151 research outputs found

    Magnetic Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with a Two-Terminal Non-Magnetic Tip: Quantitative Results

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    We report numerical simulation result of a recently proposed \{P. Bruno, Phys. Rev. Lett {\bf 79}, 4593, (1997)\} approach to perform magnetic scanning tunneling microscopy with a two terminal non-magnetic tip. It is based upon the spin asymmetry effect of the tunneling current between a ferromagnetic surface and a two-terminal non-magnetic tip. The spin asymmetry effect is due to the spin-orbit scattering in the tip. The effect can be viewed as a Mott scattering of tunneling electrons within the tip. To obtain quantitative results we perform numerical simulation within the single band tight binding model, using recursive Green function method and Landauer-B\"uttiker formula for conductance. A new model has been developed to take into account the spin-orbit scattering off the impurities within the single-band tight-binding model. We show that the spin-asymmetry effect is most prominent when the device is in quasi-ballistic regime and the typical value of spin asymmetry is about 5%.Comment: 5 pages, Late

    Critical Susceptibility Exponent Measured from Fe/W(110) Bilayers

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    The critical phase transition in ferromagnetic ultrathin Fe/W(110) films has been studied using the magnetic ac susceptibility. A statistically objective, unconstrained fitting of the susceptibility is used to extract values for the critical exponent (gamma), the critical temperature Tc, the critical amplitude (chi_o) and the range of temperature that exhibits power-law behaviour. A fitting algorithm was used to simultaneously minimize the statistical variance of a power law fit to individual experimental measurements of chi(T). This avoids systematic errors and generates objective fitting results. An ensemble of 25 measurements on many different films are analyzed. Those which permit an extended fitting range in reduced temperature lower than approximately .00475 give an average value gamma=1.76+-0.01. Bilayer films give a weighted average value of gamma = 1.75+-0.02. These results are in agreement with the -dimensional Ising exponent gamma= 7/4. Measurements that do not exhibit power-law scaling as close to Tc (especially films of thickness 1.75ML) show a value of gamma higher than the Ising value. Several possibilities are considered to account for this behaviour.Comment: -Submitted to Phys. Rev. B -Revtex4 Format -6 postscript figure

    Non-adiabatic and time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy for molecular systems

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    We quantify the non-adiabatic contributions to the vibronic sidebands of equilibrium and explicitly time-resolved non-equilibrium photoelectron spectra for a vibronic model system of Trans-Polyacetylene. Using exact diagonalization, we directly evaluate the sum-over-states expressions for the linear-response photocurrent. We show that spurious peaks appear in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation for the vibronic spectral function, which are not present in the exact spectral function of the system. The effect can be traced back to the factorized nature of the Born-Oppenheimer initial and final photoemission states and also persists when either only initial, or final states are replaced by correlated vibronic states. Only when correlated initial and final vibronic states are taken into account, the spurious spectral weights of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation are suppressed. In the non-equilibrium case, we illustrate for an initial Franck-Condon excitation and an explicit pump-pulse excitation how the vibronic wavepacket motion of the system can be traced in the time-resolved photoelectron spectra as function of the pump-probe delay

    Comparative study of an Eden model for the irreversible growth of spins and the equilibrium Ising model

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    The Magnetic Eden Model (MEM) with ferromagnetic interactions between nearest-neighbor spins is studied in (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional rectangular geometries for d=1,2d = 1,2. In the MEM, magnetic clusters are grown by adding spins at the boundaries of the clusters. The orientation of the added spins depends on both the energetic interaction with already deposited spins and the temperature, through a Boltzmann factor. A numerical Monte Carlo investigation of the MEM has been performed and the results of the simulations have been analyzed using finite-size scaling arguments. As in the case of the Ising model, the MEM in d=1d = 1 is non-critical (only exhibits an ordered phase at T=0T= 0). In d=2d = 2 the MEM exhibits an order-disorder transition of second-order at a finite temperature. Such transition has been characterized in detail and the relevant critical exponents have been determined. These exponents are in agreement (within error bars) with those of the Ising model in 2 dimensions. Further similarities between both models have been found by evaluating the probability distribution of the order parameter, the magnetization and the susceptibility. Results obtained by means of extensive computer simulations allow us to put forward a conjecture which establishes a nontrivial correspondence between the MEM for the irreversible growth of spins and the equilibrium Ising model. This conjecture is certainly a theoretical challenge and its confirmation will contribute to the development of a framework for the study of irreversible growth processes.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Magnetoresistance through a single molecule

