659 research outputs found

    Simulating atomic force microscopy imaging of the ideal and defected TiO2 (110) surface

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    In this study we simulate noncontact atomic force microscopy imaging of the TiO2 (110) surface using first-principles and atomistic methods. We use three different tip models to investigate the tip-surface interaction on the ideal surface, and find that agreement with experiment is found for either a silicon tip or a tip with a net positive electrostatic potential from the apex. Both predict bright contrast over the bridging oxygen rows. We then study the interaction of this tip with a bridging oxygen vacancy on the surface, and find that the much weaker interaction observed would result in vacancies appearing as dark contrast along the bright rows in images.Peer reviewe

    Association of Heart Rate With Troponin Levels Among Patients With Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation

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    This cohort study investigates heart rate and cardiac troponin levels in patients admitted to the emergency department with symptomatic atrial fibrillation.Non peer reviewe

    Relation between heart rate variability and spontaneous and induced ventricular arrhythmias in patients with coronary artery disease

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    AbstractObjectives. The aim of this study was to determine the relation between autonomic control of heart rate and the spontaneous occurrence and inducibility of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with coronary artery disease.Background. Low heart rate variability increases the risk of arrhythmic events. It is not known whether impaired autonomic heart rate control reflects alterations in functional factors that contribute to the initiation of spontaneous arrhythmias or whether it is the consequence of an anatomic substrate for reentrant tachyarrhythmias.Methods. Fifty-four patients with coronary artery disease with a history of sustained ventricular tachycardia (n = 25) or cardiac arrest (n = 29) were studied by 24-h ambulatory electrocardiographic recording and by programmed electrical stimulation. Heart rate variability was compared among the patients with and without spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias and with and without inducibility of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias.Results. Eight patients had a total of 21 episodes of sustained ventricular tachycardia on Holter recordings. Standard deviation of RR intervals and low frequency and very low frequency components of heart rate variability were significantly blunted in patients with sustained ventricular tachycardias compared with those without repetitive ventricular ectopic activity (p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively). However, no significant alterations were observed in heart rate variability before the onset of 21 episodes of sustained ventricular tachycardia. Heart rate variability did not differ between the patients with or without nonsustained episodes of ventricular tachycardia. In patients with frequent ventricular ectopic activity, low frequency and very low frequency power components were significantly blunted compared with those with infrequent ventricular ectopic activity (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively). Heart rate variability did not differ significantly between the patients with and without inducible sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias.Conclusions. Impaired very low and low frequency oscillation of heart rate reflects susceptibility to the spontaneous occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias but may not reflect the instantaneous triggers for life-threatening arrhythmias or a specific marker of the arrhythmic substrate for ventricular tachyarrhythmias

    "Suurin osa elämästä on menny siihen, että mun täytyis olla toisenlainen": Herkkyyden kokemuksia nyky-yhteiskunnassa

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    Artikkelissa tarkastellaan inhimillisten toimintamahdollisuuksien ilmenemistä yksilöllisissä herkkyyden kokemuksissa. Kulttuurinen konteksti on yhteydessä siihen, kuinka ihminen kokee itsensä yhteiskunnassa ja maailmassa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on filosofi Martha Nussbaumin toimintamahdollisuuksien lähestymistapa (capabilities approach), jossa toiminnan mahdollisuudet nähdään toimijuutta edistävinä etappeina kohti inhimillistä hyvinvointia. Kysymme, 1) millä tavoin herkkyyttä kuvaillaan kokemuksellisena ilmiönä ja 2) miten herkkyyden koetaan vaikuttaneen omiin toimintamahdollisuuksiin. Analysoitava aineistokokonaisuus koostui kirjoitetuista muistoista sekä muisteluryhmän tallennetuista ja litteroiduista ryhmäkeskusteluista. Aineistot analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tulosten perusteella herkkyys voi olla kokijalleen yhtäältä suuri elämän rikkaus ja voimavara, toisaalta tukahduttava kuormituksen ja jopa häpeän lähde. Yksilöllinen kokemusmaailma saattaa ajautua ristiriitaan ympäröivien sosiaalisten, kulttuuristen ja yhteiskunnallisten odotusten sekä vaatimusten kanssa ja johtaa toimijuutta ja hyvinvointia lamaavaan toimintamahdollisuuksien kaventumiseen. Tulokset avaavat näkymiä herkkyyden asemoitumiseen vallitsevissa yhteiskunnallisissa normikäsityksissä ja arvostuksissa sekä siihen, kuinka yksilölliseen herkkyyteen kytkeytyviä toimintavalmiuksia voidaan tukea.© 2023 Kirjoittajat. Tämä työ on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen Julkinen -lisenssillä.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Difficulties in administration of oral medication formulations to pet cats: an e-survey of cat owners

