26 research outputs found

    Improvement of bait method for isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from soil

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    An increase of the sensitivity of the bait method of entomopathogenic fungi isolation from the soil was registered under the use of larvae Galleria mellonella envenomated by ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor. Further, modified method will allow to isolate fungi from soil with low titer of colony forming unit, particularly from steppes soils.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проект 15–04–02322_а) и Президента РФ (МК–6278.2015.4.)

    Horizontal transmission of entomopatho genic fungi by ectoparasitoid Habrobra conhebetor

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    Experiments were carried out on the laboratory system Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Piraliidae) — Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenopera, Braconidae) — Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales, Cordycipitaceae). We found that contamination of H. hebetor ovipositor with low titers of conidia B. bassiana and following envenomation of G. mellonella larvae led to mycoses followed by host colonization and conidia formation. In addition H. hebetor females transmitted fungal conidia from infected (6 hours post inoculation with conidia) to native G. mellonella larvae, and this transmission led to successful mycosis of native host larvae. The decreasing of cellular and humoral immune reactions, significant increasing of adhesion and germination of fungus on cuticle of envenomated larvae were registered. As result susceptibility of envenomated G. mellonella larvae to fungal infection was increased in thousands times compared with native control. Thus the paralyzation and strong inhibition of immune reactions of larvae by venom of H. hebetor allow minimize quantity of transmitting with parasitoid fungal inoculum. We assumed that «paralyzing» parasitoids can take part in transmission of entomopathogenic fungi particularly in out-of-the-way places (shelters) as well as disperse of fungal infection under low density of hosts.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проект 15–04–02322_а) и Президента РФ (МК–6278.2015.4.)

    Voluntary attention in the ontogenesis of adolescents with essential hypertension

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    The purpose of the research was to study the features of voluntary attention ontogenesis in adolescents with essential hypertension (EH) in age-gender aspects. Materials and methods. We examined 98 adolescents with EH aged 10-18 years (59 males and 39 females). EH was diagnosed with 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring using monitor Oscar 2 for OXFORD Medilog Prima. Ninety-seven healthy age- and gender-matched individuals were controls. All participants were divided into 3 age groups (10-12 years, 13-15 years and 16-18 years old). All children underwent a neuropsychological examination with the use of standard tests. All the differences were considered significant at p < 0.05. Results. There were no statistically significant differences in voluntary attention parameters in adolescents 10-12 years old in both the main and the control group. However, hypertensive adolescents aged 13-15 years had significantly decreased voluntary attention level in comparison with age-matched individuals in controls. Adolescents in this group spent much more time on testing and admitted a significant number of errors. In the group of older adolescents (16-18 years), the differences between the main and the control group continued to increase. Hypertensive girls have a tendency with better voluntary attention parameters than hypertensive boys. When comparing the tests results between the age groups of hypertensive patients, a tendency to their deterioration as the disease progresses is noted. Conclusion. The results of this study indicate the formation of a rigid pathological functional brain system in the ontogenesis in hypertensive adolescents with the development of brain structures decompensation and voluntary attention impairment

    Фотодинамическая терапия: развитие метода и применение в клинической практике ФГБУ МРНЦ МЗ РФ

