36 research outputs found

    Babesia spp. in ticks and wildlife in different habitat types of Slovakia

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    Background: Babesiosis is an emerging and potentially zoonotic disease caused by tick-borne piroplasmids of the Babesia genus. New genetic variants of piroplasmids with unknown associations to vectors and hosts are recognized. Data on the occurrence of Babesia spp. in ticks and wildlife widen the knowledge on the geographical distribution and circulation of piroplasmids in natural foci. Questing and rodent-attached ticks, rodents, and birds were screened for the presence of Babesia-specific DNA using molecular methods. Spatial and temporal differences of Babesia spp. prevalence in ticks and rodents from two contrasting habitats of Slovakia with sympatric occurrence of Ixodes ricinus and Haemaphysalis concinna ticks and co-infections of Candidatus N. mikurensis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum were investigated. Results: Babesia spp. were detected in 1.5 % and 6.6 % of questing I. ricinus and H. concinna, respectively. Prevalence of Babesia-infected I. ricinus was higher in a natural than an urban/suburban habitat. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Babesia spp. from I. ricinus clustered with Babesia microti, Babesia venatorum, Babesia canis, Babesia capreoli/Babesia divergens, and Babesia odocoilei. Babesia spp. amplified from H. concinna segregated into two monophyletic clades, designated Babesia sp. 1 (Eurasia) and Babesia sp. 2 (Eurasia), each of which represents a yet undescribed novel species. The prevalence of infection in rodents (with Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus prevailing) with B. microti was 1.3 % in an urban/suburban and 4.2 % in a natural habitat. The majority of infected rodents (81.3 %) were positive for spleen and blood and the remaining for lungs and/or skin. Rodent-attached I. ricinus (accounting for 96.3 %) and H. concinna were infected with B. microti, B. venatorum, B. capreoli/B. divergens, Babesia sp. 1 (Eurasia), and Babesia sp. 2 (Eurasia). All B. microti and B. venatorum isolates were identical to known zoonotic strains from Europe. Less than 1.0 % of Babesia-positive ticks and rodents carried Candidatus N. mikurensis or A. phagocytophilum.Inst. de PatobiologíaFil: Hamsikova, Zuzana. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Kazimirová, Mária. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Harustiakova, Danka. Masaryk University. Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science, Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses; República ChecaFil: Mahrikova, Lenka. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Slovak, Mirko. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Berthova, Lenka. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Biomedical Research Center. Institute of Virology; EslovaquiaFil: Kocianova, Elena. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Biomedical Research Center. Institute of Virology; EslovaquiaFil: Schnittger, Leonhard. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    On the possible mechanisms of a positive effect on the retina of goggles with red filters in premature infants

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    In recent publications, positive results have been reported with the use of glasses with red protective filters in prematurely born infants with low body weight, which were presumably associated with a decrease in the levels of illumination of the environment of the child. However, to date, it has not been proven that a decrease in the amount of light reaching the retina of the newborn affects the frequency and severity of retinopathy of prematurity (RP). The analysis of the literature on the therapeutic effect of various modes of red and near infrared radiation on the retina is presented, which allowed a different look at the protective mechanisms of glasses-filters in premature babies. It has been suggested and substantiated that the observed effect may relate to the phenomenon of pre-conditioning photostimulation, which reduces the risk of developing RP and reduces the severity of the disease due to the induction of adaptive plastic reactions in the retina

