138 research outputs found

    Generation of coherent terahertz pulses in Ruby at room temperature

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    We have shown that a coherently driven solid state medium can potentially produce strong controllable short pulses of THz radiation. The high efficiency of the technique is based on excitation of maximal THz coherence by applying resonant optical pulses to the medium. The excited coherence in the medium is connected to macroscopic polarization coupled to THz radiation. We have performed detailed simulations by solving the coupled density matrix and Maxwell equations. By using a simple VV-type energy scheme for ruby, we have demonstrated that the energy of generated THz pulses ranges from hundreds of pico-Joules to nano-Joules at room temperature and micro-Joules at liquid helium temperature, with pulse durations from picoseconds to tens of nanoseconds. We have also suggested a coherent ruby source that lases on two optical wavelengths and simultaneously generates THz radiation. We discussed also possibilities of extension of the technique to different solid-state materials

    Changes in total plasma and serum N-glycome composition and patient-controlled analgesia after major abdominal surgery

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    Systemic inflammation participates to the complex healing process occurring after major surgery, thus directly affecting the surgical outcome and patient recovery. Total plasma N-glycome might be an indicator of inflammation after major surgery, as well as an anti-inflammatory therapy response marker, since protein glycosylation plays an essential role in the inflammatory cascade. Therefore, we assessed the effects of surgery on the total plasma N-glycome and the association with self-administration of postoperative morphine in two cohorts of patients that underwent major abdominal surgery. We found that plasma N-glycome undergoes significant changes one day after surgery and intensifies one day later, thus indicating a systemic physiological response. In particular, we observed the increase of bisialylated biantennary glycan, A2G2S[3,6]2, 12 hours after surgery, which progressively increased until 48 postoperative hours. Most changes occurred 24 hours after surgery with the decrease of most core-fucosylated biantennary structures, as well as the increase in sialylated tetraantennary and FA3G3S[3,3,3]3 structures. Moreover, we observed a progressive increase of sialylated triantennary and tetraantennary structures two days after surgery, with a concomitant decrease of the structures containing bisecting N-acetylglucosamine along with bi- and trisialylated triantennary glycans. We did not find any statistically significant association between morphine consumption and plasma N-glycome

    Association of the IgG N-glycome with the course of kidney function in type 2 diabetes

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    Introduction Inflammatory processes are thought to be involved in kidney function decline in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) is an important post-translation process affecting the inflammatory potential of IgG. We investigated the prospective relationship between IgG N-glycosylation patterns and kidney function in type 2 diabetes. Research design and methods In the DiaGene study, an all-lines-of-care case–control study (n=1886) with mean prospective follow-up of 7.0 years, the association between 58 IgG N-glycan profiles and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) per year and during total follow-up was analyzed. Models were adjusted for clinical variables and multiple comparisons. Results Eleven traits were significantly associated with eGFR change per year. Bisecting GlcNAc in fucosylated and fucosylated disialylated structures and monosialylation of fucosylated digalactosylated structures were associated with a faster decrease of eGFR. Fucosylation of neutral and monogalactosylated structures was associated with less eGFR decline per year. No significant associations between IgG glycans and ACR were found. Conclusions In type 2 diabetes, we found IgG Nglycosylation patterns associated with a faster decline of kidney function, reflecting a pro-inflammatory state of IgG. eGFR, but not ACR, was associated with IgG glycans, which suggests these associations may represent renal macroangiopathy rather than microvascular disease

    Development of an exoglycosidase plate-based assay for detecting α1-3,4 fucosylation biomarker in individuals with HNF1A-MODY

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    Maturity-onset diabetes of the young due to hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha variants (HNF1A-MODY) causes monogenic diabetes. Individuals carrying damaging variants in HNF1A show decreased levels of α1-3,4 fucosylation, as demonstrated on antennary fucosylation of blood plasma N-glycans. The excellent diagnostic performance of this glycan biomarker in blood plasma N-glycans of individuals with HNF1A-MODY has been demonstrated using liquid chromatography methods. Here, we have developed a high-throughput exoglycosidase plate-based assay to measure α1-3,4 fucosylation levels in blood plasma samples. The assay has been optimized and its validity tested using 1000 clinical samples from a cohort of individuals with young-adult onset diabetes including cases with HNF1A-MODY. The α1-3,4 fucosylation levels in blood plasma showed a good differentiating power in identifying cases with damaging HNF1A variants, as demonstrated by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis with the AUC values of 0.87 and 0.95. This study supports future development of a simple diagnostic test to measure this glycan biomarker for application in a clinical setting. </p

    The effect of oscillating Fermi energy on the line shape of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation in a two dimensional electron gas

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    The line shape of the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillation has been analyzed in detail for a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas. The line shape, or equivalently the behavior of the Fourier components, of the experimentally observed SdH oscillation is well reproduced by the sinusoidal density of states at the Fermi energy that oscillates with a magnetic field in a saw-tooth shape to keep the electron density constant. This suggests that the broadening of each Landau level by disorder is better described by a Gaussian than by a Lorentzian.Comment: 7 pages,6 figures, minor revision