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    The purpose here was to determine the problems cat owners encounter in medicating their cats with orally administered drugs at home. The study was carried out as an open e-questionnaire survey addressed to cat owners in which the authors focused on the oral administration route. A total of 46 completed questionnaires were included in the survey. In the study, 46 cats received 67 orally administered drugs. Approximately half of the drugs were registered for use in cats by the European Medicines Agency (54 per cent), and there were also off-label drugs registered for human (36 per cent) and canine medication (7.4 per cent) and an ex tempore drug (3.0 per cent). The owners were unable to give the doses as prescribed for their cats for one-fourth of the medications (16/67). Drugs that were registered for feline medication were significantly more palatable than drugs registered for other species (odds ratio (OR) 4.9), and liquid formulations were significantly more palatable than solid formulations (OR 4.8). However, most of the owners (22/38) preferred a solid dosage form, while few (4/38) chose a liquid formulation. The results indicate that there is still a need for more palatable and easily administered oral drugs for cats.Peer reviewe

    An XPS study of CrO x on a thin alumina film and in alumina supported catalysts

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    Abstract We have investigated chromium layers evaporated onto a thin alumina film at room temperature. The oxidation and reduction behavior of this model catalyst was compared to atomic layer deposition (ALD) and impregnated alumina supported catalysts using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with a detailed analysis method utilizing asymmetric peak shapes to represent both metallic and oxidic states. The ALD and impregnated catalysts were measured after calcination in air and after reduction with several gases at 850 K. Both catalysts show Cr 3+ and Cr 6+ species after calcination and mostly Cr 3+ after reduction. The chromium layers deposited in vacuum show initially small partial oxidation due to the interaction with the oxygen terminated alumina film. These model catalysts can be oxidized in vacuum to Cr 3+ species but not to higher oxidation states. The model catalysts were also subjected to calcination and reduction treatments after deposition in vacuum. Under these conditions the model systems exhibit similar oxidation/reduction behavior as the supported catalysts. Photoreduction of Cr 6+ during the measurements was also studied and found to be very slow having a negligible effect on the results. # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 82.80.P

    Effect of Inhaled Xenon on Cerebral White Matter Damage in Comatose Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    IMPORTANCE: Evidence from preclinical models indicates that xenon gas can prevent the development of cerebral damage after acute global hypoxic-ischemic brain injury but, thus far, these putative neuroprotective properties have not been reported in human studies. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of inhaled xenon on ischemic white matter damage assessed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A randomized single-blind phase 2 clinical drug trial conducted between August 2009 and March 2015 at 2 multipurpose intensive care units in Finland. One hundred ten comatose patients (aged 24-76 years) who had experienced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest were randomized. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive either inhaled xenon combined with hypothermia (33°C) for 24 hours (n = 55 in the xenon group) or hypothermia treatment alone (n = 55 in the control group). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary end point was cerebral white matter damage as evaluated by fractional anisotropy from diffusion tensor MRI scheduled to be performed between 36 and 52 hours after cardiac arrest. Secondary end points included neurological outcome assessed using the modified Rankin Scale (score 0 [no symptoms] through 6 [death]) and mortality at 6 months. RESULTS: Among the 110 randomized patients (mean age, 61.5 years; 80 men [72.7%]), all completed the study. There were MRI data from 97 patients (88.2%) a median of 53 hours (interquartile range [IQR], 47-64 hours) after cardiac arrest. The mean global fractional anisotropy values were 0.433 (SD, 0.028) in the xenon group and 0.419 (SD, 0.033) in the control group. The age-, sex-, and site-adjusted mean global fractional anisotropy value was 3.8% higher (95% CI, 1.1%-6.4%) in the xenon group (adjusted mean difference, 0.016 [95% CI, 0.005-0.027], P = .006). At 6 months, 75 patients (68.2%) were alive. Secondary end points at 6 months did not reveal statistically significant differences between the groups. In ordinal analysis of the modified Rankin Scale, the median (IQR) value was 1 (1-6) in the xenon group and 1 (0-6) in the control group (median difference, 0 [95% CI, 0-0]; P = .68). The 6-month mortality rate was 27.3% (15/55) in the xenon group and 34.5% (19/55) in the control group (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.49 [95% CI, 0.23-1.01]; P = .053). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Among comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, inhaled xenon combined with hypothermia compared with hypothermia alone resulted in less white matter damage as measured by fractional anisotropy of diffusion tensor MRI. However, there was no statistically significant difference in neurological outcomes or mortality at 6 months. These preliminary findings require further evaluation in an adequately powered clinical trial designed to assess clinical outcomes associated with inhaled xenon among survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00879892

    Towards chemical identification in atomic-resolution noncontact AFM imaging with silicon tips

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    In this study we use ab initio calculations and a pure silicon tip to study the tip-surface interaction with four characteristic insulating surfaces: (i) the narrow gap TiO2 (110) surface, (ii) the classic oxide MgO (001) surface, (iii) the ionic solid CaCO3 (101ÂŻ4) surface with molecular anion, and (iv) the wide gap CaF2 (111) surface. Generally we find that the tip-surface interaction strongly depends on the surface electronic structure due to the dominance of covalent bond formation with the silicon tip. However, we also find that in every case the strongest interaction is with the highest anion of the surface. This result suggests that, if the original silicon tip can be carefully controlled, it should be possible to immediately identify the species seen as bright in images of insulating surfaces. In order to provide a more complete picture we also compare these results to those for contaminated tips and suggest how applied voltage could also be used to probe chemical identity.Peer reviewe
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