149 research outputs found

    The effect of anthracene derivatives on the state of the extracellular matrix of the periodontal connective tissue and the oral mucosa of old rats

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    In the experiments on 27 old female rats, the effect of the anthracene derivative preparation on the state of the intercellular matrix of the connective tissue of the periodontal and oral mucosa in intact animals, as well as on the periodontitis model, was studied

    The selection of the amount of anthracene derivatives from raw materials of plant origin and the study of their influence on the rat periodontal

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    The article presents a new method of ethanol extraction of anthracene derivatives from the herb St. John's wort, the total content of which was evaluated using a calibration graph. The drug improved mineral metabolism, showed anti-inflammatory effects in the bone tissue of the periodontal rats

    Мотивація розвитку масового спорту та залучення людей до регулярної оздоровчої фізичної активності у системі мережі центрів фізичного здоров’я населення «Спорт для всіх»

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    Суслова, О. М. Мотивація розвитку масового спорту та залучення людей до регулярної оздоровчої фізичної активності у системі мережі центрів фізичного здоров’я населення «Спорт для всіх» = Motivation of the development of mass sports and involvement of people in regular health-improving physical activity in the system of the network of physical health centers "Sport for all" : магістерська робота ; спец. 017 ''Фізична культура і спорт'' / О. М. Суслова ; наук. кер. В. М. Деркач. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2022. – 85 с.Суслова О. М. Мотивація розвитку масового спорту та залучення людей до регулярної оздоровчої фізичної активності у системі мережі центрів фізичного здоров'я населення "Спорт для всіх". – Рукопис Кваліфікаційна робота на здобуття ступеня вищої освіти «магістр» за спеціальністю 017 «Фізична культура і спорт». – Національний університет кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова. Кафедра Теоретичних основ олімпійського та професійного спорту. – Миколаїв, 2022. – 82 с. Кваліфікаційна робота присвячена дослідженню мотивації розвитку масового спорту. Окрема увага приділяється питанню залучення населення до регулярної фізичної активності, використовуючи досвід роботи мережі центрів фізичного здоров’я населення «Спорт для всіх». У магістерській роботі проведено соціологічне дослідження за допомогою опитування учасників спортивно-масових та фізкультурно- оздоровчих заходів, з метою визначення рівня вмотивованості занять масовим спортом. Вагомим є те, що робота містить рекомендації щодо покращення рівня мотивації населення, які можуть бути використані в роботі центрів фізичного здоров’я населення «Спорт для всіх».Suslova O. M. Motivation of the development of mass sports and involvement of people in regular health-improving physical activity in the system of the network of physical health centers "Sport for all". Qualification work for obtaining the degree of higher education "master" in specialty 017 "Physical culture and sport". - Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University. Department of Theoretical Foundations of Olympic and Professional Sports. - Mykolaiv, 2022. - 82 p. The qualification work is devoted to the study of the motivation for the development of mass sports. Particular attention is paid to the issue of involving the population in regular physical activity, using the experience of the network of physical health centers of the population "Sports for All". In the master's thesis, there was conducted a sociological study, which included a survey of the participants of mass sports and physical culture and health activities, with the aim of determining the level of motivation for mass sports involvement. It is important that the work contains recommendations for improving the level of motivation of the population, which can be used in the work of physical health centers of the population "Sports for All"

    Improving the training system as a basis for improved management of sustainable development of tourism

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.Sustainable development of tourism is impossible without the availability of highly qualified personnel. The goal of the article lies in the study of approaches to the definition of "sustainable tourism" and in the determination of directions of training system's perfection in the field of effective territory management. For the analysis of the problem methods of systematization and generalization, quantitative and qualitative study were used. They allowed considering the problem comprehensively, taking into account many factors that affect the dependence of economic development on a stable environment. In the article, the questions of creation and formation of the term "sustainable tourism development", the evolution of ideas for sustainable tourism development in Russia were covered. As a result of the study there were identified the main approaches to the improvement of the management efficiency of tourism and hospitality sustainable development by training improvement: The introduction of the discipline "sustainable tourism development" to the "Tourism" educational program, the increase in time of practical classes of bachelors in the "Tourism" educational program and qualification improvement for managers in tourism and hospitality industry. The article will be useful for Federal and Regional authorities, higher educational institutions that are engaged in training of students who attend "Tourism" educational program, and for anyone who is interested in sustainable tourism development

