554 research outputs found

    In-beam fast-timing measurements in 103,105,107Cd

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    Fast-timing measurements were performed recently in the region of the medium-mass 103,105,107Cd isotopes, produced in fusion evaporation reactions. Emitted gamma-rays were detected by eight HPGe and five LaBr3:Ce detectors working in coincidence. Results on new and re-evaluated half-lives are discussed within a systematic of transition rates. The 7/21+7/2_1^+ states in 103,105,107Cd are interpreted as arising from a single-particle excitation. The half-life analysis of the 11/2111/2_1^- states in 103,105,107Cd shows no change in the single-particle transition strength as a function of the neutron number

    Transition probabilities in the X(5) candidate 122^{122}Ba

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    To investigate the possible X(5) character of 122Ba, suggested by the ground state band energy pattern, the lifetimes of the lowest yrast states of 122Ba have been measured, via the Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift method. The relevant levels have been populated by using the 108Cd(16O,2n)122Ba and the 112Sn(13C,3n)122Ba reactions. The B(E2) values deduced in the present work are compared to the predictions of the X(5) model and to calculations performed in the framework of the IBA-1 and IBA-2 models

    Surgical treatment in acute aortic disection. Clinic experience

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    Secția Chirurgie Cardiacă a Viciilor Dobândite, Spitalul Clinic Republican ”Timofei Moșneaga”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Disecţia acută de aortă este o urgenţă cardiochirurgicală majoră, fiind cea mai frecventă complicație letală la pacienții cu dilatarea anevrismatică a rădăcinii de aortă în asociere sau nu cu sindromul Marfan. Înlocuirea aortei ascendente disecate este o intervenție chirugicală de urgență ”life saving”, asociată cu o morbiditate și mortalitate ridicată. Din cauza polimorfismului clinic extrem de variat şi a complicaţiilor severe care survin rapid, diagnosticul şi conduita pacientului prezintă dificultăţi. Material și metode: În cadrul clinicii au fost studiați 51 de pacienți operați, care s-au împărțit în 2 categorii: grupul A – 43 pacienți (84%) cu Disecție acută și grupul B – 8 pacienți (16%) cu Disecție acută în asociere cu sindrom Marfan. S-au analizat diferențele dintre cele două grupuri cu privire la caracteristicile preoperatorii, tehnicile chirurgicale, rezultatele postoperatorii imediate și la distanță. Rezultate: Pacienții din grupul B au fost semnificativ mai tineri (B:34,2±11ani) vs (A:58,3±9ani). Hipertensiune arteriala (HTA) a fost întîlnită preponderent în grupul A. Incidența complicațiilor postopertorii, precum și mortalitatea intraoperatorie și cea de la 30 de zile au fost similare. În urma rezultatelor postoperatorii la distanță mortalitatea din grupul B este mai mică. Concluzii: Mortalitatea postoperatorie este similară în disecția acută de aortă cu sau fără sindrom Marfan. Supraviețuirea la distanță este mai mare a pacienților cu sindrom Marfan operați. Diagnosticul precoce al anevrismelor de aortă cu sau fără sindrom Marfan, corijarea permanentă a HTA, intervențiile chirurgicle planice pot reduce semnificativ apariția disecției de aortă.Introduction: Acute aortic dissection is a major emergency in cardiac surgery, being the most common lethal complication in patients with aneurysmal dilatation of the aortic root in combination or not with Marfan syndrome. Replacement of the dissected ascending aorta is a ”life-saving” surgical intervention, associated with high morbidity and mortality. Due to the extremely varied clinical polymorphism and the severe complications that occur rapidly, the patient's diagnosis and conduct presents difficulties. Material and methods: In the clinic, 51 operating patients were studied, divided into 2 categories: group A - 43 patients (84%) with acute dissection and group B - 8 patients (16%) with acute dissection in association with Marfan syndrome. The differences between the two groups were analyzed for preoperative characteristics, surgical techniques, immediate and long-term postoperative outcomes. Results: Patients in group B were significantly younger (B:34.2 ± 11) vs (A:58.3 ± 9). High blood pressure (HBP) was predominantly found in group A. The incidence of postoperative complications as well as intraoperative mortality and the 30-day mortality were similar. After post-operative outcomes, the mortality in group B is lower. Conclusions: Postoperative mortality in acute aortic dissection is similar with or without Marfan syndrome. Remote survival is greater for operated patients with Marfan syndrome. Early diagnosis of aortic aneurysms with or without Marfan syndrome, permanent coronary care of HBP, planar surgeries can significantly reduce the occurrence of aortic dissection

