735 research outputs found

    Quantum dynamics of a dc-SQUID coupled to an asymmetric Cooper pair transistor

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the quantum dynamics of a superconducting circuit based on a highly asymmetric Cooper pair transistor (ACPT) in parallel to a dc-SQUID. Starting from the full Hamiltonian we show that the circuit can be modeled as a charge qubit (ACPT) coupled to an anharmonic oscillator (dc-SQUID). Depending on the anharmonicity of the SQUID, the Hamiltonian can be reduced either to one that describes two coupled qubits or to the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian. Here the dc-SQUID can be viewed as a tunable micron-size resonator. The coupling term, which is a combination of a capacitive and a Josephson coupling between the two qubits, can be tuned from the very strong- to the zero-coupling regimes. It describes very precisely the tunable coupling strength measured in this circuit and explains the 'quantronium' as well as the adiabatic quantum transfer read-out.Comment: 20 page

    A V-shape superconducting artificial atom based on two inductively coupled transmons

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    Circuit quantum electrodynamics systems are typically built from resonators and two-level artificial atoms, but the use of multi-level artificial atoms instead can enable promising applications in quantum technology. Here we present an implementation of a Josephson junction circuit dedicated to operate as a V-shape artificial atom. Based on a concept of two internal degrees of freedom, the device consists of two transmon qubits coupled by an inductance. The Josephson nonlinearity introduces a strong diagonal coupling between the two degrees of freedom that finds applications in quantum non-demolition readout schemes, and in the realization of microwave cross-Kerr media based on superconducting circuits.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental demonstration of Aharonov-Casher interference in a Josephson junction circuit

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    A neutral quantum particle with magnetic moment encircling a static electric charge acquires a quantum mechanical phase (Aharonov-Casher effect). In superconducting electronics the neutral particle becomes a fluxon that moves around superconducting islands connected by Josephson junctions. The full understanding of this effect in systems of many junctions is crucial for the design of novel quantum circuits. Here we present measurements and quantitative analysis of fluxon interference patterns in a six Josephson junction chain. In this multi-junction circuit the fluxon can encircle any combination of charges on five superconducting islands, resulting in a complex pattern. We compare the experimental results with predictions of a simplified model that treats fluxons as independent excitations and with the results of the full diagonalization of the quantum problem. Our results demonstrate the accuracy of the fluxon interference description and the quantum coherence of these arrays

    The Domination Number of Grids

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    In this paper, we conclude the calculation of the domination number of all n×mn\times m grid graphs. Indeed, we prove Chang's conjecture saying that for every 16≤n≤m16\le n\le m, γ(Gn,m)=⌊(n+2)(m+2)5⌋−4\gamma(G_{n,m})=\lfloor\frac{(n+2)(m+2)}{5}\rfloor -4.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Strong tunable coupling between a superconducting charge and phase qubit

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    We have realized a tunable coupling over a large frequency range between an asymmetric Cooper pair transistor (charge qubit) and a dc SQUID (phase qubit). Our circuit enables the independent manipulation of the quantum states of each qubit as well as their entanglement. The measurements of the charge qubit's quantum states is performed by resonant read-out via the measurement of the quantum states of the SQUID. The measured coupling strength is in agreement with an analytic theory including a capacitive and a tunable Josephson coupling between the two qubits.Comment: 5 page

    Fast high fidelity quantum non-demolition qubit readout via a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling

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    Qubit readout is an indispensable element of any quantum information processor. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling between a transmon and a polariton mode which enables an improved quantum non-demolition (QND) readout for superconducting qubits. The new mechanism uses the same experimental techniques as the standard QND qubit readout in the dispersive approximation, but due to its non-perturbative nature, it maximizes the speed, the single-shot fidelity and the QND properties of the readout. In addition, it minimizes the effect of unwanted decay channels such as the Purcell effect. We observed a single-shot readout fidelity of 97.4% for short 50 ns pulses, and we quantified a QND-ness of 99% for long measurement pulses with repeated single-shot readouts