    The state of the choroid in children with anterior uveitis assessed by optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose: to analyze quantitative indicators and qualitative changes of the choroid in children with anterior uveitis as measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and assess the possibility of using the identification of opportunities for their use in evaluation of uveitis activity and the course of disease. Material and methods. 24 children diagnosed with anterior uveitis (38 eyes), aged 6 to 17, underwent standard ophthalmological examination and OCT scanning with an enhanced depth image module (OCT-EDI). The thickness of the choroid was measured manually by one researcher in 5 points: in the subfoveolar zone and at a distance of 3 mm from the fovea nasally, temporally, upwards and downwards. Most of the patients (20 children, 31 eyes) underwent a follow-up OCT to evaluate the choroid at diverse times since the start of the inflammatory process and for diverse degrees of its activity. OCT values were also compared with literature data on normal eyes. Results. For all areas studied, the thickness of the choroid was significantly higher in eyes with active and moderate inflammation than in those with remission of uveitis, and higher than in healthy eyes. The average subfoveal thickness of the choroid in eyes with active, moderate, subactive uveitis and with remission of uveitis was 398.80 ± 85.94, 413.61 ± 73.89, 368.53 ± 68.54 и 338.53 ± 51.50 μm, respectively (in healthy eyes — 341.96 ± 74.70 μm). A moderately strong positive correlation was found between the choroidal thickness and uveitis duration for subfoveal, nasal and suprafoveal points of measuring. Conclusion. A correlation between the choroid thickness and uveitis activity and duration was detected, indicating the involvement of the choroid in the inflammation process. Due to noticeable variability of the data caused by a variety of factors, a dynamic measuring of choroid thickness is recommended for evaluating uveitis activity and course of the disease as well as treatment planning. The OCT method of choroid thickness measurement should be included in the regular examination of children with anterior uveitis

    The state of the macular zone of the retina in children with pseudophakia after surgical treatment of unilateral congenital cataracts

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    Purpose: to assess the morphometric state of the macula in children with pseudophakia after the removal of unilateral congenital cataract (UCC). Material and methods. 17 children with pseudophakia aged 4.5 to 9 years were examined after UCC extraction removal In addition to traditional techniques, comprehensive ophthalmic examination included optical coherence tomography on Spectralis HRA + OCT (Heidelberg Engineering). OCT data were used to individually analyze the morphometric parameters of the central zone of the eye fundus, including the minimum thickness of the retina in the fovea, the maximum thickness of the retina in parafovea, the thickness of the retina 3.0 mm from the foveola, the width (diameter) of the fovea, and the thickness of the choroid in the subfoveolar area. The parameters were compared with those of the fellow eyes (considered as healthy). Phakoaspiration of UCC with IOL implantation was performed at the age from 5 months to 6.2 years. The optical power of the IOL was determined by the standard formula SRKII. Results. Children with pseudophakia who underwent UCC extraction revealed divergences in morphometric parameters of OCT and its visual image, which testifies to a severe violation inthe differentiation of the macula.The observed correlation between the anatomical and morphological status of the macula as identified from OCT data and the functional status as determined from visual acuity measurements makes it possible to use OCT data in the assessment and prediction of visual functions in children with UCC. Conclusions. The changes of morphological parameters, violated ratios of retinal layers and the neuroretinal architecture, which testify to a delayed physiological formation of the macula in children with UCC are among the main factors that limit the achievement of high visual functions after the surgery // Russian Ophthalmological Journal, 2016; 4: 16-21. doi: 10.21516/2072-0076-2016-9-4-16-21

    New aspects of immunopathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity: the role of TGF-β1 and IGF-II in pathological vascularization of the retina