    Trauma of the heart and the aorta. Case`s report

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    Secția Chirurgie Cardiacă a Viciilor Dobândite, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican ”Timofei Moșneaga”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Traumatismele cordului și aortei reprezintă 2,7-3,2% din urgențele cardiochirurgicale. Complexitatea cazurilor sunt extrem de variate. Indicația operatorie poate fi necesară atît în traumatisme penetrante cît și nepenetrante. Din trauma cordului penetrant doar 35% din pacienți supraviețuiesc pînă la unitatea de gardă. Material și metode: În cadrul clinicii s-au studiat 7 cazuri operate cu traumatismul cordului și aortei. În 2 cazuri intervenția fiind secundară, efectuată pe cord deschis cu by-pass cardiopulmonar, pentru rezolvarea defectelor restante postpenetrante. Trauma aortei în toate cazurile a fost nepenetrantă, ce a condus la declanșarea anevrismului de aortă. Rezultate: Pacienții operați au o supraviețuire de100%. În cazurile intervențiilor pe cord deschis s-a efectuat și corecție valvulară. La pacienții cu anevrism de aortă s-a efectuat protezarea segmentului aortic, în dependență de localizarea anevrismului operația s-a efectuat cu by-pass cardiopulmonar sau cu șunt de ocolire. Concluzii: Intervenția primară de urgență majoră pentru trauma cordului penetrant este vital necesară, dar în dependență de gravitatea leziunii unele defecte necesită reintervenție secundară pe cord deschis.Introduction: Heart and aortic trauma represents for 2.7-3.2% of cardiac surgery. The complexity of the cases is extremely varied. The operative indication may be required both in penetrating and non-penetrating traumas. From penetrating heart trauma, only 35% of patients survive to the on-call unit. Materials and methods: In the clinic, was studied 7 cases of heart and aortic trauma. In 2 cases, the intervention was secondary, performed on open heart with cardiopulmonary bypass, to solve post penetrating defects. The aortic trauma in all cases was nonpenetrating, which led to the onset of aortic aneurysm. Results: Operated patients have a survival of 100%. In cases of open heart surgery, valvular correction was also performed. In patients with aortic aneurysm, aortic segment prosthesis was performed, depending on the location of the aneurysm, the operation was performed by cardiopulmonary bypass or bypass shunt. Conclusions: The primary emergency intervention for penetrating heart trauma is vital, but depending on the severity, some defects require secondary open-heart re-insertion

    Identification of the crossing point at N=21 between normal and intruder configurations

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    The beta(-) decay of Mg-34 was used to study the Al-34 nucleus through. spectroscopy at the Isotope Separator On-Line facility of CERN. Previous studies identified two beta-decaying states in Al-34 having spin-parity assignments J(pi) = 4(-) dominated by the normal configuration pi(d(5/2))(-1)circle times nu(f(7/2)) and J(pi) = 1(+) by the intruder configuration pi(d(5/2))(-1) circle times nu(d(3/2))(-1) (f(7/2))(2). Their unknown ordering and relative energy have been the subject of debate for the placement of Al-34 inside or outside the N = 20 "island of inversion." We report here that the 1(+) intruder lies only 46.6 keV above the 4(-) ground state. In addition, a new half-life of T-1/2 = 44.9(4) ms, that is twice as long as the previously measured 20(10) ms, has been determined for Mg-34. Large-scale shell-model calculations with the recently developed SDPF-U-MIX interaction are compared with the new data and used to interpret the mechanisms at play at the very border of the N = 20 island of inversion.Peer reviewe

    First Accurate Normalization of the beta-delayed alpha Decay of N-16 and Implications for the C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 Astrophysical Reaction Rate

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    The C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 reaction plays a central role in astrophysics, but its cross section at energies relevant for astrophysical applications is only poorly constrained by laboratory data. The reduced a width, gamma(11), of the bound 1(-) level in O-16 is particularly important to determine the cross section. The magnitude of gamma(11) is determined via sub-Coulomb a-transfer reactions or the beta-delayed a decay of N-16, but the latter approach is presently hampered by the lack of sufficiently precise data on the beta-decay branching ratios. Here we report improved branching ratios for the bound 1(-) level [b(beta,11) = (5.02 +/- 0.10) x 10(-2)] and for beta-delayed alpha emission [b(beta alpha) = (1.59 +/- 0.06) x 10(-5)]. Our value for b(beta alpha) is 33% larger than previously held, leading to a substantial increase in gamma(11). Our revised value for gamma(11) is in good agreement with the value obtained in a-transfer studies and the weighted average of the two gives a robust and precise determination of gamma(11), which provides significantly improved constraints on the C-12(alpha,gamma) cross section in the energy range relevant to hydrostatic He burning.Peer reviewe

    Beta-delayed proton emission from 20Mg

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    Beta-delayed proton emission from 20 Mg has been measured at ISOLDE, CERN, with the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) setup including both charged-particle and gamma-ray detection capabilities. A total of 27 delayed proton branches were measured including seven so far unobserved. An updated decay scheme, including three new resonances above the proton separation energy in 20 Na and more precise resonance energies, is presented. Beta-decay feeding to two resonances above the Isobaric Analogue State (IAS) in 20 Na is observed. This may allow studies of the 4032.9(2.4)keV resonance in 19 Ne through the beta decay of 20 Mg, which is important for the astrophysically relevant reaction 15O( α \alpha , γ \gamma )19Ne . Beta-delayed protons were used to obtain a more precise value for the half-life of 20 Mg, 91.4(1.0)ms

    133In: A Rosetta Stone for decays of r-process nuclei

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    The β\beta decays from both the ground state and a long-lived isomer of 133^{133}In were studied at the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). With a hybrid detection system sensitive to β\beta, γ\gamma, and neutron spectroscopy, the comparative partial half-lives (logft) have been measured for all their dominant β\beta-decay channels for the first time, including a low-energy Gamow-Teller transition and several First-Forbidden (FF) transitions. Uniquely for such a heavy neutron-rich nucleus, their β\beta decays selectively populate only a few isolated neutron unbound states in 133^{133}Sn. Precise energy and branching-ratio measurements of those resonances allow us to benchmark β\beta-decay theories at an unprecedented level in this region of the nuclear chart. The results show good agreement with the newly developed large-scale shell model (LSSM) calculations. The experimental findings establish an archetype for the β\beta decay of neutron-rich nuclei southeast of 132^{132}Sn and will serve as a guide for future theoretical development aiming to describe accurately the key β\beta decays in the rapid-neutron capture (r-) process