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    This article is dedicated to clinical experience of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in Medical Radiological Research Center. Authors represent the results of treatment in 156 patients with primary untreated tumors of different localizations as follows: basal cell skin cancer (BCSC) in 156 patients, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCCS) in 24 patients, cancer of upper and lower lips in 30 patients. The other group of patients included recurrent and metastatic diseases: recurrent BCSC were in 127 patients, recurrent or continued growth of SCCS – in 27, recurrent or continued growth of lip cancer – in 13, intracutaneous metastases of skin melanoma (62 patients) and breast cancer (46) – in 108. PDT was performed with photosensitizers Photosense (2.0 mg/kg), Photolon (0.9–2.5 mg/kg), and Photoditazine (0.7–0.8 mg/kg). The light irradiation dose was 100–600 J/cm2. After PDT of previously untreated BCSC the complete regression (CR) of tumor lesions was in 96.8% of patients, partial regression (PR) – in 3.2% of patients; for PDT of recurrent BCSC in 76.4% and 23.6%, respectively. After PDT treatment in patients with previously untreated SCCS CR of tumor lesions was achieved in 91.7% of patients, PR – in 8.3% of patients. For treatment of relapses in SCCS CR was achieved in 59.3% of cases, PR – in 33.3%, absence of regression was reported in 7.4% of cases. PDT of intracutaneous metastases of skin melanoma and breast cancer provided positive treatment effect (CR + PR + stabilizing) in 95 and 98% of cases, respectively. CR in primary lip cancer after PDT was reported in 86.0% of patients, PR – in 14.0%. For PDT of recurrent lip cancer CR accounted for 69.2%, PR – 30.8%. Статья посвящена опыту клинического применения фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) в ФГБУ МРНЦ МЗ РФ. Авторами приведены результаты лечения первичных, ранее не леченных злокачественных опухолей различной локализации: базальноклеточного рака кожи (БКРК) у 156 больных, плоскоклеточного рака кожи (ПКРК) – у 24, рака верхней и нижней губы – у 30. Другую группу соста- вили пациенты с рецидивными и метастатическими опухолями: рецидивы БКРК были у 127 больных, рецидивы или продолжен- ный рост ПКРК – у 27, рецидивы или продолженный рост рака губы – у 13, внутрикожные метастазы меланомы (62 больных) и рака молочной железы (46) – у 108. ФДТ проводили с применением фотосенсибилизаторов фотосенс (2,0 мг/кг), фотолон (0,9-2,5 мг/кг), и фотодитазин (0,7–0,8 мг/кг). Доза лазерного облучения составила 100–600 Дж/см2. После ФДТ ранее не леченного БКРК полная регрессия (ПР) опухолевых очагов была зарегистрирована у 96,8% пациентов, частичная регрессия (ЧР) – у 3,2%; после ФДТ рецидивного БКРК – у 76,4% и 23,6% соответственно. После ФДТ больных с ранее не леченным ПКРК ПР была получена у 91,7% пациентов, ЧР – у 8,3%. При лечении рецидивов ПКРК ПР была получена в 59,3% наблюдений, ЧР – в 33,3%, отсутствие эффекта – в 7,4%. Проведение ФДТ внутрикожных метастазов меланомы и рака молочной железы позволило достичь лечебного эффекта (ПР+ЧР+Стабилизация) в 95 и 98% соответственно. ПР после ФДТ ранее не леченного рака губы была зарегистрирована у 86,0% больных, ЧР – у 14,0%. При лечении рецидивного рака губы число ПР составило 69,2%, ЧР – 30,8%.

    Фотодинамическая терапия в лечении метастатического рака молочной железы

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    Results of treatment for cutaneous metastasis of breast cancer with photjdynamic therapy are represented. The study included 46 patients, the total number of treated cutaneous metastases was 535. For photodynamic therapy photosensitizer photolon given intravenously at a dose of 0.9–1.6 mg/kg body weight 3 h before treatment session (wave length 661±1 nm, плотность мощности 0,11–0,56 J/cm2), мощность на выходе волокна 0,3–2,0 Wt, light dose 50–600 J/cm2. Complete regression of metastasis was obtained in 33.6% of cases, partial – in 39.4%, stabilization – in 22.6%, progression of disease was in 4.3% of cases. The results show the perspectiveness of photodynamic therapy for metastasis as one of the step of treatment. Приведены результаты лечения внутрикожных метастазов рака молочной железы методом фотодинамической терапии. Исследовано 46 пациенток, суммарное число пролеченных внутрикожных метастазов составило 535. Для проведения фотодинамической терапии использовали фотосенсибилизатор фотолон, который вводили пациенткам внутривенно в дозе 0,9–1,6 мг/кг массы тела за 3 ч до проведения сеанса облучения (длина волны 661±1 нм, плотность мощности 0,11–0,56 Дж/см2), мощность на выходе волокна 0,3–2,0 Вт, плотность энергии 50–600 Дж/см2. В результате лечения полная регрессия метастатических очагов была получена в 33,6% случаев, частичная – в 39,4%, стабилизация – в 22,6%, прогрессирование зарегистрировано в 4,3% случаев. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о перспективности применения метода фотодинамической терапии для лечения метастатических очагов рака молочной железы как одного из этапов комбинированного лечения.

