16 research outputs found

    Correlation between the radiation responses of fibroblasts cultured from individual patients and the risk of late reaction after breast radiotherapy.

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    Late normal tissue toxicity varies widely between patients and limits breast radiotherapy dose. Here we aimed to determine its relationship to DNA damage responses of fibroblast cultures from individual patients. Thirty-five breast cancer patients, with minimal or marked breast changes after breast-conserving therapy consented to receive a 4 Gy test irradiation to a small skin field of the left buttock and have punch biopsies taken from irradiated and unirradiated skin. Early-passage fibroblast cultures were established by outgrowth and irradiated in vitro with 0 or 4 Gy. 53BP1 foci, p53 and p21/CDKN1A were detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. Residual 53BP1 foci counts 24 h after in vitro irradiation were significantly higher in fibroblasts from RT-sensitive versus RT-resistant patients. Furthermore, significantly larger fractions of p53- but not p21/CDKN1A-positive fibroblasts were found in cultures from RT-sensitive patients without in vitro irradiation, and 2 h and 6 d post-irradiation. Exploratory analysis showed a stronger p53 response 2 h after irradiation of fibroblasts established from patients with severe reaction. These results associate the radiation response of fibroblasts with late reaction of the breast after RT and suggest a correlation with severity

    The effect of radio-adaptive doses on HT29 and GM637 cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The shape of the dose-response curve at low doses differs from the linear quadratic model. The effect of a radio-adaptive response is the centre of many studies and well known inspite that the clinical applications are still rarely considered.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied the effect of a low-dose pre-irradiation (0.03 Gy – 0.1 Gy) alone or followed by a 2.0 Gy challenging dose 4 h later on the survival of the HT29 cell line (human colorectal cancer cells) and on the GM637 cell line (human fibroblasts).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>0.03 Gy given alone did not have a significant effect on both cell lines, the other low doses alone significantly reduced the cell survival. Applied 4 h before the 2.0 Gy fraction, 0.03 Gy led to a significant induced radioresistance in GM637 cells, but not in HT29 cells, and 0.05 Gy led to a significant hyperradiosensitivity in HT29 cells, but not in GM637 cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A pre-irradiation with 0.03 Gy can protect normal fibroblasts, but not colorectal cancer cells, from damage induced by an irradiation of 2.0 Gy and the application of 0.05 Gy prior to the 2.0 Gy fraction can enhance the cell killing of colorectal cancer cells while not additionally damaging normal fibroblasts. If these findings prove to be true in vivo as well this may optimize the balance between local tumour control and injury to normal tissue in modern radiotherapy.</p

    H2AX phosphorylation at the sites of DNA double-strand breaks in cultivated mammalian cells and tissues

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    A sequence variant of histone H2A called H2AX is one of the key components of chromatin involved in DNA damage response induced by different genotoxic stresses. Phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX) is rapidly concentrated in chromatin domains around DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) after the action of ionizing radiation or chemical agents and at stalled replication forks during replication stress. γH2AX foci could be easily detected in cell nuclei using immunofluorescence microscopy that allows to use γH2AX as a quantitative marker of DSBs in various applications. H2AX is phosphorylated in situ by ATM, ATR, and DNA-PK kinases that have distinct roles in different pathways of DSB repair. The γH2AX serves as a docking site for the accumulation of DNA repair proteins, and after rejoining of DSBs, it is released from chromatin. The molecular mechanism of γH2AX dephosphorylation is not clear. It is complicated and requires the activity of different proteins including phosphatases and chromatin-remodeling complexes. In this review, we summarize recently published data concerning the mechanisms and kinetics of γH2AX loss in normal cells and tissues as well as in those deficient in ATM, DNA-PK, and DSB repair proteins activity. The results of the latest scientific research of the low-dose irradiation phenomenon are presented including the bystander effect and the adaptive response estimated by γH2AX detection in cells and tissues

    Breaking the plastic habit: Drivers of single-use plastic reduction among Thai university students

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    This study investigated the decision-making dynamics for pro-environmental behavior among Thai university students, focusing on reducing the consumption of single-use plastics (SUP). By adopting a dynamic approach to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the research examined the influence of psychosocial factors, including attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms, on SUP reduction intention at different phases of behavior change. Using structural equation modelling, we analyzed quantitative data (n = 317) from the selected universities. The results revealed that attitudes predicted behavioral intentions only among individuals in the contemplation phase of reducing SUP. Attitudes had a small but limited influence on the behavioral intentions of students who had not yet acted. Perceived behavioral control, on the other hand, significantly impacted behavioral intentions across all phases of behavior change, highlighting its importance in SUP reduction. The study also confirmed subjective norms’ positive influence on students’ behavioral intentions in the pre-contemplation phase. Practical implications suggested segmenting residents based on their behavior change phase so that public policymakers can allocate resources more efficiently and effectively by tailoring campaigns to specific behavior change phases, ultimately promoting sustainable behavior among university students.</p

