29 research outputs found

    Unpacking physically active learning in education: a movement didaktikk approach in teaching?

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    YesThis paper explores teachers’ educational values and how they shape their judgements about physically active learning (PAL). Twenty one teachers from four primary schools in Norway participated in focus groups. By conceptualising PAL as a didaktikk approach, the findings indicated that teachers engaged with PAL in a way that reflected their professional identity and previous experiences with the curriculum. Teachers valued PAL as a way of getting to know pupils in educational situations that were different from those when sedentary. These insights illustrate how PAL, as a didaktikk approach to teaching, can shift teachers’ perceptions of pupils’ knowledge, learning, and identity formation in ways that reflect the wider purposes of education. The paper gives support to a classroom discourse that moves beyond the traditional, sedentary one-way transfer of knowledge towards a more collaborative effort for pupils’ development.This work was supported by Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills: [Grant Number 2019-1-NO01-KA203-060324]. The authors of this manuscript were supported and funded by the European Union ERASMUS+Strategic Partnership Fund as part of the Activating Classroom Teachers (ACTivate) project

    Proteostasis Dysregulation in Pancreatic Cancer

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    The most common form of pancreatic cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), has a dismal 5-year survival rate of less than 5%. Radical surgical resection, in combination with adjuvant chemotherapy, provides the best option for long-term patient survival. However, only approximately 20% of patients are resectable at the time of diagnosis, due to locally advanced or metastatic disease. There is an urgent need for the identification of new, specific, and more sensitive biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction to improve the treatment options for pancreatic cancer patients. Dysregulation of proteostasis is linked to many pathophysiological conditions, including various types of cancer. In this review, we report on findings relating to the main cellular protein degradation systems, the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and autophagy, in pancreatic cancer. The expression of several components of the proteolytic network, including E3 ubiquitinligases and deubiquitinating enzymes, are dysregulated in PDAC, which accounts for approximately 90% of all pancreatic malignancies. In the future, a deeper understanding of the emerging role of proteostasis in pancreatic cancer has the potential to provide clinically relevant biomarkers and new strategies for combinatorial therapeutic options to better help treat the patients.Peer reviewe

    Use of tracers to evaluate and optimize scale-squeeze-treatment design in the norne field

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    Summary When squeezing scale inhibitors (SIs) into oil-production wells, the inhibitor should usually be uniformly placed in the open intervals to optimize squeeze lifetime. In wells with varying reservoir quality and/or significant crossflow, however, uniform placement is difficult to obtain. Flow diverters are frequently used to improve the chemical placement. In many cases, it is of great interest to evaluate the squeeze performance and assess the actual placement and back production of inhibitor to gather well information and thereby optimize future squeeze designs. This can be particularly interesting in subsea wells in which other types of data collection, such as production logging, are not feasible because of high intervention costs and high operational risk. This study suggests the use of tracers during squeeze treatments to evaluate the placement as an alternative to running production-logging tools (PLTs). The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability of tracers [in this particular study, the injection of a potassium chloride (KCl) slug in a producer well in the Norne field] to evaluate the layer flow-rate profile along the completion interval, which depends on the pressure and geological properties of each layer. The study consists of verifying the layer flow-rate profile predicted by a history-matched reservoir model. On the basis of this layer flow-rate profile, a tracer-injection program is designed, which includes two production stages at different rates. Finally, on the basis of the reservoir-model predictions, it is identified that each layer is at different pressures, which leads to a distinctive return profile. To evaluate the match between the observed data and the simulation data, the layer flow-rate profile from the reservoir model was used to populate a specialized near-wellbore model for scale-squeeze treatments. The match between the observed data and the simulated data was good. However, the near-wellbore model, in particular the layer flow-rate profile, was fine-tuned further. Finally, the fine-tuned near-wellbore model was used to optimize future treatments more accurately with the fine-tuned layer flow-rate profile.</jats:p

    Vannutskifting Steinsfjorden Mulige konsekvenser for vannutskifting, vannkvalitet og blågrønnalger ved åpning av veifyllingene. Forprosjekt

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    I Tyrifjorden har det vært en signifikant forbedring i vannkvalitet i løpet av de siste tiårene. For Steinsfjorden er det imidlertid ingen klare utviklingstendenser, hverken mot forbedring eller forverring. Det er benyttet to simuleringsmodeller for å vurdere vannutskiftingen over Kroksundet i dagens situasjon, basert på fjerning av veifyllingene og mudring til 3 og 6 m. Den forbedrede vannutskiftingen utgjør en reduksjon av fosfor og algenivåene på 19 og 31% for hhv. 3 og 6 m mudring. Det generelle eutrofinivået vil ved dette tiltaket alene bringes ned til Vannbruksplanutvalgets målsetting om 9 µg/l totalfosfor. Som enkeltstående tiltak vil en åpning av Kroksundet gi et vesentlig bidrag, men neppe alene være tilstrekkelig for å redusere de giftproduserende blågrønnalgene (Planktothrix spp.) til et uproblematisk nivå. Det finnes ikke enkle løsninger på kompliserte problemstillinger som den Steinsfjorden representerer. Det er behov for en kombinasjon av tradisjonelle og utradisjonelle tiltak, der en biologisk forståelse må ligge til grunn for hvilken sammensetning av tiltak som kan gi den ønskede utviklingen for Steinsfjorden