518 research outputs found

    Atomic Interactions in Precision Interferometry Using Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We present theoretical tools for predicting and reducing the effects of atomic interactions in Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) interferometry experiments. To address mean-field shifts during free propagation, we derive a robust scaling solution that reduces the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation to a set of three simple differential equations valid for any interaction strength. To model the other common components of a BEC interferometer---condensate splitting, manipulation, and recombination---we generalize the slowly-varying envelope reduction, providing both analytic handles and dramatically improved simulations. Applying these tools to a BEC interferometer to measure the fine structure constant (Gupta, et al., 2002), we find agreement with the results of the original experiment and demonstrate that atomic interactions do not preclude measurement to better than part-per-billion accuracy, even for atomic species with relatively large scattering lengths. These tools help make BEC interferometry a viable choice for a broad class of precision measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, revised based on reviewer comment

    Open biomedical pluralism : formalising knowledge about breast cancer phenotypes

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    We demonstrate a heterogeneity of representation types for breast cancer phenotypes and stress that the characterisation of a tumour phenotype often includes parameters that go beyond the representation of a corresponding empirically observed tumour, thus reflecting significant functional features of the phenotypes as well as epistemic interests that drive the modes of representation. Accordingly, the represented features of cancer phenotypes function as epistemic vehicles aiding various classifications, explanations, and predictions. In order to clarify how the plurality of epistemic motivations can be integrated on a formal level, we give a distinction between six categories of human agents as individuals and groups focused around particular epistemic interests. We analyse the corresponding impact of these groups and individuals on representation types, mapping and reasoning scenarios. Respecting the plurality of representations, related formalisms, expressivities and aims, as they are found across diverse scientific communities, we argue for a pluralistic ontology integration. Moreover, we discuss and illustrate to what extent such a pluralistic integration is supported by the distributed ontology language DOL, a meta-language for heterogeneous ontology representation that is currently under standardisation as ISO WD 17347 within the OntoIOp (Ontology Integration and Interoperability) activity of ISO/TC 37/SC 3. We particularly illustrate how DOL supports representations of parthood on various levels of logical expressivity, mapping of terms, merging of ontologies, as well as non-monotonic extensions based on circumscription allowing a transparent formal modelling of the normal/abnormal distinction in phenotypes

    Asymmetric Hybrids: Dialogues for Computational Concept Combination

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    When people combine concepts these are often characterised as “hybrid”, “impossible”, or “humorous”. However, when simply considering them in terms of extensional logic, the novel concepts understood as a conjunctive concept will often lack meaning having an empty extension (consider “a tooth that is a chair”, “a pet flower”, etc.). Still, people use different strategies to produce new non-empty concepts: additive or integrative combination of features, alignment of features, instantiation, etc. All these strategies involve the ability to deal with conflicting attributes and the creation of new (combinations of) properties. We here consider in particular the case where a Head concept has superior ‘asymmetric’ control over steering the resulting concept combination (or hybridisation) with a Modifier concept. Specifically, we propose a dialogical approach to concept combination and discuss an implementation based on axiom weakening, which models the cognitive and logical mechanics of this asymmetric form of hybridisation

    Parasite intensity drives fetal development and sex allocation in a wild ungulate

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    Altres ajuts: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada 316189-2012-RGPIN. Beringian Coevolution Project (BCP), National Science Foundation DEB 0196095 i 0415668An understanding of the mechanisms influencing prenatal characteristics is fundamental to comprehend the role of ecological and evolutionary processes behind survival and reproductive success in animals. Although the negative influence of parasites on host fitness is undisputable, we know very little about how parasitic infection in reproductive females might influence prenatal factors such as fetal development and sex allocation. Using an archival collection of Dall's sheep (Ovis dalli dalli), a capital breeder that depends on its body reserves to overcome the arctic winter, we investigated the direct and indirect impacts of the parasite community on fetal development and sex allocation. Using partial least squares modelling, we observed a negative effect of parasite community on fetal development, driven primarily by the nematode Marshallagia marshalli. Principal component analysis demonstrated that mothers with low parasite burden and in good body condition were more likely to have female versus male fetuses. This association was primarily driven by the indirect effect of M. marshalli on ewe body condition. Refining our knowledge of the direct and indirect impact that parasite communities can have on reproduction in mammals is critical for understanding the effects of infectious diseases on wildlife populations. This can be particularly relevant for species living in ecosystems sensitive to the effects of global climate change