    Breaking the plastic habit: Drivers of single-use plastic reduction among Thai university students

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    This study investigated the decision-making dynamics for pro-environmental behavior among Thai university students, focusing on reducing the consumption of single-use plastics (SUP). By adopting a dynamic approach to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the research examined the influence of psychosocial factors, including attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms, on SUP reduction intention at different phases of behavior change. Using structural equation modelling, we analyzed quantitative data (n = 317) from the selected universities. The results revealed that attitudes predicted behavioral intentions only among individuals in the contemplation phase of reducing SUP. Attitudes had a small but limited influence on the behavioral intentions of students who had not yet acted. Perceived behavioral control, on the other hand, significantly impacted behavioral intentions across all phases of behavior change, highlighting its importance in SUP reduction. The study also confirmed subjective norms’ positive influence on students’ behavioral intentions in the pre-contemplation phase. Practical implications suggested segmenting residents based on their behavior change phase so that public policymakers can allocate resources more efficiently and effectively by tailoring campaigns to specific behavior change phases, ultimately promoting sustainable behavior among university students.</p

    The Role of the Telomere/ telomerase System in the Bystander Effect

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    Bystander responses and genomic instability are both non-targeted effects of irradiation. There have been suggestions that the telomerase system is involved in radiation induced genomic instability and therefore may also play a role in bystander mechanisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between the bystander effect and the telomere/ telomerase system as well as the involvement of telomerase in the development of chromosomal damage and its repair in G2 phase. We examined the relationship between several response criteria, including cell survival, chromosomal damage (using micronuclei, breaks and exchanges in prematurely condensed chromosomes, G2 induced chromatid aberrations) and double strand breaks of the DNA (using γ-H2AX and Rad 51) in two cell lines, BJ human foreskin fibroblasts and BJ1-hTERT- a telomerase-immortalised BJ cell line after direct irradiation and bystander exposure. Our findings suggest that telomerase does not play any major role in the bystander effect. However, telomerase appears to be involved in the development of chromosomal damage and its repair in G2 phase and may play a role in the control of DSB repair. The data, taken overall, reinforce the idea that telomerase or other elements of the telomere/telomerase system may defend the chromosomes from breakage, but breaks which occur in cells which do not have telomerase activity are more easily repaired

    Pro-environmental behavior regarding single-use plastics reduction in urban–rural communities of Thailand: Implication for public policy

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    The study investigates residents’ behavior towards reducing the use of single-use plastic (SUP), specifcally in the context of food packaging. The widespread view holds that pro-environmental behavior (PB) results from a person’s moral and rational deliberations. In reducing single-use plastic (SUP) consumption and waste, the relative roles of rationality and morality models in validating PB among rural and urban residents are not yet clear. In this empirical study, we compared the relative efcacy of two models for explaining people’s SUP reduction behavior: the theory of planned behavior (TPB; rationality) and the value belief norm (VBN; morality). We investigated Thailand’s rural (Sichang Island) and metropolitan (Nonthaburi city) areas. As a result, we surveyed people living on Sichang Island (n= 255) and in Nonthaburi city (n= 310). We employed structural equation modeling (SEM) for data analysis in this study. Findings showed that while morality better justifed all the study participants’ SUP reduction behavior, rationality underpinned behaviors of rural residents, while morality better explained the actions of city residents. We discussed future theoretical development and a policy roadmap based on these fndings

    Identifying the determinants of face mask disposal behavior and policy implications: An application of the extended Theory of Planned Behavior

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    A study in Nigeria examined the psychological factors affecting face mask disposal behavior (DB) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used, with awareness of consequences and institutional barriers added. 1183 respondents completed an online survey, and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The original TPB model revealed that attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms explained 65% of the variance in respondents' behavior. Behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control accounted for 59.3% of the variance in DB. The extended TPB model, which included awareness of consequences and perceived institutional barriers, improved the model's explanatory power by 12.8%. Both TPB models adequately predicted FM disposal behavior, with implications for policymakers and waste management authorities to design interventions to promote proper FM disposal behavior