44 research outputs found

    N-d scattering above the deuteron breakup threshold

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    The complex Kohn variational principle and the (correlated) Hyperspherical Harmonics technique are applied to study the N--d scattering above the deuteron breakup threshold. The configuration with three outgoing nucleons is explicitly taken into account by solving a set of differential equations with outgoing boundary conditions. A convenient procedure is used to obtain the correct boundary conditions at values of the hyperradius ≈100\approx 100 fm. The inclusion of the Coulomb potential is straightforward and does not give additional difficulties. Numerical results have been obtained for a simple s-wave central potential. They are in nice agreement with the benchmarks produced by different groups using the Faddeev technique. Comparisons are also done with experimental elastic N--d cross section at several energies.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, 3 figure

    Theory of periodic swarming of bacteria: application to Proteus mirabilis

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    The periodic swarming of bacteria is one of the simplest examples for pattern formation produced by the self-organized collective behavior of a large number of organisms. In the spectacular colonies of Proteus mirabilis (the most common species exhibiting this type of growth) a series of concentric rings are developed as the bacteria multiply and swarm following a scenario periodically repeating itself. We have developed a theoretical description for this process in order to get a deeper insight into some of the typical processes governing the phenomena in systems of many interacting living units. All of our theoretical results are in excellent quantitative agreement with the complete set of available observations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Population Dynamics and Non-Hermitian Localization

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    We review localization with non-Hermitian time evolution as applied to simple models of population biology with spatially varying growth profiles and convection. Convection leads to a constant imaginary vector potential in the Schroedinger-like operator which appears in linearized growth models. We illustrate the basic ideas by reviewing how convection affects the evolution of a population influenced by a simple square well growth profile. Results from discrete lattice growth models in both one and two dimensions are presented. A set of similarity transformations which lead to exact results for the spectrum and winding numbers of eigenfunctions for random growth rates in one dimension is described in detail. We discuss the influence of boundary conditions, and argue that periodic boundary conditions lead to results which are in fact typical of a broad class of growth problems with convection.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    The cross section minima in elastic Nd scattering: a ``smoking gun'' for three nucleon force effects

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    Neutron-deuteron elastic scattering cross sections are calculated at different energies using modern nucleon-nucleon interactions and the Tucson-Melbourne three-nucleon force adjusted to the triton binding energy. Predictions based on NN forces only underestimate nucleon-deuteron data in the minima at higher energies starting around 60 MeV. Adding the three-nucleon forces fills up those minima and reduces the discrepancies significantly.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Three-Nucleon Forces from Chiral Effective Field Theory

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    We perform the first complete analysis of nd scattering at next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral effective field theory including the corresponding three-nucleon force and extending our previous work, where only the two-nucleon interaction has been taken into account. The three-nucleon force appears first at this order in the chiral expansion and depends on two unknown parameters. These two parameters are determined from the triton binding energy and the nd doublet scattering length. We find an improved description of various scattering observables in relation to the next-to-leading order results especially at moderate energies (E_lab = 65 MeV). It is demonstrated that the long-standing A_y-problem in nd elastic scattering is still not solved by the leading 3NF, although some visible improvement is observed. We discuss possibilities of solving this puzzle. The predicted binding energy for the alpha-particle agrees with the empirical value.Comment: 36 pp, 20 figure

    Social Motility in African Trypanosomes

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    African trypanosomes are devastating human and animal pathogens that cause significant human mortality and limit economic development in sub-Saharan Africa. Studies of trypanosome biology generally consider these protozoan parasites as individual cells in suspension cultures or in animal models of infection. Here we report that the procyclic form of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei engages in social behavior when cultivated on semisolid agarose surfaces. This behavior is characterized by trypanosomes assembling into multicellular communities that engage in polarized migrations across the agarose surface and cooperate to divert their movements in response to external signals. These cooperative movements are flagellum-mediated, since they do not occur in trypanin knockdown parasites that lack normal flagellum motility. We term this behavior social motility based on features shared with social motility and other types of surface-induced social behavior in bacteria. Social motility represents a novel and unexpected aspect of trypanosome biology and offers new paradigms for considering host-parasite interactions