422 research outputs found

    Revisiting Quaternionic Dual Electrodynamics

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    Dual electrodynamics and corresponding Maxwell's equations (in the presence of monopole only) are revisited from dual symmetry and accordingly the quaternionic reformulation of field equations and equation of motion is developed in simple, compact and consistent manner.Comment: 15 page

    Super Symmetric Partners in T4- space

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    Constructing the operators connecting the state of energy associated with super partner Hamiltonians and super partner potentials for a linear harmonic oscillator has been discussed and it is shown that any super symmetric eigen state of one of the super partner potentials in T4-space is paired in energy with a symmetric eigen state of the other partner potential

    Magnetohydrodynamics in Presence of Electric and Magnetic charges

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    Starting with the generalized electromagnetic field equations of dyons, we have discussed the theory of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) of plasma for particles carrying simultaneously the electric and magnetic charges (namely dyons). It is shown that the resultant system supports the electromagnetic duality of dyons. Consequently the frequency of dyonic plasma has been obtained and it is emphasized that there is a different plasma frequency for each species depending on wave number k. For k to be real, only those generalized electromagnetic waves are allowed to pass, for which the usual frequency is greater than the plasma frequency (i.e. \omega>\omega_{p}). It is shown that the plasma frequency sets the lower cuts for the frequencies of electromagnetic radiation that can pass through a plasma . Accordingly the ohm's law has been reestablished to derive the plasma oscillation equation as well as the magetohydrodynamic wave equation and the energy of dyons in unique and consistent manner.Comment: PACS NO: 14.80.Hv (Magnetic Monopoles), 52.30.Cv (Magnetohydrodynamics -including electron magnetohydrodynamics) Keywords: Magnetohydrodynamics, dyons, electromagnetic fields

    Electromagnetic Duality, Quaternion and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories of Dyons

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    Starting with the generalized potentials, currents, field tensors and electromagnetic vector fields of dyons as the complex complex quantities with real and imaginary counter parts as electric and magnetic constituents, we have established the electromagnetic duality for various fields and equations of motion associated with dyons in consistent way. It has been shown that the manifestly covariant forms of generalized field equations and equation of motion of dyons are invariant under duality transformations. Quaternionic formulation for generalized fields of dyons are developed and corresponding field equations are derived in compact and simpler manner. Supersymmetric gauge theories are accordingly reviewed to discuss the behaviour of dualities associated with BPS mass formula of dyons in terms of supersymmetric charges. Consequently, the higher dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories for N=2 and N=4 supersymmetries are analysed over the fields of complex and quaternions respectively

    Interpretations of Octonion Wave Equations

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    The interpretations of octonion wave equations in eight dimensional space-time have been discussed. We have made an attempt to discuss the octonion field equation as the equation of motion for particles carrying simultaneously electric and magnetic charges (i.e. dyons) in external and internal spaces respectively. It has been concluded that the component of octonion potential wave equations behaves neither the generalized electromagnetic fields of monopoles nor the dyons. Rather, they have the mixed behaviour of electromagnetic fields associated with the electric and magnetic charges in external and internal spaces. We have also made an attempt to investigate the split octonion wave equation and its interpretation in classical electrodynamics and accordingly the consistent and compact forms of eight-dimensional potential and current equation of dyons are obtained in terms of Zorn's vector matrix realization of split octonions.Visualizing the external four space as the localization space for tachyons, it is shown that the split octonion wave equation reduces to the Maxwell's equation (field equation) for bradyons in R^{4}- space as well as that for tachyons in T^{4}- space in the absence of other

    Octonionic Gauge Formulation for Dyonic Fields

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    Starting with the generalized field equation of dyons and gravito-dyons, we study the theory of octonion variables to the SU (2) non-Abelian gauge formalism. We demonstrate the resemblance of octonion covariant derivative with the gauge covariant derivative of generalized fields of dyons.Expressing the generalized four-potential, current and fields of gravito-dyons in terms of split octonion variables, the U (1) abelian and SU (2) non-Abelian gauge structure of dyons and gravito-dyons are described. It is emphasized that in general the generalized four-current is not conserved but only the Noetherian four-current is considered to be conserved one. The present formalism yields the theory of electric (gravitational) charge (mass) in the absence of magnetic(Heavisidean) charge (mass) on dyons (gravito-dyons) or vice versa

    Quaternionic Reformulation of Generalized Superluminal Electromagnetic Fields of Dyons

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    Superluminal electromagnetic fields of dyons are described in T^{4}- space and Quaternion formulation of various quantum equations is derived. It is shown that on passing from subluminal to superluminal realm via quaternion the theory of dyons becomes the Tachyonic dyons. Corresponding field Equations of Tachyonic dyons are derived in consistent, compact and simpler form. Abstract Key words- Monopoles, Dyons, Tachyons, Quaternions, Superluminal and Electromagnetic fields. Abstract PACS Nos- 03.50 De, 14.80 Hv.Comment: 20 page

    Quaternion Generalization of Super Poincare Group

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    Super Poincare algebra in D = 6 space-time dimensions has been analysed in terms of quaternion analyticity of Lorentz group. Starting the connection of quaternion Lorentz group with SO(1; 5) group, the SL(2;H) spinors for Dirac & Weyl representations of Poincare group are described consistently to extend the Poincare algebra to Super Poincare algebra for D = 6 space-time.Comment: N

    Generalized Electromagnetic fields of Dyons in Inhomogenous Media

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    Reformulation of the generalized electromagnetic fields of dyons has been dicussed in inhomogenous media and corresponding quaternionic equations are derived in compact, simple and unique manner. We have also discussed the monochromatic fields of generalized electromagnetic fields of dyons in slowly changing media in a consistent manner

    Generalized Split-Octonion Electrodynamics

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    Starting with the usual definitions of octonions and split octonions in terms of Zorn vector matrix realization, we have made an attempt to write the consistent form of generalized Maxwell's equations in presence of electric and magnetic charges (dyons). We have thus written the generalized potential, generalized field, and generalized current of dyons in terms of split octonions and accordingly the split octonion forms of generalized Dirac Maxwell's equations are obtained in compact and consistent manner. This theory reproduces the dynamic of electric (magnetic) in the absence of magnetic (electric) charges.Comment: Abstract Key Words: Split octonions, Zorn Vector Matrix Realizations, Monopoles and dyons; Abstract PACS: 14.80 H
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