    Genomics Meets Glycomics—The First GWAS Study of Human N-Glycome Identifies HNF1α as a Master Regulator of Plasma Protein Fucosylation

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    Over half of all proteins are glycosylated, and alterations in glycosylation have been observed in numerous physiological and pathological processes. Attached glycans significantly affect protein function; but, contrary to polypeptides, they are not directly encoded by genes, and the complex processes that regulate their assembly are poorly understood. A novel approach combining genome-wide association and high-throughput glycomics analysis of 2,705 individuals in three population cohorts showed that common variants in the Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1α (HNF1α) and fucosyltransferase genes FUT6 and FUT8 influence N-glycan levels in human plasma. We show that HNF1α and its downstream target HNF4α regulate the expression of key fucosyltransferase and fucose biosynthesis genes. Moreover, we show that HNF1α is both necessary and sufficient to drive the expression of these genes in hepatic cells. These results reveal a new role for HNF1α as a master transcriptional regulator of multiple stages in the fucosylation process. This mechanism has implications for the regulation of immunity, embryonic development, and protein folding, as well as for our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer, coronary heart disease, and metabolic and inflammatory disorders

    Evolutional and clinical implications of the epigenetic regulation of protein glycosylation

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    Protein N glycosylation is an ancient posttranslational modification that enriches protein structure and function. The addition of one or more complex oligosaccharides (glycans) to the backbones of the majority of eukaryotic proteins makes the glycoproteome several orders of magnitude more complex than the proteome itself. Contrary to polypeptides, which are defined by a sequence of nucleotides in the corresponding genes, glycan parts of glycoproteins are synthesized by the activity of hundreds of factors forming a complex dynamic network. These are defined by both the DNA sequence and the modes of regulating gene expression levels of all the genes involved in N glycosylation. Due to the absence of a direct genetic template, glycans are particularly versatile and apparently a large part of human variation derives from differences in protein glycosylation. However, composition of the individual glycome is temporally very constant, indicating the existence of stable regulatory mechanisms. Studies of epigenetic mechanisms involved in protein glycosylation are still scarce, but the results suggest that they might not only be important for the maintenance of a particular glycophenotype through cell division and potentially across generations but also for the introduction of changes during the adaptive evolution

    Mutations in HNF1A Result in Marked Alterations of Plasma Glycan Profile

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    A recent genome-wide association study identified hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-α (HNF1A) as a key regulator of fucosylation. We hypothesized that loss-of-function HNF1A mutations causal for maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) would display altered fucosylation of N-linked glycans on plasma proteins and that glycan biomarkers could improve the efficiency of a diagnosis of HNF1A-MODY. In a pilot comparison of 33 subjects with HNF1A-MODY and 41 subjects with type 2 diabetes, 15 of 29 glycan measurements differed between the two groups. The DG9-glycan index, which is the ratio of fucosylated to nonfucosylated triantennary glycans, provided optimum discrimination in the pilot study and was examined further among additional subjects with HNF1A-MODY (n = 188), glucokinase (GCK)-MODY (n = 118), hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-α (HNF4A)-MODY (n = 40), type 1 diabetes (n = 98), type 2 diabetes (n = 167), and nondiabetic controls (n = 98). The DG9-glycan index was markedly lower in HNF1A-MODY than in controls or other diabetes subtypes, offered good discrimination between HNF1A-MODY and both type 1 and type 2 diabetes (C statistic ≥ 0.90), and enabled us to detect three previously undetected HNF1A mutations in patients with diabetes. In conclusion, glycan profiles are altered substantially in HNF1A-MODY, and the DG9-glycan index has potential clinical value as a diagnostic biomarker of HNF1A dysfunction

    IgG1 Fc N-glycan galactosylation as a biomarker for immune activation.

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    Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc N-glycosylation affects antibody-mediated effector functions and varies with inflammation rooted in both communicable and non-communicable diseases. Worldwide, communicable and non-communicable diseases tend to segregate geographically. Therefore, we studied whether IgG Fc N-glycosylation varies in populations with different environmental exposures in different parts of the world. IgG Fc N-glycosylation was analysed in serum/plasma of 700 school-age children from different communities of Gabon, Ghana, Ecuador, the Netherlands and Germany. IgG1 galactosylation levels were generally higher in more affluent countries and in more urban communities. High IgG1 galactosylation levels correlated with low total IgE levels, low C-reactive protein levels and low prevalence of parasitic infections. Linear mixed modelling showed that only positivity for parasitic infections was a significant predictor of reduced IgG1 galactosylation levels. That IgG1 galactosylation is a predictor of immune activation is supported by the observation that asthmatic children seemed to have reduced IgG1 galactosylation levels as well. This indicates that IgG1 galactosylation levels could be used as a biomarker for immune activation of populations, providing a valuable tool for studies examining the epidemiological transition from communicable to non-communicable diseases