509 research outputs found

    Management of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria, Urinary Catheters and Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infections in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Joint Replacement: A Position Paper of the Expert Group 'Infection' of swissorthopaedics.

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    In this position paper, we review definitions related to this subject and the corresponding literature. Our recommendations include the following statements. Asymptomatic bacteriuria, asymptomatic leukocyturia, urine discolouration, odd smell or positive nitrite sediments are not an indication for antimicrobial treatment. Antimicrobial treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria does not prevent periprosthetic joint infection, but is associated with adverse events, costs and antibiotic resistance development. Urine analyses or urine cultures in asymptomatic patients undergoing orthopaedic implants should be avoided. Indwelling urinary catheters are the most frequent reason for healthcare-associated urinary tract infections and should be avoided or removed as soon as possible

    Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Dental Procedures in Patients with Prosthetic Joints.

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    In patients with artificial joints, the need for antimicrobial prophylaxis during dental procedures is often raised. The present document describes the pathogenic mechanisms and epidemiological data on the subject of periprosthetic joint infections (PJI) after dental procedures. The document reflects the opinion and recommendations of the expert group 'Infection' of Swiss Orthopaedics. Microorganisms belonging to oral flora can seed haematogenously to an artificial joint. The proof of a causative relation with dental procedures is not possible, because the responsible bacteraemia can originate from the oral cavity at any time, irrespective of when the dental procedure occurs. Good oral hygiene is associated with a lower risk for PJI. Transient bacteraemia occurs during daily oral hygiene activity (e.g., tooth brushing) and thus the cumulative risk for a haematogenous PJI from tooth brushing is higher than that from a dental procedure. PJI after a dental procedure are rarely reported. On the basis of an epidemiological model, several thousand patients with artificial joints must receive antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent a single PJI. Considering this ratio, the number of adverse events due to the antimicrobial compound exceeds the benefit of administering it by a large magnitude. Therefore, as a rule for the vast majority of cases, antimicrobial prophylaxis during dental procedures is not recommended. It is important that a patient has a good oral health status before joint implantation and that good oral hygiene is continuously maintained in patients with artificial joints

    The ruminant sorting mechanism protects teeth from abrasives

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    Dental wear due to ingestion of dust and grit has deleterious consequences. Herbivores that could not wash their food hence had to evolve particularly durable teeth, in parallel to the evolution of dental chewing surface complexity to increase chewing efficacy. The rumen sorting mechanism increases chewing efficacy beyond that reached by any other mammal and has been hypothesized to also offer an internal washing mechanism, which would be an outstanding example of an additional advantage by a physiological adaptation, but in vivo evidence is lacking so far. Here, we investigated four cannulated, live cows that received a diet to which sand was added. Silica in swallowed food and feces reflected experimental dietary sand contamination, whereas the regurgitate submitted to rumination remained close to the silica levels of the basal food. This helps explain how ruminants are able to tolerate high levels of dust or grit in their diet, with less high-crowned teeth than nonruminants in the same habitat. Palaeo-reconstructions based on dental morphology and dental wear traces need to take the ruminants’ wear-protection mechanism into account. The inadvertent advantage likely contributed to the ruminants’ current success in terms of species diversity

    Dysfunctional stem and progenitor cells impair fracture healing with age

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    Successful fracture healing requires the simultaneous regeneration of both the bone and vasculature; mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are directed to replace the bone tissue, while endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) form the new vasculature that supplies blood to the fracture site. In the elderly, the healing process is slowed, partly due to decreased regenerative function of these stem and progenitor cells. MSCs from older individuals are impaired with regard to cell number, proliferative capacity, ability to migrate, and osteochondrogenic differentiation potential. The proliferation, migration and function of EPCs are also compromised with advanced age. Although the reasons for cellular dysfunction with age are complex and multidimensional, reduced expression of growth factors, accumulation of oxidative damage from reactive oxygen species, and altered signaling of the Sirtuin-1 pathway are contributing factors to aging at the cellular level of both MSCs and EPCs. Because of these geriatric-specific issues, effective treatment for fracture repair may require new therapeutic techniques to restore cellular function. Some suggested directions for potential treatments include cellular therapies, pharmacological agents, treatments targeting age-related molecular mechanisms, and physical therapeutics. Advanced age is the primary risk factor for a fracture, due to the low bone mass and inferior bone quality associated with aging; a better understanding of the dysfunctional behavior of the aging cell will provide a foundation for new treatments to decrease healing time and reduce the development of complications during the extended recovery from fracture healing in the elderly

    Human adipose stromal cell therapy improves survival and reduces renal inflammation and capillary rarefaction in acute kidney injury

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    Damage to endothelial cells contributes to acute kidney injury (AKI) by causing impaired perfusion, while the permanent loss of the capillary network following AKI has been suggested to promote chronic kidney disease. Therefore, strategies to protect renal vasculature may impact both short-term recovery and long-term functional preservation post-AKI. Human adipose stromal cells (hASCs) possess pro-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory properties and therefore have been tested as a therapeutic agent to treat ischaemic conditions. This study evaluated hASC potential to facilitate recovery from AKI with specific attention to capillary preservation and inflammation. Male Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to bilateral ischaemia/reperfusion and allowed to recover for either two or seven days. At the time of reperfusion, hASCs or vehicle was injected into the suprarenal abdominal aorta. hASC-treated rats had significantly greater survival compared to vehicle-treated rats (88.7% versus 69.3%). hASC treatment showed hastened recovery as demonstrated by lower creatinine levels at 48 hrs, while tubular damage was significantly reduced at 48 hrs. hASC treatment resulted in a significant decrease in total T cell and Th17 cell infiltration into injured kidneys at 2 days post-AKI, but an increase in accumulation of regulatory T cells. By day 7, hASC-treated rats showed significantly attenuated capillary rarefaction in the cortex (15% versus 5%) and outer medulla (36% versus 18%) compared to vehicle-treated rats as well as reduced accumulation of interstitial alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive myofibroblasts. These results suggest for the first time that hASCs improve recovery from I/R-induced injury by mechanisms that contribute to decrease in inflammation and preservation of peritubular capillaries

