24 research outputs found

    Recent visible light and metal free strategies in [2+2] and [4+2] photocycloadditions

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    When aiming to synthesize molecules with elevated molecular complexity starting from relatively simple starting materials, photochemical transformations represent an open avenue to circumvent analogous multistep procedures. Specifically, light-mediated cycloadditions remain as powerful tools to generate new bonds begotten from non-very intuitive disconnections, that alternative thermal protocols would not offer. In response to the current trend in both industrial and academic research pointing towards green and sustainable processes, several strategies that meet these requirements are currently available in the literature. This Minireview summarizes [2+2] and [4+2] photocycloadditions that do not require the use of metal photocatalysts by means of alternative strategies. It is segmented according to the cycloaddition type in order to give the reader a friendly approach and we primarily focus on the most recent developments in the field carried out using visible light, a general overview of the mechanism in each case is offered as wellFinancial support was provided by the European Research Council (ERC-CoG, Contract Number: 647550), the Spanish Government (RTI2018-095038-B-I00), the ‘Comunidad de Madrid’ and European Structural Funds (S2018/NMT-4367). R. I. R thanks Fundación Carolina for a graduate fellowshi

    Motor antagonism exposed by spatial segregation and timing of neurogenesis

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    Walking is a key motor behaviour of limbed animals, executed by contraction of functionally antagonistic muscle groups during swing and stance phases. Nevertheless, neuronal circuits regulating the activation of antagonistic extensor-flexor muscles remain poorly understood. Here we use monosynaptically restricted trans-synaptic viruses to elucidate premotor anatomical substrates for extensor-flexor control in mice. We observe a medio-lateral spatial segregation between extensor and flexor premotor interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord. These premotor interneuron populations are derived from common progenitor domains, but segregate by timing of neurogenesis. We find that proprioceptive sensory feedback from the periphery is targeted to medial extensor premotor populations and is required for extensor-specific connectivity profiles during development. Our findings provide evidence for a discriminating anatomical basis of antagonistic circuits at the level of premotor interneurons, and point to synaptic input and developmental ontogeny as key factors in the establishment of circuits regulating motor behavioural dichotomy