    Fabrication of stable and reproducible sub-micron tunnel junctions

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    We have performed a detailed study of the time stability and reproducibility of sub-micron Al/AlOx/AlAl/AlO_{x}/Al tunnel junctions, fabricated using standard double angle shadow evaporations. We have found that by aggressively cleaning the substrate before the evaporations, thus preventing any contamination of the junction, we obtained perfectly stable oxide barriers. We also present measurements on large ensembles of junctions which prove the reproducibility of the fabrication process. The measured tunnel resistance variance in large ensembles of identically fabricated junctions is in the range of only a few percents. Finally, we have studied the effect of different thermal treatments on the junction barrier. This is especially important for multiple step fabrication processes which imply annealing the junction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Coherent frequency conversion in a superconducting artificial atom with two internal degrees of freedom

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    By adding a large inductance in a dc-SQUID phase qubit loop, one decouples the junctions' dynamics and creates a superconducting artificial atom with two internal degrees of freedom. In addition to the usual symmetric plasma mode ({\it s}-mode) which gives rise to the phase qubit, an anti-symmetric mode ({\it a}-mode) appears. These two modes can be described by two anharmonic oscillators with eigenstates ∣ns⟩\ket{n_{s}} and ∣na⟩\ket{n_{a}} for the {\it s} and {\it a}-mode, respectively. We show that a strong nonlinear coupling between the modes leads to a large energy splitting between states ∣0s,1a⟩\ket{0_{s},1_{a}} and ∣2s,0a⟩\ket{2_{s},0_{a}}. Finally, coherent frequency conversion is observed via free oscillations between the states ∣0s,1a⟩\ket{0_{s},1_{a}} and ∣2s,0a⟩\ket{2_{s},0_{a}}

    Qubit readout using in-situ bifurcation of a nonlinear dissipative polariton in the mesoscopic regime

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    We explore the nonlinear response to a strong drive of polaritonic meters for superconducting qubit state readout. The two polaritonic meters result from the strong hybridization between a bosonic mode of a 3D microwave cavity and an anharmonic ancilla mode of the superconducting circuit. Both polaritons inherit a self-Kerr nonlinearity UU, and decay rate κ\kappa from the ancilla and cavity, respectively. They are coupled to a transmon qubit via a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling resulting in a large cavity pull 2χ>κ, U2\chi > \kappa, ~U. By applying magnitic flux, the ancilla mode frequency varies modifying the hybridization conditions and thus the properties of the readout polariton modes. Using this, the hybridisation is tuned in the mesoscopic regime of the non-linear dissipative polariton where the self-Kerr and decay rates of one polariton are similar U∼κU\sim \kappa leading to bistability and bifurcation behavior at small photon number. This bistability and bifurcation behavior depends on the qubit state and we report qubit state readout in a latching-like manner thanks to the bifurcation of the upper polariton. Without any external quantum-limited amplifier, we obtain a single-shot fidelity of 98.6%98.6\% in a 500500 ns integration time

    Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: an energy-driven wind revealed by massive molecular and fast X-ray outflows in the Seyfert Galaxy IRAS 17020+4544

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    We report on the coexistence of powerful gas outflows observed in millimeter and X-ray data of the Radio-Loud Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy IRAS 17020+4544. Thanks to the large collecting power of the Large Millimeter Telescope, a prominent line arising from the 12CO(1-0) transition was revealed in recent observations of this source. The complex profile is composed by a narrow double-peak line and a broad wing. While the double-peak structure may be arising in a disk of molecular material, the broad wing is interpreted as the signature of a massive outflow of molecular gas with an approximate bulk velocity of -660 km/s. This molecular wind is likely associated to a multi-component X-ray Ultra-Fast Outflow with velocities reaching up to ~0.1c and column densities in the range 10^{21-23.9} cm^-2 that was reported in the source prior to the LMT observations. The momentum load estimated in the two gas phases indicates that within the observational uncertainties the outflow is consistent with being propagating through the galaxy and sweeping up the gas while conserving its energy. This scenario, which has been often postulated as a viable mechanism of how AGN feedback takes place, has so far been observed only in ULIRGs sources. IRAS 17020+4544 with bolometric and infrared luminosity respectively of 5X10^{44} erg/s and 1.05X10^{11} L_sun appears to be an example of AGN feedback in a NLSy1 Galaxy (a low power AGN). New proprietary multi-wavelength data recently obtained on this source will allow us to corroborate the proposed hypothesis.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ Letters, 9 pages, 4 figure
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