    Can Insects Develop Resistance to Insect Pathogenic Fungi?

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    This paper presents new, important information on the microevolution of insect resistance to the insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana which will have far-reaching implications for the development of insect pathogenic fungi as biological control agents. We placed successive generations of a melanic population of the Greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, under constant selective pressure from the insect pathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana. Enhanced fungal resistance was observed and larvae from the 25th generation were studied in detail to uncover mechanisms underpinning resistance, and the possible cost of those survival strategies. There are 3 novel, core findings from the study:1.Antifungal resistance in these insects is pathogen species-specific, and probably arises through trans-generational immune priming. The resistance was less obvious in earlier generations, suggesting subtle cumulative changes that are only fully apparent in the 25th generation. 2.The insect’s fecundity is already pushed close to minimum by its melanic phenotype. Therefore, the additional drain on resources required to boost antifungal defence still more, comes not from further compromising life history traits but via a re-allocation of the insect’s immune defences. Specifically during B. bassiana infection, systemic (fat body and hemocoel) responses, particularly the expression of antimicrobial peptides, are damped down in favour of a tailored repertoire of enhanced responses in the integument (cuticle and epidermis) – the foremost and most important barrier to natural fungal infection. 3.A previously-overlooked range of putative stress-management factors are activated during the specific response of selected insects to B. bassiana. This too occurs primarily in the integument, and contributes to antifungal defense and/or helps ameliorate the damage inflicted by the fungus or the host’s own immune responses during the battle between host and pathogen.No other study to date has examined so many genes in this context. Indeed, we show that the epidermis has a great capacity to express defense and stress-management genes as well as the fat body (which is the main tissue producing antimicrobial peptides and has been the traditional focus of attention). We therefore propose a “be specific / fight locally / de-stress” model to explain resource allocation and defence priorities for insects selected for superior resistance to insect-pathogenic fungi. However, we also show that these insects are less fecund and probably at no evolutionary advantage in the wild, implying that the risk is small of biological control agents failing in the field


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate foot bone mineral density (BMD) in diabetes mellitus (DM) complicated with distal neuropathy (DN). Materials and methods. 61 patients with DM (DM1-27, DM2-34) were included. 37patients had Charcot osteoarthropathy (the 1st group), the 2nd group (13 patients) with severe DN, the 3rd group (11 patients) with mild DN, and control group consisted of 15 healthy people. All patients underwent dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) Lunar Prodigy scan. BMD was measured in lumbar spine, hip and radius. Foot BMD was measured using the «Total Body» region’s analysis. Results. There was a significant difference in foot BMD between controls and the 1st (р=0,031) and the 3rd (р=0,027) groups with no significant difference between the groups of patients. Foot BMD significantly correlated with spine, hip and radiusBMD (г=0,5-0,63, р<0,00001), BMI (r=0,4, р=0,000). Negative correlation was found between foot BMD and diabetes duration (r=-0,3, p<0,005) and HbA1c (r=-0,2, р=0,045). No correlation was found between DN and foot BMD. Conclusion. No association between severity of DN and foot BMD was found

    COSTOYaNIE SISTEMY OSTEOPROTEGERIN (OPG) - LIGAND RETsEPTORA-AKTIVATORA YaDERNOGO FAKTORA KAPPA-V (RANKL)u patsientov s diabeticheskoy osteoartropatiey i mediakal'tsinozom arteriy nizhnikh konechnostey

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    That were 107 patients included. 33 patients with acute stage of diabetic osteoarthropathy, 24 patients with chronic stage; 20 patients with severe diabetic neuropathy and medial arterial calcification (MAC) of the low extremity, confirmed X-rays; control group included 30 persons with normal glucose tolerance. Significant increased level of OPG revealed in all groups of patients with diabetes (