3,459 research outputs found

    Irreversible and reversible modes of operation of deterministic ratchets

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    We discuss a problem of optimization of the energetic efficiency of a simple rocked ratchet. We concentrate on a low-temperature case in which the particle's motion in a ratchet potential is deterministic. We show that the energetic efficiency of a ratchet working adiabatically is bounded from above by a value depending on the form of ratchet potential. The ratchets with strongly asymmetric potentials can achieve ideal efficiency of unity without approaching reversibility. On the other hand we show that for any form of the ratchet potential a set of time-protocols of the outer force exist under which the operation is reversible and the ideal value of efficiency is also achieved. The mode of operation of the ratchet is still quasistatic but not adiabatic. The high values of efficiency can be preserved even under elevated temperatures

    Paraelectric in a Strong High-Frequency Field

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    A change in the effective permittivity of a ferroelectric film in the paraelectric phase under the action of a strong high-frequency field (nonequilibrium soft mode heating) is considered. It is shown that this effect must be most clearly pronounced far from the resonance (\omega_0 << \omega_sm), rather than for the external field frequency \omega_0 close to the soft mode frequency \omega_sm. The effective permittivity as a function of the high-frequency field amplitude is calculated using the phenomenological approach and within the microscopic theory based on the simple model of a displacement-type ferroelectric.Comment: 3 two-column page

    Application of fuzzy relations to test theory

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    На відміну від класичного ймовірного підходу, в даній статті розглядається метод генерування та оцінки тестів, заснований на нечіткому підході. Це призводить до завдань, які можуть бути вирішені в рамках нечітких реляційних рівнянь. Кілька прикладів ілюструють користь такого підходу.В отличие от классического вероятного подхода, в данной статье рассматривается метод генерирования и оценки тестов, основанный на нечетком подходе. Это приводит к задачам, которые могут быть решены в рамках нечетких реляционных уравнений. Несколько примеров иллюстрируют пользу такого подхода.Unlike the classical probability-based approach we consider the ge-neration and evaluation of tests based on a fuzzy approach. This leads to tasks which can be solved within the frame of fuzzy relational equations. Several examples illustrate the usefulness of our approach

    Pathway-Based Genomics Prediction using Generalized Elastic Net.

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    We present a novel regularization scheme called The Generalized Elastic Net (GELnet) that incorporates gene pathway information into feature selection. The proposed formulation is applicable to a wide variety of problems in which the interpretation of predictive features using known molecular interactions is desired. The method naturally steers solutions toward sets of mechanistically interlinked genes. Using experiments on synthetic data, we demonstrate that pathway-guided results maintain, and often improve, the accuracy of predictors even in cases where the full gene network is unknown. We apply the method to predict the drug response of breast cancer cell lines. GELnet is able to reveal genetic determinants of sensitivity and resistance for several compounds. In particular, for an EGFR/HER2 inhibitor, it finds a possible trans-differentiation resistance mechanism missed by the corresponding pathway agnostic approach

    Physical regularization for the spin-1/2 Aharonov-Bohm problem in conical space

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    We examine the bound state and scattering problem of a spin-one-half particle undergone to an Aharonov-Bohm potential in a conical space in the nonrelativistic limit. The crucial problem of the \delta-function singularity coming from the Zeeman spin interaction with the magnetic flux tube is solved through the self-adjoint extension method. Using two different approaches already known in the literature, both based on the self-adjoint extension method, we obtain the self-adjoint extension parameter to the bound state and scattering scenarios in terms of the physics of the problem. It is shown that such a parameter is the same for both situations. The method is general and is suitable for any quantum system with a singular Hamiltonian that has bound and scattering states.Comment: Revtex4, 5 pages, published versio

    Integrable quadratic Hamiltonians on so(4) and so(3,1)

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    We investigate a special class of quadratic Hamiltonians on so(4) and so(3,1) and describe Hamiltonians that have additional polynomial integrals. One of the main results is a new integrable case with an integral of sixth degree.Comment: 16 page