127 research outputs found

    VANET Connectivity Analysis

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are a peculiar subclass of mobile ad hoc networks that raise a number of technical challenges, notably from the point of view of their mobility models. In this paper, we provide a thorough analysis of the connectivity of such networks by leveraging on well-known results of percolation theory. By means of simulations, we study the influence of a number of parameters, including vehicle density, proportion of equipped vehicles, and radio communication range. We also study the influence of traffic lights and roadside units. Our results provide insights on the behavior of connectivity. We believe this paper to be a valuable framework to assess the feasibility and performance of future applications relying on vehicular connectivity in urban scenarios

    Analysis of complex contagions in random multiplex networks

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    We study the diffusion of influence in random multiplex networks where links can be of rr different types, and for a given content (e.g., rumor, product, political view), each link type is associated with a content dependent parameter cic_i in [0,∞][0,\infty] that measures the relative bias type-ii links have in spreading this content. In this setting, we propose a linear threshold model of contagion where nodes switch state if their "perceived" proportion of active neighbors exceeds a threshold \tau. Namely, a node connected to mim_i active neighbors and ki−mik_i-m_i inactive neighbors via type-ii links will turn active if ∑cimi/∑ciki\sum{c_i m_i}/\sum{c_i k_i} exceeds its threshold \tau. Under this model, we obtain the condition, probability and expected size of global spreading events. Our results extend the existing work on complex contagions in several directions by i) providing solutions for coupled random networks whose vertices are neither identical nor disjoint, (ii) highlighting the effect of content on the dynamics of complex contagions, and (iii) showing that content-dependent propagation over a multiplex network leads to a subtle relation between the giant vulnerable component of the graph and the global cascade condition that is not seen in the existing models in the literature.Comment: Revised 06/08/12. 11 Pages, 3 figure

    Modeling the 802.11 protocol under different capture and sensing capabilities

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    Decentralized medium access control schemes for wireless networks based on CSMA/CA, such as the 802.11 protocol, are known to be unfair. In multi-hop networks, they can even favor some connections to such an extent that the others suffer from virtually complete starvation. This observation has been reported in quite a few works, but the factors causing it are still not well understood. We find that the capture effect and the relative values of the receiving and carrier sensing ranges play a crucial role in the unfairness of these protocols. We show that an idealized 802.11 protocol does suffer from starvation when the receiving and sensing ranges are equal, but quite surprisingly this unfairness is reduced or even disappears when these two ranges are sufficiently different. Using a Markovian model, we explain why apparently benign variations in these ranges have such a dramatic impact on the 802.11 protocol performance

    On the fairness of large CSMA networks

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    A Probabilistic Kernel Method for Human Mobility Prediction with Smartphones

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    Human mobility prediction is an important problem which has a large num- ber of applications, especially in context-aware services. This paper presents a study on location prediction using smartphone data, in which we address mod- eling and application aspects. Building personalized location prediction models from smartphone data remains a technical challenge due to data sparsity, which comes from the complexity of human behavior and the typically limited amount of data available for individual users. To address this problem, we propose an approach based on kernel density estimation, a popular smoothing technique for sparse data. Our approach contributes to existing work in two ways. First, our proposed model can estimate the probability that a user will be at a given location at a specific time in the future, by using both spatial and temporal information via multiple kernel functions. Second, we also show how our prob- abilistic framework extends to a more practical task of location prediction for a time window in the future. Our approach is validated on an everyday life location datasets consisting of 133 smartphone users. Our method reaches an accuracy of 84% for the next hour, and an accuracy of 77% for the next three hours

    Autonomous detection and anticipation of jam fronts from messages propagated by inter-vehicle communication

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    In this paper, a minimalist, completely distributed freeway traffic information system is introduced. It involves an autonomous, vehicle-based jam front detection, the information transmission via inter-vehicle communication, and the forecast of the spatial position of jam fronts by reconstructing the spatiotemporal traffic situation based on the transmitted information. The whole system is simulated with an integrated traffic simulator, that is based on a realistic microscopic traffic model for longitudinal movements and lane changes. The function of its communication module has been explicitly validated by comparing the simulation results with analytical calculations. By means of simulations, we show that the algorithms for a congestion-front recognition, message transmission, and processing predict reliably the existence and position of jam fronts for vehicle equipment rates as low as 3%. A reliable mode of operation already for small market penetrations is crucial for the successful introduction of inter-vehicle communication. The short-term prediction of jam fronts is not only useful for the driver, but is essential for enhancing road safety and road capacity by intelligent adaptive cruise control systems.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 200

    Analysis of Elliptically Polarized Maximally Entangled States for Bell Inequality Tests

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    When elliptically polarized maximally entangled states are considered, i.e., states having a non random phase factor between the two bipartite polarization components, the standard settings used for optimal violation of Bell inequalities are no longer adapted. One way to retrieve the maximal amount of violation is to compensate for this phase while keeping the standard Bell inequality analysis settings. We propose in this paper a general theoretical approach that allows determining and adjusting the phase of elliptically polarized maximally entangled states in order to optimize the violation of Bell inequalities. The formalism is also applied to several suggested experimental phase compensation schemes. In order to emphasize the simplicity and relevance of our approach, we also describe an experimental implementation using a standard Soleil-Babinet phase compensator. This device is employed to correct the phase that appears in the maximally entangled state generated from a type-II nonlinear photon-pair source after the photons are created and distributed over fiber channels.Comment: 8 page

    The Mobile Data Challenge: Big Data for Mobile Computing Research

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    This paper presents an overview of the Mobile Data Challenge (MDC), a large-scale research initiative aimed at generating innovations around smartphone-based research, as well as community-based evaluation of related mobile data analysis methodologies. First we review the Lausanne Data Collection Campaign (LDCC) an initiative to collect unique, longitudinal smartphone data set for the basis of the MDC. Then, we introduce the Open and Dedicated Tracks of the MDC; describe the specific data sets used in each of them; and discuss some of the key aspects in order to generate privacy-respecting, challenging, and scientifically relevant mobile data resources for wider use of the research community. The concluding remarks will summarize the paper
