118 research outputs found

    Hypoxia-inducible factor: basic biology and involvement in cardiovascular pathology

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    Molecular epidemiological studies conducted to date reveal a close relationship between the polymorphism of the HIF system genes with a wide range of cardiovascular, inflammatory, and oncological diseases. The study of the HIF system can contribute to the discovery of new targets and methods of pharmacological effects for the treatment of cardiovascular, oncological, rheumatological, and endocrinological patholog

    Program-targeted regulation of the regional consumer market

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    The primary strategic tasks for development of the Russian Federation and its regions are the increase of the level and quality of life and increase of the share of the middle class on the basis of modernization and restructuring the economy, the growth of entrepreneurial and innovative activities and competitiveness. For the solution of these problems the development of the consumer market should play an important role, performing important economic and social functions. In the article the results of the study of scientific views of foreign and national scientists on the category "consumer market" are shown from the perspective of the principle of historical and logical unity, theoretical and conceptual approaches to its formation and development are systematized, positive trends in its development are revealed; negative social consequences associated with excessive consumption growth and the formation of a consumer society are proved (violation of the ecological balance, people health aggravation, change of people’s attitudes). The necessity of government regulation of the consumer market on all the levels is proved (federal, regional and municipal) based on the prospective vision and its development strategy in the context of globalization, Russia's accession to WTO and the implementation of the sanctions against Russia by the United States, several European and Asian countries. As a methodological approach to solve identified problems on the regional level it is proposed to use the program-targeted regulation of the consumer market, which allows connecting the objectives with the resources and deadlines for their implementation by particular executives. Its use also allows authorities to develop alternative solutions for the tasks on the basis of the justification of priorities in the development of the consumer market and assessment of the risks associated with the implementation of program activities.peer-reviewe

    Infological Model Development Of Innovative Software Product

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    An infological model of the process of managing the creation of a subject-oriented software product proposed, on which the development of an innovative software product interpreted as an information object that changes in content and structure in the process of its creation. When there are innovations in the subject area in the infological model, it is possible to change the control actions in acceptable values in accordance with changes in the current and final requirements for the subject area of the innovative software product. The procedure for making innovative decisions, which implemented, using an intelligent decision support system and is a cyclical process of human-computer interaction

    Optimal stabilization of the movement of an unmanned aerial vehicle with parametric uncertainty

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    This article proposes a modal approach to the synthesis of robust systems for optimal stabilization of the program flight path of a UAV under conditions of uncertainty of its state parameters. The synthesis of a modal robust controller is implemented using the principle of guaranteed dynamics, which allows ensuring not only stability, but also the required quality of control

    Health-promoting activities in education

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    The article discusses issues of health-saving activities aimed at strengthening the health of schoolchildren and students by means of physical education, through the formation of cognitive, activity, motivational and evaluative-productive components of the individualВ статье рассматриваются вопросы здоровьесберегающей деятельности, направленной на укрепление здоровья школьников и студентов средствами физической культуры, через сформированность когнитивного, деятельностного, мотивационного и оценочно-результативного компонентов личност

    Соціально-психологічні особливості адаптації внутрішньо-переміщених осіб

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    Солдатова О. С. Соціально-психологічні особливості адаптації внутрішньо-переміщених осіб / О. С. Солдатова // «UChoice: 4P» Ukrainian Choice: Public Policy, Politics, Psychology: матер. Третьої міждисципл. наук-практ. конфер. (м. Одеса, 6 жовтня 2017 р.) / за заг. ред. Д. В. Яковлева. – Одеса : Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія», 2017. – С. 80-83


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    The paper discusses the examination of patterns of gunshot residue deposition on targets after cartridges loaded with Polev slugs are fired from a 12 gauge smoothbore shotgun. We have established that firing shotgun shells loaded with Polev slugs from a distance further than close range causes penetration of target material with smaller and larger lead particles within a 100 mm radius around the entrance hole. When shots are fired from a distance of 5-to-25 m, the radius of GSR deposition, the number and size of lead particles increase. Статья посвящена исследованию закономерностей отложения продуктов выстрела на мишенях при стрельбе из охотничьего гладкоствольного ружья 12-го калибра патронами, снаряженными пулей Полева. Установлено, что при стрельбе с неблизких дистанций патронами, снаряженными пулей Полева, в радиусе до 100 мм вокруг входного повреждения происходит внедрение мелких и крупных точечных включений свинца. На дистанции от 5 до 25 м наблюдается тенденция к увеличению радиуса отложений, количества и размера точечных включений свинца.

    Association between HSPA8 Gene Variants and Ischemic Stroke: A Pilot Study Providing Additional Evidence for the Role of Heat Shock Proteins in Disease Pathogenesis

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    HSPA8 is involved in many stroke-associated cellular processes, playing a pivotal role in the protein quality control system. Here we report the results of the pilot study aimed at determining whether HSPA8 SNPs are linked to the risk of ischemic strok

    Ontology of core data mining entities

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    In this article, we present OntoDM-core, an ontology of core data mining entities. OntoDM-core defines themost essential datamining entities in a three-layered ontological structure comprising of a specification, an implementation and an application layer. It provides a representational framework for the description of mining structured data, and in addition provides taxonomies of datasets, data mining tasks, generalizations, data mining algorithms and constraints, based on the type of data. OntoDM-core is designed to support a wide range of applications/use cases, such as semantic annotation of data mining algorithms, datasets and results; annotation of QSAR studies in the context of drug discovery investigations; and disambiguation of terms in text mining. The ontology has been thoroughly assessed following the practices in ontology engineering, is fully interoperable with many domain resources and is easy to extend

    Exploring forest structural complexity by multi-scale segmentation of VHR imagery

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    Forests are complex ecological systems, characterised by multiple-scale structural and dynamical patterns which are not inferable from a system description that spans only a narrow window of resolution; this makes their investigation a difficult task using standard field sampling protocols. We segment a QuickBird image covering a beech forest in an initial stage of old-growthness – showing, accordingly, a good degree of structural complexity – into three segmentation levels. We apply field-based diversity indices of tree size, spacing, species assemblage to quantify structural heterogeneity amongst forest regions delineated by segmentation. The aim of the study is to evaluate, on a statistical basis, the relationships between spectrally delineated image segments and observed spatial heterogeneity in forest structure, including gaps in the outer canopy. Results show that: some 45% of the segments generated at the coarser segmentation scale (level 1) are surrounded by structurally different neighbours; level 2 segments distinguish spatial heterogeneity in forest structure in about 63% of level 1 segments; level 3 image segments detect better canopy gaps, rather than differences in the spatial pattern of the investigated structural indices. Results support also the idea of a mixture of macro and micro structural heterogeneity within the beech forest: large size populations of trees homogeneous for the examined structural indices at the coarser segmentation level, when analysed at a finer scale, are internally heterogeneous; and vice versa. Findings from this study demonstrate that multiresolution segmentation is able to delineate scale-dependent patterns of forest structural heterogeneity, even in an initial stage of old-growth structural differentiation. This tool has therefore a potential to improve the sampling design of field surveys aimed at characterizing forest structural complexity across multiple spatio-temporal scales.L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore www.sciencedirect.co