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    Studying immunological aspects of pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) helps develop new approaches to prevention, rational diagnosis and increase of the effectiveness of treatment of the disease. Purpose: to analyze the level of growth factors in blood serum of premature infants belonging to the group of ROP risk at the pre-clinical stage and find out how this level is related to further development and course of the disease. Material and methods. 85 prematurely born infants of the ROP risk group were examined. The average gestational age at birth was 27.7 ± 2.2 weeks, the average birth weight - 1086.1 ± 266.1 g. The examination included dynamic ophthalmoscopy and determination of the content of VEGF-A in blood serum (using a flow cytometer BD FACS Canto II) and TGF- β1, IGF-I, IGF-II (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a c-test system Bender MedSystems, Austria). Results. During the first ophthalmoscopic examination, i.e. before the clinical manifestation of the disease, blood serum of children who later developed ROP that subsequently required laser coagulation of avascular retinal areas, was found to have relatively higher concentrations of VEGF-A (above 1300 pg/ml) and IGF-II (above 140 pg/ml) and lower IGF-I concentrations (below 24 pg/ml) and TGF- β1 (below 8000 pg/ml) as compared with the groups of "safe" children. A dynamic study of VEGF-A content and, simultaneously, TGF- β1 content showed uniform changes in the concentration of these growth factors at all observation times. Conclusion. It was shown for the first time that high IGF-II and low TGF- β1 concentrations revealed before the clinical manifestation of the disease can be viewed as prognostically unfavorable as far as subsequent development of severe ROP is concerned. Uniform changes of TGF- β1 and VEGF-A level in blood serum during ROP development may indicate to the synergistic participation of these growth factors in the pathological vasoproliferation. Further studies are required to determine the details of how this mechanism works // Russian Ophthalmological Journal, 2017; 1: 20-5. doi: 10.21516/2072-0076-2017-10-1-20-2

    The Results of Morphometric Assessment of the Macular Zone in Congenital Cataract

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    Purpose: to study the morphological characteristics of the macular zone using optical coherence tomography to assess its development in congenital cataract. Patients and methods: a comprehensive ophthalmological examination was performed in 147 children (269 eyes) aged 1 to 15 years, including, along with traditional methods, optical coherence tomography on the Spectralis HRA + OCT instrument, Heidelberg Engineering. Of these, 193 eyes were with pseudophakia after the removal of congenital cataracts in children aged 2 months to 14 years, 18 eyes with aphakia after the removal of congenital cataracts in children aged 2 months to 11 years, 20 unoperated eyes with partial forms of congenital cataracts and 38 paired conditionally healthy eyes in children with unilateral congenital cataracts. Visual evaluation of linear tomograms, measurement of 5 parameters of the central zone of the fundus and calculation of the macular index were performed. Results: various features of the macular zone were revealed: changes in the macular contour, lamellar structure of the retina, thinning of the choroid, and elements of epiretinal fibrosis. Evaluation of retinal differentiation with the help of a macular index, calculated on the basis of morphometric characteristics, revealed its violations in 52.8 % of cases, which was not always revealed in the visual analysis of tomograms. The best morphometric parameters of the central zone of the fundus are noted in the eyes with pseudophakia in comparison with aphakia (p < 0.05). Conclusion: there is a variability in the state of the macula. In patients with congenital cataracts. Better indicators of the central zone of the fundus in front of the eye with pseudophakia in comparison with aphakia justify the feasibility of performing surgical treatment of congenital cataracts simultaneously with the implantation of the intraocular lens, including in infants. Thinning of the choroid in the subfoveiolar zone with congenital cataract may indicate a violation of trophism and exert additional influence on the physiological development of the macular zone

    An experimental Study of the Pathogenesis of Retinopathy of Prematurity as a Promising Direction of Search for New Medicinal Approaches to its Prevention and Treatment

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    An experimental study was performed to reproduce the model of oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) in young rats. This model is promising for the study of the pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and for the search of new approaches to the prevention and treatment of the disease. It was found that the total protein content in the vitreous was increased during OIR at all observation times, with a maximum reached on the day 14. The phasal character was revealed in the changes of the level of antioxidant activity (AOA): on the day 7 AOA of rats with OIR is no different from the control, on the day 14, it becomes 6.4 times higher than the reference level, and on the day 18 (when the oxygen is no more active) it is falling but still remains higher than the norm. These findings suggest that the permeability of the blood-retinal barrier is damaged during OIR, and confirm the important role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of ROP, the advisability of the correction of its parameters by introducing antioxidants in the combined treatment of ROP, and the need for a differentiated approach to the times of their application Russian Ophthalmological Journal, 2016; 1: 68-72