825 research outputs found

    Microstructure and phase composition of cold Isostatically pressed and pressureless sintered silicon nitride

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    The microstructure and physical properties of new Y₂O₃ and Al₂O₃ oxide-doped silicon nitride ceramics fabricated by cold isostatic pressing and free sintering were investigated. The phase composition of produced material was also studied by X-ray diffraction at room and elevated temperature. The fabricated ceramics featured a microstructure of Si₅AlON₇ grains with a fine-grained α-Si₃N₄ with a small amount of Y₂SiAlON₅. Described ceramics is attractive for many high-temperature structural applications due to beneficial combination of fine-grained structure with improved mechanical properties and small weight los

    37th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Geology and minerals of the Western Urals"

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    23-24 мая 2017 г. на базе Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета состоялась 37-я Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Геология и полезные ископаемые Западного Урала». В статье описаны основные моменты работы конференции, освещены затрагиваемые проблемы и тематика докладов, а также подведены итоги.On May 23-24, 2017, the 37th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Geology of minerals of the Western Urals" was held on the basis of the Perm State University. The article describes the main aspects of the work of the conference, highlights the issues and topics covered in the reports, and summarizes the results

    Polymers pushing Polymers: Polymer Mixtures in Thermodynamic Equilibrium with a Pore

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    We investigate polymer partitioning from polymer mixtures into nanometer size cavities by formulating an equation of state for a binary polymer mixture assuming that only one (smaller) of the two polymer components can penetrate the cavity. Deriving the partitioning equilibrium equations and solving them numerically allows us to introduce the concept of "polymers-pushing-polymers" for the action of non-penetrating polymers on the partitioning of the penetrating polymers. Polymer partitioning into a pore even within a very simple model of a binary polymer mixture is shown to depend in a complicated way on the composition of the polymer mixture and/or the pore-penetration penalty. This can lead to enhanced as well as diminished partitioning, due to two separate energy scales that we analyse in detail.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Some of the features of the viscoplastic media

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    The article considers the influence of the structure and the chemical composition of ground blast furnace slag on rheological properties of slag suspensions. Different composition and structure of blast furnace slags were studie

    Finite elements analysys of giant magnetoimpedance multilayers

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    This work was performed under financial support of The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project № 2582

    CAD-Based Shielding Analysis for ITER Port Diagnostics

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    Radiation shielding analysis conducted in support of design development of the contemporary diagnostic systems integrated inside the ITER ports is relied on the use of CAD models. This paper presents the CAD-based MCNP Monte Carlo radiation transport and activation analyses for the Diagnostic Upper and Equatorial Port Plugs (UPP #3 and EPP #8, #17). The creation process of the complicated 3D MCNP models of the diagnostics systems was substantially accelerated by application of the CAD-to-MCNP converter programs MCAM and McCad. High performance computing resources of the Helios supercomputer allowed to speed-up the MCNP parallel transport calculations with the MPI/OpenMP interface. The found shielding solutions could be universal, reducing ports R&D costs. The shield block behind the Tritium and Deposit Monitor (TDM) optical box was added to study its influence on Shut-Down Dose Rate (SDDR) in Port Interspace (PI) of EPP#17. Influence of neutron streaming along the Lost Alpha Monitor (LAM) on the neutron energy spectra calculated in the Tangential Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) of EPP#8. For the UPP#3 with Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS-core), an excessive neutron streaming along the CXRS shutter, which should be prevented in further design iteration

    Single shot cathode transverse momentum imaging in high brightness photoinjectors

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    In state of the art photoinjector electron sources, thermal emittance from photoemission dominates the final injector emittance. Therefore, low thermal emittance cathode developments and diagnostics are very important. Conventional thermal emittance measurements for the high gradient gun are time-consuming and thus thermal emittance is not measured as frequently as quantum efficiency during the lifetime of photocathodes, although both are important properties for the photoinjector optimizations. In this paper, a single shot measurement of photoemission transverse momentum, i.e., thermal emittance per rms laser spot size, is proposed for photocathode rf guns. By tuning the gun solenoid focusing, the electrons' transverse momenta at the cathode are imaged to a downstream screen, which enables a single shot measurement of both the rms value and the detailed spectra of the photoelectrons' transverse momenta. Both simulations and proof of principle experiments are reported

    Charge exchange neutral particle analysis with natural diamond detectors on LHD heliotron

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    Semiconductor detectors based on natural diamonds have been installed on the Large Helical Device (LHD) heliotron to measure the energy distribution of charge exchange fast neutral particles from different viewing angles. Advantages of a natural diamond detector (NDD) are (1) very compact size, (2) relatively easy handling, and (3) high energy resolution. Although NDDs are sensitive to visible light, vacuum ultraviolet, and soft x rays, unfavorable pulses produced by such radiation were greatly reduced by choosing an appropriate stainless steel shield in this experiment. In LHD, the time-resolved energy distribution of counter-going beam ions and ion cyclotron range of frequency-produced energetic ions have been successfully obtained by means of an NDD. The performance of NDDs as a neutral particle analyzer and its good suitability to LHD plasmas were demonstrated throughout this work