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    The use of single molecules to design electronic devices is an extremely challenging and fundamentally different approach to further downsizing electronic circuits. Two-terminal molecular devices such as diodes were first predicted [1] and, more recently, measured experimentally [2]. The addition of a gate then enabled the study of molecular transistors [3-5]. In general terms, in order to increase data processing capabilities, one may not only consider the electron's charge but also its spin [6,7]. This concept has been pioneered in giant magnetoresistance (GMR) junctions that consist of thin metallic films [8,9]. Spin transport across molecules, i.e. Molecular Spintronics remains, however, a challenging endeavor. As an important first step in this field, we have performed an experimental and theoretical study on spin transport across a molecular GMR junction consisting of two ferromagnetic electrodes bridged by a single hydrogen phthalocyanine (H2Pc) molecule. We observe that even though H2Pc in itself is nonmagnetic, incorporating it into a molecular junction can enhance the magnetoresistance by one order of magnitude to 52%.Comment: To appear in Nature Nanotechnology. Present version is the first submission to Nature Nanotechnology, from May 18th, 201

    Magnetic relaxation and dipole-coupling-induced magnetization in nanostructured thin films during growth: A cluster Monte Carlo study

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    For growing inhomogeneous thin films with an island nanostructure similar as observed in experiment, we determine the nonequilibrium and equilibrium remanent magnetization. The single-island magnetic anisotropy, the dipole coupling, and the exchange interaction between magnetic islands are taken into account within a micromagnetic model. A cluster Monte Carlo method is developed which includes coherent magnetization changes of connected islands. This causes a fast relaxation towards equilibrium for irregularly connected systems. We analyse the transition from dipole coupled islands at low coverages to a strongly connected ferromagnetic film at high coverages during film growth. For coverages below the percolation threshold, the dipole interaction induces a collective magnetic order with ordering temperatures of 1 - 10 K for the assumed model parameters. Anisotropy causes blocking temperatures of 10 - 100 K and thus pronounced nonequilibrium effects. The dipole coupling leads to a somewhat slower magnetic relaxation.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, revised manuscrip

    Combining scanning probe microscopy and x-ray spectroscopy

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    A new versatile tool, combining Shear Force Microscopy and X-Ray Spectroscopy was designed and constructed to obtain simultaneously surface topography and chemical mapping. Using a sharp optical fiber as microscope probe, it is possible to collect locally the visible luminescence of the sample. Results of tests on ZnO and on ZnWO4 thin layers are in perfect agreement with that obtained with other conventional techniques. Twin images obtained by simultaneous acquisition in near field of surface topography and of local visible light emitted by the sample under X-Ray irradiation in synchrotron environment are shown. Replacing the optical fibre by an X-ray capillary, it is possible to collect local X-ray fluorescence of the sample. Preliminary results on Co-Ti sample analysis are presented

    Controlling tick-borne diseases through domestic animal management: a theoretical approach

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    Vector-borne diseases are of global importance to human and animal health. Empirical trials of effective methods to control vectors and their pathogens can be difficult for practical, financial and ethical reasons. Here, therefore, we use a mathematical model to predict the effectiveness of a vector-borne disease control method. As a case study, we use the tick-louping ill virus system, where sheep are treated with acaricide in an attempt to control ticks and disease in red grouse, an economically important game bird. we ran the model under different scenarios of sheep flock sizes, alternative host (deer) densities, acaricide efficacies and tick burdens. The model predicted that, with very low deer densities, using sheep as tick mops can reduce the tick population and virus prevalence. However, treatment is ineffective above a certain threshold deer density, dependent on the comparative tick burden on sheep and deer. The model also predicted that high efficacy levels of acaricide must be maintained for effective tick control. This study suggests that benignly managing one host species to protect another host species from a vector and pathogen can be effective under certain conditions. It also highlights the importance of understanding the ecological complexity of a system, in order to target control methods only under certain circumstances for maximum effectiveness