    Оценка эффективности комплексного метода лечения скученности зубов

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    В статті представлені результати клініко-лабораторного обґрунтування комплексного лікування дітей зі скупченістю зубів у віці 12-14 років. З метою спрямованої регуляції процесів резорбції і остеогенезу кісткової тканини щелеп дітям поетапно призначали йодид калію, остеотропні препарати та адаптогени. Отримані результати стали підставою для рекомендацій щодо впровадження в стоматологічну практику розроблений лікувально-профілактичний комплекс, що дозволяє підвищити ефективність лікування скупченість положення зубів у дітей з постійним прикусом.Increase of effectiveness of orthodontic treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies at children in the period of a constant bite by a directional regulation of processes of a resorption and a bone formation of bone tissue of jaws with stage-by-stage use of Iodidum of a potassium, Osteotropic of a preparation and adaptogens .В статье представлены результаты клинико- лабораторного обоснования комплексного лечения исследования детей со скученностью зубов в возрасте 12-14 лет. С целью направленной регуляции процессов резорбции и остеогенеза костной ткани челюстей детям поэтапно назначали йодид калия, остеотропные препараты и адаптогены. Полученные результаты стали основанием для рекомендаций по внедрению в стоматологическую практику разработанный лечебно- профилактический комплекс, позволяющий повысить эффективность лечения скученного положения зубов у детей с постоянным прикусом

    Psychosemantic analysis of eye care workers’ percepts of creative abilities

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    Background: This article puts the emphasis on the notion of “creative abilities” in the context of its interpretation by eye care workers. Creative potential is essential for the general and professional culture of physicians, and personal creativity takes on a new meaning in the age of digitalization and dominance of artificial intelligence in routine medical practice. Purpose: To investigate eye care workers’ percepts of creative abilities by conducting a psychosemantic analysis and considering these percepts as a source of health care workers’ job satisfaction. Material and Methods: The study sample was composed of the eye care workers from the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases. Two hundred and eleven eye care workers were requested to take part in the study, and the response rate was 85.8% (181/211). The 181 responders included 99 nursing staff members and 82 physicians (ophthalmologists). The study was conducted with the use of Hughes and Powell’s Guiding Principles for Life (GPL) Questionnaire (adapted by Semeniuk), the Kim, Leong, and Lee’s Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) (adapted by Semeniuk) and the Lüscher 8-color test. Results: Eye care workers rated “Creativity” low among the 22 “Guiding Principles for Life”. In physicians, such guiding principles as “Creativity”, “Devout”, and “Material wealth” were associated with each other, which indicates that the achievement of material wealth was associated with such a virtue as devout, and this achievement requires creativity. It was demonstrated that creativity as a guiding principle was more important for physicians than for the nursing staff, and in male physicians it was associated with unconscious satisfaction with working environment

    Eotaxin and cardio-ankle vascular index in patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk

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    Eotaxin is a chemokine, which is a chemoattractant mainly to eosinophils, as well as basophils and Th2 lymphocytes. According to studies, overexpression of eotaxin is found in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels in the area of atherosclerotic plaque. In clinical medicine, cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) is widely used as an indicator of arteriosclerosis and a predictor of cardiovascular events. Few studies have shown the relationship of eotaxin with coronary atherosclerosis; in other studies, the relationship of eotaxin with atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and pulse wave velocity was not revealed. The aim of the present study was to assess blood level of eotaxin and cardio-ankle vascular index and their association with major cardiovascular risk factors in patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk. We examined 65 patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk, due to documented coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, or combination of cardiovascular risk factors and who were undergoing generally accepted cardioactive, hypoglycemic therapy and lipid-lowering therapy. All patients were examined for the elastic properties of the vascular wall by volumetric sphygmography with assessment of CAVI. In the blood, the concentrations of eotaxin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, glycosylated hemoglobin and lipid spectrum indicators were determined. All examined were divided into two groups: with a normal value of CAVI (less than 8) and elevated. Patients with elevated CAVI had higher concentrations of eotaxin (p = 0.013), total cholesterol (p = 0.009), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p = 0.016), were older (p < 0.0001) and less likely to take statins (p = 0.002). In all those examined, correlations were found between serum eotaxin concentration and CAVI (rs = 0.34; p = 0.005), as well as age (rs = 0.32; p = 0.006). The age of the patients correlated with CAVI (rs = 0.35; p = 0.007). Thus, in our study, we for the first time showed the relationship between higher concentrations of eotaxin and an increased cardio-ankle vascular index in patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk. Cardio-ankle vascular index was associated with age, lipid metabolism and lipid-lowering therapy. The obtained results allow us to consider eotaxin as a factor associated with atherogenesis and arterial stiffness