    Reconstruction of body cavity volume in terrestrial tetrapods

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    tracts required for the digestion of plant fiber, this concept has not been addressed quantitatively. We estimated the volume of the torso in 126 terrestrial tetrapods (synapsids including basal synapsids and mammals, and diapsids including birds, non-avian dinosaurs and reptiles) classified as either herbivore or carnivore in digital models of mounted skeletons, using the convex hull method. The difference in relative torso volume between diet types was significant in mammals, where relative torso volumes of herbivores were about twice as large as that of carnivores, supporting the general hypothesis. However, this effect was not evident in diapsids. This may either reflect the difficulty to reliably reconstruct mounted skeletons in non-avian dinosaurs, or a fundamental difference in the bauplan of different groups of tetrapods, for example due to differences in respiratory anatomy. Evidently, the condition in mammals should not be automatically assumed in other, including more basal, tetrapod lineages. In both synapsids and diapsids, large animals showed a high degree of divergence with respect to the proportion of their convex hull directly supported by bone, with animals like elephants or Triceratops having a low proportion, and animals such as rhinoceros having a high proportion of bony support. The relevance of this difference remains to be further investigated

    Does sticky blood predict a sticky end? Associations of blood viscosity, haematocrit and fibrinogen with mortality in the West of Scotland

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    There is increasing evidence that blood viscosity and its major determinants (haematocrit, plasma viscosity and fibrinogen) are associated with an increased risk of incident cardiovascular events; however, their associations with mortality are not established. We therefore studied the associations of these variables with cardiovascular events and total mortality in 1238 men and women aged 25-64 years, followed for 13 years in the first North Glasgow MONICA (MONItoring CArdiovascular disease) survey and West of Scotland centres in the Scottish Heart Health Study. After adjustment for age and sex, increasing whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, haematocrit and fibrinogen (analysed by both von Clauss and heat precipitation assays) were significantly associated with mortality. Only the association for fibrinogen (von Clauss assay) remained significant after adjustment for major cardiovascular risk factors. We conclude that clottable fibrinogen may be independently associated with mortality. However, the significance of this association, and the extent to which viscosity is associated with mortality, remain to be established in larger studies and meta-analyses

    Microwear textures associated with experimental near-natural diets suggest that seeds and hard insect body parts cause high enamel surface complexity in small mammals

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    In mammals, complex dental microwear textures (DMT) representing differently sized and shaped enamel lesions overlaying each other have traditionally been associated with the seeds and kernels in frugivorous diets, as well as with sclerotized insect cuticles. Recently, this notion has been challenged by field observations as well as in vitro experimental data. It remains unclear to what extent each food item contributes to the complexity level and is reflected by the surface texture of the respective tooth position along the molar tooth row. To clarify the potential of seeds and other abrasive dietary items to cause complex microwear textures, we conducted a controlled feeding experiment with rats. Six individual rats each received either a vegetable mix, a fruit mix, a seed mix, whole crickets, whole black soldier fly larvae, or whole day-old-chicks. These diets were subjected to material testing to obtain mechanical properties, such as Young’s modulus, yield strength, and food hardness (as indicated by texture profile analysis [TPA] tests). Seeds and crickets caused the highest surface complexity. The fruit mix, seed mix, and crickets caused the deepest wear features. Moreover, several diets resulted in an increasing wear gradient from the first to the second molar, suggesting that increasing bite force along the tooth row affects dental wear in rats on these diets. Mechanical properties of the diets showed different correlations with DMT obtained for the first and second molars. The first molar wear was mostly correlated with maximum TPA hardness, while the second molar wear was strongly correlated with maximum yield stress, mean TPA hardness, and maximum TPA hardness. This indicates a complex relationship between chewing mechanics, food mechanical properties, and observed DMT. Our results show that, in rats, seeds are the main cause of complex microwear textures but that hard insect body parts can also cause high complexity. However, the similarity in parameter values of surface textures resulting from seed and cricket consumption did not allow differentiation between these two diets in our experimental approach

    Origin of Low-Energy Excitations in Charge-Ordered Manganites

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    The low-energy excitations in the charge-ordered phase of polycrystalline La0.25Ca0.75MnO3 are explored by frequency-domain terahertz spectroscopy. In the frequency range from 4 cm^-1 to 700 cm^-1 (energies 0.4 meV to 90 meV) and at temperatures down to 5 K, we do not detect any feature that can be associated with the collective response of the spatially modulated charge continuum. In the antiferromagnetically ordered phase, broad absorption bands appear in the conductivity and permittivity spectra around 30 cm^-1 and 100 cm^-1 which are assigned to former acoustic phonons optically activated due to a fourfold superstructure in the crystal lattice. Our results indicate that characteristic energies of collective excitations of the charge-ordered phase in La0:25Ca0:75MnO3, if any, lie below 1 meV. At our lowest frequencies of only few wavenumbers a strong relaxation is observed above 100 K connected to the formation of the charge-ordered state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure