427 research outputs found

    iDistritos: Sectorización de modelos de redes hidráulicas de Epanet

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    [ES] La sectorización de una red de suministro de agua es una técnica muy utilizada para mejorar la eficiencia hidráulica del sistema (localización de fugas, gestión de la presión, etc.). Numerosas metodologías se han desarrollado para abordar este problema. Sin embargo, no todas se pueden aplicar a las necesidades particulares de cada sistema de suministro. Por ello se ha desarrollado una herramienta informática (iDistritos), basada en los algoritmos de búsqueda de la teoría de grafos y el simulador hidráulico de Epanet, para proponer e identificar sectores de demanda. La herramienta se ha aplicado en dos redes de agua potable reales en España y México.[EN] Water distribution network sectorization is a widely used technique to improve water system hydraulic efficiency (for leak location, pressure management, etc.). Several methodologies have been developed to address this problem. Not all of them can be applied to solve the particular needs of every supply system, however. Thus, a software tool (iDistricts) was developed, based on graph theory search algorithms and the Epanet hydraulic simulator, to propose and identify demand sectors. The tool has been applied two models of drinking water networks in Spain and Mexico.Vegas, O.; Martínez Alzamora, F.; Tzatchkov, V. (2021). iDistritos: Sectorización de modelos de redes hidráulicas de Epanet. Revista Hidrolatinoamericana de Jóvenes Investigadores y Profesionales. 5:13-15. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1898981315

    Late-Holocene vegetation and fire dynamics on the summits of the Guayana Highlands: the Uei-tepui palynological record.

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    The summits of the tepuis (sandstone table mountains of the Neotropical Guayana region¿Guayana Highlands, GH) have been considered valuable for palaeoecological studies due to their pristine nature, which emphasizes the role of natural (i.e. non-human) factors on ecological change. Anthropogenic fires, very frequent in the surrounding Gran Sabana (GS) uplands, have very rarely been documented in the GH, and are therefore not considered an important ecological factor in the high-tepui biome. This paper reports the palynological and charcoal results of a Late Holocene sequence from the summit of Uei-tepui (2104 m elevation), where extensive signs of fire were recently observed. Since ~2000 cal yr BP, the landscape of the study site has been dominated by meadowswith occasional shrubs and cloud forests,which underwent expansions and contractions driven by climate changes and fire. A major vegetation shift occurred in the mid-18th century, when a sustained increase in local fires favoured the expansion of the low and spreading Cyrilla racemiflora shrublands at the expense of meadows and forests. Uei-tepui firesmost probably were the result of human activities and reached the summit under study from the GS uplands through the vegetated slopes that characterize this tepui. The mostly anthropogenic nature of these fires, especially themore recent ones, is supported by the initial occurrence of wetter conditions, and by its coincidence with significant social changes in the GS indigenous populations, mainly the European contact. The emergence of fire as a disturbing agent of theGH biome highlights the need for an effective management plan in the GS uplands, where the vast majority of present-day fires originate, and designed in collaboration with the indigenous communities. Proactive conservationmeasures are considered even more important under future warming projections in the area

    Influence of Ca/Si ratio on the microstructure and properties of blended cements elaborated with kaolinite based waste

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    ICCC 2015, Beijing, China, 13~16 October 2015; http://iccc2015.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1To reduce the environmental impact of cement industries, cementitious materials are added to the manufacture of eco-efficient cements, focusing in industrial wastes. In this paper metakaolinite (MK) based industrial wastes have been mixed with cement in order to study the effect of the chemical composition of the raw material in both microstructural and mechanical properties of the pastes. Frattini test was also determined. The selected metakaolin based industrial wastes were previously activated for two hours at temperatures around 600ºC to transform the inert waste into a cementing material. The industrial wastes materials used were coal mining and paper sludge. The second one was mixed with fly ash (50/50 w/w) in order to evaluate the performance of ternary blended cements. The mixtures were prepared with OPC and both 6 and 20% of activated industrial waste (coal mining and paper sludge + fly ash). Prismatic samples (1x1x6 cm) were prepared with water/cement ratio of 0.5 and cured 28 days. After this time, mineralogical composition of the samples was determined by XRD as well as mechanical properties (compressive and flexural strength, total porosity, etc). Besides, portlandite and ettringite, both monocarboaluminate and C4AH13 have been formed in the samples after 28 days of hydration. It can be observed that C4AH13 decreases as Ca/Si ratio decreases; with the opposite behaviour for the monocarboaluminate. From the mechanical properties, porosity decreases from 1 to 28 days of curing as compressive strength increases.To the Ministry of Economy and Competiveness by the financial support (MAT2012-37005-C03-01-02-03).Peer Reviewe

    Growth promotional traits of three pgpr: possible uses for phytoremediation of degraded soils

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    Maize is a fast-growing and high yield crop with both energy value and remediation potential. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are a biological tool available to enhance plant establishment in degraded or depleted environments such as the case of saline soils or heavy-metal contaminated land. Although PGPR are able to produce metabolites such as siderophores, HCN and ammonia, or solubilize nutrients such as phosphate, these beneficial traits for the plant may be influenced by exposure to excessive levels of such contaminants. In this study, three PGPR (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Ralstonia eutropha and Cryseobacterium humi) were screened for those traits in the presence of different levels of Cd and Zn, and also to different salinization conditions. Their ability to influence maize germination and root and shoot elongation was also analyzed. Results showed that the level of exposure generally affected the ability of the tested strains to produce plant growth promoting substances. However, dissimilar sensibilities in the behavior of the different strains were observed when exposed to similar stress conditions. These differences were also noticeable in the plant development, with the tested PGPR generally positively influencing the analyzed parameters. Results suggest that PGPR can be exploited to promote stress relief of maize when grown in degraded land. Such knowledge may provide a new insight concerning the advantages of such biotechnologically based tools for phytoremediation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aggressive Behavior in School-aged Children: Clusters based on Anger, Empathy and Testosterone and Cortisol Measures

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    The aim of this piece of research was to study the existence of clusters based on anger, empathy and cortisol and testosterone measures associated with aggressive behavior in school-aged children. The sample group comprised 139 eight-year-old children (80 boys and 59 girls). Aggressive behavior was measured using the Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale. Both psychological and biological variables were used to determine psychobiological profiles. The psychological variables considered were trait anger, measured using the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory for Children and Adolescents, and empathy, measured using the Empathy Quotient-Child Version. Testosterone and cortisol concentrations were measured through saliva samples and analyzed using an ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). A Cluster Analysis revealed three clusters which were clearly different as regards their psychological and biological characteristics. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that the cluster characterized by having higher anger levels, lower empathy levels and higher testosterone and cortisol levels was more aggressive than the other two (p < .0001, η2 = .19). The results indicate that studying psychological and biological variables together may help establish differentiated aggression patterns among children

    Impact of increased resolution on long-standing biases in HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA climate models

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    We examine the influence of increased resolution on four long-standing biases using five different climate models developed within the PRIMAVERA project. The biases are the warm eastern tropical oceans, the double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the warm Southern Ocean, and the cold North Atlantic. Atmosphere resolution increases from ∼100–200 to ∼25–50 km, and ocean resolution increases from (eddy-parametrized) to (eddy-present). For one model, ocean resolution also reaches ∘ (eddy-rich). The ensemble mean and individual fully coupled general circulation models and their atmosphere-only versions are compared with satellite observations and the ERA5 reanalysis over the period 1980–2014. The four studied biases appear in all the low-resolution coupled models to some extent, although the Southern Ocean warm bias is the least persistent across individual models. In the ensemble mean, increased resolution reduces the surface warm bias and the associated cloud cover and precipitation biases over the eastern tropical oceans, particularly over the tropical South Atlantic. Linked to this and to the improvement in the precipitation distribution over the western tropical Pacific, the double-ITCZ bias is also reduced with increased resolution. The Southern Ocean warm bias increases or remains unchanged at higher resolution, with small reductions in the regional cloud cover and net cloud radiative effect biases. The North Atlantic cold bias is also reduced at higher resolution, albeit at the expense of a new warm bias that emerges in the Labrador Sea related to excessive ocean deep mixing in the region, especially in the ORCA025 ocean model. Overall, the impact of increased resolution on the surface temperature biases is model-dependent in the coupled models. In the atmosphere-only models, increased resolution leads to very modest or no reduction in the studied biases. Thus, both the coupled and atmosphere-only models still show large biases in tropical precipitation and cloud cover, and in midlatitude zonal winds at higher resolutions, with little change in their global biases for temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, and net cloud radiative effect. Our analysis finds no clear reductions in the studied biases due to the increase in atmosphere resolution up to 25–50 km, in ocean resolution up to 0.25∘, or in both. Our study thus adds to evidence that further improved model physics, tuning, and even finer resolutions might be necessary

    Tectónica superficial del talud continental medio del margen continental del Golfo de Cádiz nororiental (SO de Iberia)

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    The northeastern sector of the Gulf of Cadiz continental margin has been deeply studied the last two decades. The seafloor is characterized by the Gulf of Cadiz Contourite Depositional System, strong diapirism and seepage related to the mobility of the frontal units of the Gibraltar Arc. Since 2010 high resolution bathymetric data and high and very high resolution seismic reflection and parametric echosounder profiles have improved the resolution of the previous collected data set. These data allow to analyze the middle continental slope morphology and its shallow structure with the aim to know the active tectonic processes on the seafloor. Two types of structures have been considered: (a) anticline domes and (b) normal faults which produce linear scarps and tectonic depressions. The shallow tectonics in this region is mainly related to the high mobility of geological formations in the subsoil and their ductile mechanical behaviour.Versión del edito

    Crystal structure of sinhalite MgAlBO4 under high pressure

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp512131eWe report on high-pressure angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction data up to 27 GPa for natural MgAlBO4 sinhalite mineral and ab initio total energy calculations. The experimental bulk modulus of sinhalite is B-0 = 171(3) GPa with a first-pressure derivative of B-0' = 4.2(3). A comparison with other olivine-type compounds shows that the value for B0 is 27% larger than that of Mg2SiO4 forsterite and 29% smaller than that of Al2BeO4 chrysoberyl. These differences are interpreted, on the basis of our ab initio calculations, in terms of the relative incompressibility of Al-O bonds in AlO6 octahedra (with a calculated bulk modulus of 250(1) GPa) as compared to Mg-O bonds in MgO6 octahedra (with a calculated bulk modulus of 130(1) GPa). The spatial cation distribution in the Pbnm orthorhombic unit cell and different polyhedral compressibilities entails a strong anisotropic compression comparable to that of forsterite. The axial compressibilities are 1.06(2) x 10(-3), 2.17(2) x 10(-3), and 1.30(3) x 10(-3) GPa(-1) for a, b, and c axes, respectively. The crystal chemistry of sinhalite under compression is compared to that of other olivine-like compounds. Compressibility trends and possible high-pressure phases are discussed.This study was supported by the Spanish government MEC under Grants No: MAT2010-21270-C04-01/03/04, MAT2013-46649-C4-1/2/3-P, and CTQ2009-14596-C02-01, by the Comunidad de Madrid and European Social Fund (S2009/PPQ1551 4161893), by MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 project (CSD2007-00045), and by Generalitat Valenciana (GVA-ACOMP-2013-1012 and GVA-ACOMP-2014-243). Experiments were performed at MSPD beamline at ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility with the collaboration of ALBA staff A.M. and P.R-H. acknowledge computing time provided by Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and MALTA-Cluster. J.A.S. acknowledges financial support through the Juan de la Cierva fellowship. We are particularly grateful to Angel Vegas for stimulating discussions and critical reading of this manuscript.Santamaría Pérez, D.; Errandonea, D.; Gomis, O.; Sans Tresserras, JÁ.; Pereira, ALJ.; Manjón Herrera, FJ.; Popescu, C.... (2015). Crystal structure of sinhalite MgAlBO4 under high pressure. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119(12):6777-6784. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp512131eS677767841191

    High-pressure study of the behavior of mineral barite by X-ray diffraction

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    In this paper, we report the angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction data of barite, BaSO 4, measured in a diamond-anvil cell up to a pressure of 48 GPa, using three different fluid pressure-transmitting media (methanol-ethanol mixture, silicone oil, and He). Our results show that BaSO 4 exhibits a phase transition at pressures that range from 15 to 27 GPa, depending on the pressure media used. This indicates that nonhydrostatic stresses have a crucial role in the high-pressure behavior of this compound. The new high-pressure (HP) phase has been solved and refined from powder data, having an orthorhombic P2 12 12 1 structure. The pressure dependence of the structural parameters of both room- and HP phases of BaSO 4 is also discussed in light of our theoretical first-principles total-energy calculations. Finally, a comparison between the different equations of state obtained in our experiments is reported. © 2011 American Physical Society.Financial support from the Spanish Consolider Ingenio 2010 Program (Project No. CDS2007-00045) is acknowledged. The work was also supported by Spanish MICCIN under Projects No. CTQ2009-14596-C02-01 and No. MAT2010-21270-C04-01 as well as from Comunidad de Madrid and European Social Fund: S2009/PPQ-1551 4161893 (QUIMAPRES). The ESRF is acknowledged for provision of beamtime.Santamaría-Pérez, D.; Gracia, L.; Garbarino, G.; Beltrán, A.; Chuliá-Jordán, R.; Gomis Hilario, O.; Errandonea, D.... (2011). High-pressure study of the behavior of mineral barite by X-ray diffraction. Physical Review B. 84:54102-1-54102-8. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.84.054102S54102-154102-884RUBIN, A. E. (1997). Mineralogy of meteorite groups. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 32(2), 231-247. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.1997.tb01262.xVegas, A. (2000). Cations in Inorganic Solids. 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    A high-risk study of bipolar disorder. Childhood clinical phenotypes as precursors of major mood disorders

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    CONTEXT: The childhood precursors of adult bipolar disorder (BP) are still a matter of controversy. OBJECTIVE: To report the lifetime prevalence and early clinical predictors of psychiatric disorders in offspring from families of probands with DSM-IV BP compared with offspring of control subjects. DESIGN: A longitudinal, prospective study of individuals at risk for BP and related disorders. We report initial (cross-sectional and retrospective) diagnostic and clinical characteristics following best-estimate procedures. SETTING: Assessment was performed at 4 university medical centers in the United States between June 1, 2006, and September 30, 2009. PARTICIPANTS: Offspring aged 12 to 21 years in families with a proband with BP (n = 141, designated as cases) and similarly aged offspring of control parents (n = 91). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Lifetime DSM-IV diagnosis of a major affective disorder (BP type I; schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type; BP type II; or major depression). RESULTS: At a mean age of 17 years, cases showed a 23.4% lifetime prevalence of major affective disorders compared with 4.4% in controls (P = .002, adjusting for age, sex, ethnicity, and correlation between siblings). The prevalence of BP in cases was 8.5% vs 0% in controls (adjusted P = .007). No significant difference was seen in the prevalence of other affective, anxiety, disruptive behavior, or substance use disorders. Among case subjects manifesting major affective disorders (n = 33), there was an increased risk of anxiety and externalizing disorders compared with cases without mood disorder. In cases but not controls, a childhood diagnosis of an anxiety disorder (relative risk = 2.6; 95% CI, 1.1-6.3; P = .04) or an externalizing disorder (3.6; 1.4-9.0; P = .007) was predictive of later onset of major affective disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood anxiety and externalizing diagnoses predict major affective illness in adolescent offspring in families with probands with BP