    Neutron Valence Structure From Nuclear Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    Mechanisms of spin-flavor SU(6) symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are studied via an extraction of the free neutron structure function from a global analysis of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data on the proton and on nuclei from A = 2 (deuterium) to 208 (lead). Modification of the structure function of nucleons bound in atomic nuclei (known as the EMC effect) are consistently accounted for within the framework of a universal modification of nucleons in short-range correlated (SRC) pairs. Our extracted neutron-to-proton structure function ratio Fn2/Fp2 becomes constant for xB ≄ 0.6, equaling 0.47 ± 0.04 as xB → 1, in agreement with theoretical predictions of perturbative QCD and the Dyson-Schwinger equation, and in disagreement with predictions of the scalar diquark dominance model. We also predict F32He/F32H, recently measured, as yet unpublished, by the MARATHON Collaboration, the nuclear correction function that is needed to extract Fn2/Fp2 from F32He/F32H, and the theoretical uncertainty associated with this extraction

    Fertigung laminarer optischer Gitter am HZB

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    Laminare optische Gitter stellen höchste Anforderungen an die mikrosystemtechnische Fertigung der Mikro und Nano strukturen in Hinsicht auf PrĂ€zision und HomogenitĂ€t. Im Rahmen des EU Projektes Aufbau eines Technologiezent rums fĂŒr hocheffiziente optische PrĂ€zisionsgitter am Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin HZB EFRE Vertrag Nr. 20072013 2 43 [1,2] wurden die fĂŒr die Herstellung von laminaren und geblazten Gittern notwendigen Anlagen in Betrieb ge nommen. Gleichzeitig wurde mit der Prozessentwicklung begonnen. In diesem Artikel werden die neuesten Prozessergebnisse von durch Laserinterferenzlithographie LIL in Photoresist erzeugter Gitterstrukturen und deren nur wenige Nanometer tiefe Übertragung in Siliziumsubstrate mittels Ionenstrahl Ă€tzen vorgestellt. english version Laminar optical gratings impose highest demands on microsystem technological manufacturing with regard to precision and uniformity. Within the project Installation of a technology centre for highly efficient precision gratings at Helm holtz Zentrum Berlin HZB EFRE Vertrag Nr. 20072013 2 43 [1,2] the necessary systems for the manufacturing of laminar and blazed gratings were taken into operation and process development has started. In this article we present the results of grating structures manufactured with laser interference lithography and subse quent ion beam etchin

    Laser Calibration System for Time of Flight Scintillator Arrays

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    A laser calibration system was developed for monitoring and calibrating time of flight (TOF) scintillating detector arrays. The system includes setups for both small- and large-scale scintillator arrays. Following test-bench characterization, the laser system was recently commissioned in experimental Hall B at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility for use on the new Backward Angle Neutron Detector (BAND) scintillator array. The system successfully provided time walk corrections, absolute time calibration, and TOF drift correction for the scintillators in BAND. This showcases the general applicability of the system for use on high-precision TOF detectors.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Soybean aphid biotype 1 genome: Insights into the invasive biology and adaptive evolution of a major agricultural pest

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    The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a serious pest of the soybean plant, Glycine max, a major world-wide agricultural crop. We assembled a de novo genome sequence of Ap. glycines Biotype 1, from a culture established shortly after this species invaded North America. 20.4% of the Ap. glycines proteome is duplicated. These in-paralogs are enriched with Gene Ontology (GO) categories mostly related to apoptosis, a possible adaptation to plant chemistry and other environmental stressors. Approximately one-third of these genes show parallel duplication in other aphids. But Ap. gossypii, its closest related species, has the lowest number of these duplicated genes. An Illumina GoldenGate assay of 2380 SNPs was used to determine the world-wide population structure of Ap. Glycines. China and South Korean aphids are the closest to those in North America. China is the likely origin of other Asian aphid populations. The most distantly related aphids to those in North America are from Australia. The diversity of Ap. glycines in North America has decreased over time since its arrival. The genetic diversity of Ap. glycines North American population sampled shortly after its first detection in 2001 up to 2012 does not appear to correlate with geography. However, aphids collected on soybean Rag experimental varieties in Minnesota (MN), Iowa (IA), and Wisconsin (WI), closer to high density Rhamnus cathartica stands, appear to have higher capacity to colonize resistant soybean plants than aphids sampled in Ohio (OH), North Dakota (ND), and South Dakota (SD). Samples from the former states have SNP alleles with high FST values and frequencies, that overlap with genes involved in iron metabolism, a crucial metabolic pathway that may be affected by the Rag-associated soybean plant response. The Ap. glycines Biotype 1 genome will provide needed information for future analyses of mechanisms of aphid virulence and pesticide resistance as well as facilitate comparative analyses between aphids with differing natural history and host plant range

    Low line density blazed gratings with low blaze angles

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    Gratings installed in synchrotron beamlines and instruments have standard line densities ranging from 300 L mm up to 2400 L mm with blaze angles from 0.3 to 2 . For FEL beamlines lower line densities and lower angles are required. To manufacture these in the required high quality poses some challenges with regard to the ruling process and the ion etching process. Our investigation and process results will be described here. Additionally, first results of the process on a grating substrate are demonstrate
