in the liraglutide group, between them.Conclusions: Three months of isolated lifestyle modification and/or its combination with liraglutide 3.0 mg is not sufficient to make a lasting change in eating behavior. However, considering that obesity is a chronic and relapsing disease, the need for eating behavior correction remains relevant to prevent disease recurrence. This substantiates the need for more long-term intervention in obesity, including drug therapy
This article provides our own clinical observation of the patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN2B) associated with a germinal mutation in the RET proto-oncogene. Although there are highly informative laboratory methods available, in clinical practice MEN2B syndrome is often diagnosed lately, which results in decrease in patients’ life expectancy and quality
Obesity is a chronic disease associated with cardiometabolic risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. In 2016, in Russia a new drug was registered for the treatment of patients with adiposity - liraglutide 3.0 mg, which is an analog of human glucagonoma peptide-1. The study purpose: to study the efficacy of liraglutide 3.0 mg/day and its impact on cardiometabolic risk factors in patients with obesity. We examined 30 patients aged 25-59 with obesity without diabetes. Patients received therapy with liraglutide 3.0 mg/day for 3 months. The examination included measurement of anthropometric parameters, blood sampling with the estimation of the parameters of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.Results: after 3 months of treatment with liraglutide 3.0 mg a significant improvement of anthropometric parameters was observed: reduction of weight, BMI and waist circumference and a significant improvement in parameters of metabolic comorbidities.Conclusions: complex therapy with use of liraglutide 3.0 mg per day for 3 months is effective for therapy of obesity and correction of obesity-associated cardiometabolic disturbances
The place of central-acting drugs in the algorithms of treatment of primary obesity
Pharmacotherapy is an essential component of obesity treatment, as well as efforts focused on changing the lifestyle, correcting the food consumption and increasing the physical activity. The administration of central-acting drugs as pharmacotherapy of obesity is pathogenetically justified and allows improving the effectiveness of treatment. In this article, the use of sibutramine, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, is considered in various aspects of endocrinologist’s practice. In addition to aforesaid there is an application of a specific clinical observation