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    Introduction The search for new diagnostic capabilities adverse forecasting of chronic pyelonephritis in children is a pressing issue today. To determine the degree of destruction of renal parenchyma, structural and functional changes in kidney informative study of fermenturiyi, analyze its relationship with albuminuria and profibrozuyuchymy growth factors. The aim was to identify predictors of progression of chronic pyelonephritis in children to assess the level of kidney function in dynamic observation. Materials and Methods: Pediatric Nephrology at the Department of SI «Institute of Nephrology AMS of Ukraine» at the CST №7 of Kyiv was examined 191 child over 5 years in age from 3 to 17 years. Results: In the group of children with progressive chronic pyelonephritis relapsing course 2fi-MG urine compared with groups of 2fi-MG there PNhighest level of reliable patients who had not frequent relapses and recovered (p <0.001). To determine infringement tubular renal function, analyzed the 2MGurineandserumlevelswithenzymeactivityNAG,NAGBandinpatientswithchronicpyelonephritisandestablishedsignificantcoefficientsofpairedcorrelation2fiMGserumandurine2-MG urine and serum levels with enzyme activity NAG, NAG B and in patients with chronic pyelonephritis and established significant coefficients of paired correlation 2fi-MG serum and urine 2-MG between levels and activity Nag, NagB in urine. Discovered reliable positive correlation between levels of albuminuria and TGF-fi, which is profibrotychnym factor (r = 0,48, p <0.001) and identified a significant increase in its levels in patients with chronic pyelonephritis. Conducted stepwise multiple linear regression analysis revealed a reliable connection between the measure glomerular filtration rate decline per year (which is determined by progression) and 2MGlevelsofbloodTGF,2-MG levels of blood TGF-^, 2-MG in urine, albuminuria and indicators renoscintigraphy - ENPstand% inclusion RFP180 min. Conclusions. Predictors of progression of pyelonephritis in children are: increased activity of lysosomal enzymes, maintaining elevated levels $2-MG serum and urine regardless of the degree of inflammatory activity in the kidneys and albuminuri


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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the most important non-infectious diseases in the modern world, being an important risk factor of cardiovascular disorders. Changes in left ventricular myocardial diastolic function are observed in diabetic patients independently from other comorbidities. Etiology of the heart failure during diabetes mellitus type 2 is multifactorial, exhibiting cellular,  molecular and metabolic aspects. However, its pathophysiological mechanisms are not completely understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate numbers of inflammatory T lymphocytes, i.e., T helper type 1 (Th1) and T helper type 17 (Th17) cells, and FoxP3+T regulatory lymphocytes, depending on the functional state of the heart assessed by two-dimensional echocardiography in patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2. A total of twenty-five patients with a combination of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2, and 14 patients with arterial hypertension without carbohydrate disturbances were recruited to a cross-ectional case-control study. All the patients underwent echocardiography with transthoracic access at the M-mode, B-mode and Doppler mode of imaging. We evaluated numbers of Th1 and Th17 lymphocytes by intracellular production of IL-17 and IFNγ by CD4+ lymphocytes, respectively. The numbers of FoxP3+T regulatory lymphocytes were estimated by expression of CD25 and FoxP3 transcription factor. A flow cytometry approach was used in both cases. We revealed some correlations between the numbers of Th17 lymphocytes, FoxP3+T regulatory lymphocytes and functional parameters of myocardium in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, which were absent in patientswithout carbohydrate impairments. The numbers of FoxP3+T egulatory lymphocytes, Treg/Th17 lymphocyte ratio, and mean fluorescence intensity of IL-17 for Th17 cells was lower in patients with diabetes mellitus and diastolic dysfunction compared to the patients with diabetes free of diastolic dysfunction. Association of diastolic dysfunction with diabetes mellitus type 2 was accompanied by increase of IFNγ+Th1 lymphocyte numbers and concentrations of IL-10, IFNγ and TNFα in serum as compared to the patients with diastolic dysfunction in the absence of carbohydrate metabolism disturbances. The diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction were characterized by hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, higher index of insulin resistance, increase of waist circumference and visceral adiposity index when compared to the patients with diastolic dysfunction without diabetes. Visceral obesity and decrease of insulin sensitivity may be regarded as pathogenetically significant factors for the development of immune regulatory imbalance and diastolic dysfunction in the patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

    Оптимизация внутризаводских перевозок по контактному графику

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    For the English full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The presented article is a continuation of research on development of an alternative model for organization of transportation according to the contact schedule i n the conditions of a metallurgical enterprise. The mathematical model is based on a dynamic transport problem with delays (DTPD). It is shown in what way an optimal transportation plan is obtained and minimization of transportation costs is ensured with the agreed production programs of supply shops and consumer shops. The improvement of the system of transportation of empty cargo flow according to the contact schedule with the help of DTPD, as the authors argue, allows to abandon the strict assignment of cars to a specific transportation, supply of empty cars is carried out according to the most favorable option for a consumer (with a minimum of transport and production costs). The cars can be delivered to the consumer for loading onto the cargo front from under any used load. The use of a dynamic transportation problem with delays as the basis of a mathematical model for development of an optimal plan for transportation of cars according to the contact schedule helps to more than halve the transport and production costs of the shops of the metallurgical plant. Keywords: dynamic transport problem with delays, internal transportation, optimization of transportation, contact schedule, metallurgical plant, railway transport.Полный текст на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Представленная статья является продолжением исследований по разработке альтернативной модели организации перевозок по контактному графику в условиях металлургического предприятия. В основу математической модели положена динамическая транспортная задача с задержками (ДТЗЗ). Показано, каким путём получается оптимальный план перевозок и обеспечивается минимизация транспортных расходов при согласованных производственных программах цехов-поставщиков и цехов- потребителей