101 research outputs found

    Molecular CP-violating magnetic moment

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    A concept of CP-violating (T,P-odd) permanent molecular magnetic moments μCP\mu^{CP} is introduced. We relate the moments to the electric dipole moment of electron (eEDM) and estimate μCP\mu^{CP} for several diamagnetic polar molecules. The moments exhibit a steep, Z^5, scaling with the nuclear charge Z of the heavier molecular constituent. A measurement of the CP-violating magnetization of a polarized sample of heavy molecules may improve the present limit on eEDM by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, submitted to PR


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    The aim of the work. To develop the composition and technology of gamma-aminobutyric acid with thiotriazoline tablets. Materials and Methods. We used gamma-aminobutyric acid (Sigma-Aldrich, USA); thiotriazoline (State Enterprise “Chemical Reagents Plant” of the Scientific and Technological Complex of the Institute of Single Crystals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), excipients of domestic and foreign production. GABA with thiotriazoline tablets were prepared by wet granulation. We compressed the tablets using a laboratory tablet press 6000S (Belarus) with a punch diameter of 10 mm and controlled their pharmaco-technological properties. Results and Discussions. A third-order Latin square was used to study the three factors. The influence of the nature of excipients on the tablets appearance, the uniformity of mass, the friability, disintegration time and resistance to crushing were studied. Based on the results of experimental studies, the analysis of variance of experimental data was carried out and conclusions were made about the influence of the studied factors on the quality indicators of GABA with thiotriazoline tablets. Conclusions. Result of the study, the influence of three excipient factors on the appearance, the uniformity of mass, the friability, disintegration time and resistance to crushing of tablets was studied. Analysis of variance of the results allowed to choose the better excipients (MCC 301, 3 % solution of MC 100, magnesium stearate), which provide the pharmacopoeial pharmaco-technological requirements for tablet dosage forms.Мета роботи. Розробка складу та технології таблеток гамма-аміномасляної кислоти з тіотриазоліном. Матеріали і методи. В роботі використовували гамма-аміномасляну кислоту (Sigma-Aldrich, США); тіотриазолін (Державне підприємство «Завод хімічних реактивів» Науково-технологічного комплексу «Інститут монокристалів» НАН України), допоміжні речовини вітчизняного і закордонного виробництва. Таблетки ГАМК з тіотриазоліном готували методом вологої грануляції. Пресували таблетки за допомогою лабораторного таблеткового пресу 6000S (Білорусь) з діаметром пуансонів 10 мм та контролювали їх фармако-технологічні властивості. Результати й обговорення. Для вивчення трьох факторів використовували латинський квадрат третього порядку. Вивчали вплив природи допоміжних речовин на зовнішній вигляд таблеток, однорідність маси, стираність, розпадання та стійкість до роздавлювання. За результатами експериментальних досліджень проводили дисперсійний аналіз експериментальних даних та робили висновки про вплив вивчених факторів на показники якості таблеток ГАМК з тіотриазоліном. Висновки. За результатами проведених досліджень вивчили вплив трьох факторів допоміжних речовин на зовнішній вигляд, однорідність маси, стираність, стійкість до роздавлювання та розпадання таблеток. Дисперсійний аналіз результатів дозволив вибрати кращі ДР (МКЦ 301, 3 % розчин МЦ 100, магнію стеарат), які забезпечують фармакопейні фармако-технологічні вимоги, що висуваються до таблетованих лікарських форм

    Biological Peculiarities of Landscape Design in Cottage Gardens of the Right-Bank Part of Zaporizhzhya

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    The choice of architectural planning, selection of plants, small architectural forms, materials, decor and other elements of landscaping has a certain dependence on the region. Therefore, identifying certain features of the design of gardens in a particular region can be useful for landscape designers who work on that location. The article is devoted to the analysis of design solutions of 5 cottage gardens on the right bank of Zaporozhye. The study was conducted using the method of comparative analysis of master plans for landscaping and landscaping of selected cottages. It is established that all surveyed areas have a flat relief, which eliminates the need for vertical planning. Regularity prevails in the architectural planning of gardens. The planning of the surveyed estates has two directions namely, decorative and decorative-utilitarian. Features of the decorative direction are the variety of ornamental vegetation, the presence of ponds, exquisite flower beds, the use of various garden equipment and decor. For gardens of decorative and utilitarian orientation is characterized by the presence of farm buildings, gardens, fruit and berry plantations, which are formed taking into account the decorative and nutritional qualities. The common features of all surveyed cottage gardens can be considered the emphasized design style, restraint and conciseness in planning and economy due to the successful selection of unpretentious plants and equipment. Landscape designers of the region can be asked at the first stage of planning to do functional zoning of the garden; the range of vegetation to select from local species and well-adapted exotics of small size; from flower beds to choose the easiest to create and care for; reservoirs, vertical and container landscaping are limited

    Breit interaction correction to the hyperfine constant of an external s-electron in many-electron atom

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    Correction to the hyperfine constant AA of an external s-electron in many-electron atom caused by the Breit interaction is calculated analytically: δA/A=0.68Zα2\delta A/A =0.68 Z\alpha^2. Physical mechanism for this correction is polarization of the internal electronic shells (mainly 1s21s^2 shell) by the magnetic field of the external electron. This mechanism is similar to the polarization of vacuum considered by Karplus and Klein long time ago. The similarity is the reason why in both cases (Dirac sea polarization and internal atomic shells polarization) the corrections have the same dependence on the nuclear charge and fine structure constant. In conclusion we also discuss Zα2Z\alpha^2 corrections to the parity violation effects in atoms.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Correlated many-body treatment of Breit interaction with application to cesium atomic properties and parity violation

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    Corrections from Breit interaction to basic properties of atomic 133Cs are determined in the framework of third-order relativistic many-body perturbation theory. The corrections to energies, hyperfine-structure constants, off-diagonal hyperfine 6S-7S amplitude, and electric-dipole matrix elements are tabulated. It is demonstrated that the Breit corrections to correlations are comparable to the Breit corrections at the Dirac-Hartree-Fock level. Modification of the parity-nonconserving (PNC) 6S-7S amplitude due to Breit interaction is also evaluated; the resulting weak charge of 133^{133}Cs shows no significant deviation from the prediction of the standard model of elementary particles. The neutron skin correction to the PNC amplitude is also estimated to be -0.2% with an error bound of 30% based on the analysis of recent experiments with antiprotonic atoms. The present work supplements publication [A. Derevianko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1618 (2000)] with a discussion of the formalism and provides additional numerical results and updated discussion of parity violation.Comment: 16 pages; 5 figs; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Electric-octupole and pure-electric-quadrupole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission

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    Second-order [O(k^2), k=omega/c] nondipole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission are demonstrated via an experimental and theoretical study of angular distributions of neon valence photoelectrons in the 100--1200 eV photon-energy range. A newly derived theoretical expression for nondipolar angular distributions characterizes the second-order effects using four new parameters with primary contributions from pure-quadrupole and octupole-dipole interference terms. Independent-particle calculations of these parameters account for a significant portion of the existing discrepancy between experiment and theory for Ne 2p first-order nondipole parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Correlation structure in nondipole photoionization

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    The nondipole parameters that characterize the angular disribution of the photoelectrons from the 3d subshell of Cs are found to be altered qualitatively by the inclusion of correlation in the form of interchannel coupling between the 3d3/23d_{3/2} and 3d5/23d_{5/2} photoionization channels. A prominent characteristic maximum is predicted only in the parameters for 3d5/23d_{5/2} photoionization, while the effect for 3d3/23d_{3/2} is rather weak. The results are obtained within the framework of the Generalized Random Phase Approximation with Exchange (GRPAE), which in addition to the RPAE effects takes into account the rearrangement of all atomic electrons due to the creation of a 3d vacancy

    Standard Model tests with trapped radioactive atoms

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    We review the use of laser cooling and trapping for Standard Model tests, focusing on trapping of radioactive isotopes. Experiments with neutral atoms trapped with modern laser cooling techniques are testing several basic predictions of electroweak unification. For nuclear β\beta decay, demonstrated trap techniques include neutrino momentum measurements from beta-recoil coincidences, along with methods to produce highly polarized samples. These techniques have set the best general constraints on non-Standard Model scalar interactions in the first generation of particles. They also have the promise to test whether parity symmetry is maximally violated, to search for tensor interactions, and to search for new sources of time reversal violation. There are also possibilites for exotic particle searches. Measurements of the strength of the weak neutral current can be assisted by precision atomic experiments using traps of small numbers of radioactive atoms, and sensitivity to possible time-reversal violating electric dipole moments can be improved.Comment: 45 pages, 17 figures, v3 includes clarifying referee comments, especially in beta decay section, and updated figure