16 research outputs found

    Efficacy of one-step and multi-step polishing systems in finishing direct composite restoration: a non-randomised controlled experimental trial

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    Background. The variety of polishing systems and tools available for finishing direct composite restorations may perplex the dentist.Objectives. An effect evaluation in one- and multi-step composite polishing tools using model specimens of GC Gradia Direct and 3M ESPE Filtek Ultimate restoratives.Methods. The prepared specimens of GC Gradia Direct and 3M ESPE Filtek Ultimate restorative composites were exposed in laboratory to the Kenda Maximus, Dentsply PoGo, Kagayaki RoundFlex, Shofu Super-Snap, Kagayaki Ensmart Pin, EVE Composoft polishing systems and Daiyamondo Kagayaki paste. The polishing systems distinguished by brand, technical and performance characters.Surface microgeometry in all 16 samples was estimated in the Laboratory of Optical Metrology, Institute of Design and Technology for Scientific Instrument Engineering, Novosibirsk, using a MNP-1 light interferometric nanoprofile microscope and at the shared core facilities of the Research and Education Centre “Nanomaterial Diagnostics and Properties” of Kuban State University, Krasnodar, using a JEOL JSM-7500F scanning electron microscope.Results. Optical profilometry and scanning electron microscopy were used to estimate surface roughness in 16 specimens exposed to polishing for one minute. The polishing tools Kenda Maximus, Dentsply PoGo, Kagayaki RoundFlex, Shofu Super-Snap, Kagayaki Ensmart Pin, EVE Composoft, as well as Daiyamondo Kagayaki paste used in instrumental polishing, revealed a varied performance. Optical profilometry exhibited the GC Gradia Direct and Filtek Ultimate specimens to possess the lowest average roughness in two cases: 1) after multi-step polishing with Kagayaki Ensmart Pin tools with Daiyamondo Kagayaki paste (average roughness corresponded to Sa — 0.214 pm in GC Gradia Direct and Sa — 0.248 pm — in Filtek Ultimate), 2) in application of the Kenda Maximus monopolishing tool (roughness values of Sa — 0.211 and Sa — 0.242 pm, respectively). Surface roughness after multi-step machining with EVE Composoft silicone polishers was average Sa — 0.579 and Sa — 0.549 pm in both samples and was reported the highest. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed the optical profilometry estimates.Conclusion. The assay showed that the specimen machining with a sole Kenda Maximus diamond abrasive tool and several Kagayaki Ensmart Pin silicone polishing heads followed by a Daiyamondo Kagayaki diamond abrasive paste application produced very similar surface roughness values, which were graded the lowest with GC Gradia Direct and 3M ESPE Filtek Ultimate composite samples using scanning electron microscopy and optical profilometry


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     In 95 children with diabetes mellitus aged 5-15 the bone mineral density and the phosphoric-calcium metabolism were explored. In 61,1 % of patients the different degrees of decreasing of bone mineral density were revealed. The improvement of bone mineral density and normalization of phosphoric-calcium metabolism in our patients after the modificated treatment, which included vitamin Dand calcium glycerophosphate, was noticed.У 95 детей с сахарным диабетом І типа (ЦД) в возрасте 5-15 лет определяли минеральную плотность костной ткани (МПКТ), параллельно у них проводилось исследование фосфорно-кальциевого обмена. У 61,1 % обследованных пациентов диагностирована диабетическая остеопатия разной степени тяжести. На фоне лечения, которое включало видеин-З и глицерофосфат кальция, у больных отмечено повышение минерализации костной ткани и нормализация фосфорно-кальциевого обмена.У 95 дітей з цукровим діабетом І типу (ЦД) у віці 5-15 років визначали мінеральну щільність кісткової тканини (МЩКТ), паралельно у них проводилось визначення фосфорно-кальцієвого обміну. У 61,1 % обстежених пацієнтів діагностовано діабетичну остеопатію різного ступеня тяжкості. На фоні лікування, що включало відеїн-Зта гліцерофосфат кальцію, у хворих відмічалось підвищення МЩКТ та нормалізація фосфорно-кальцієвого обміну

    Classification of Protein Kinases on the Basis of Both Kinase and Non-Kinase Regions

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    BACKGROUND: Protein phosphorylation is a generic way to regulate signal transduction pathways in all kingdoms of life. In many organisms, it is achieved by the large family of Ser/Thr/Tyr protein kinases which are traditionally classified into groups and subfamilies on the basis of the amino acid sequence of their catalytic domains. Many protein kinases are multi-domain in nature but the diversity of the accessory domains and their organization are usually not taken into account while classifying kinases into groups or subfamilies. METHODOLOGY: Here, we present an approach which considers amino acid sequences of complete gene products, in order to suggest refinements in sets of pre-classified sequences. The strategy is based on alignment-free similarity scores and iterative Area Under the Curve (AUC) computation. Similarity scores are computed by detecting common patterns between two sequences and scoring them using a substitution matrix, with a consistent normalization scheme. This allows us to handle full-length sequences, and implicitly takes into account domain diversity and domain shuffling. We quantitatively validate our approach on a subset of 212 human protein kinases. We then employ it on the complete repertoire of human protein kinases and suggest few qualitative refinements in the subfamily assignment stored in the KinG database, which is based on catalytic domains only. Based on our new measure, we delineate 37 cases of potential hybrid kinases: sequences for which classical classification based entirely on catalytic domains is inconsistent with the full-length similarity scores computed here, which implicitly consider multi-domain nature and regions outside the catalytic kinase domain. We also provide some examples of hybrid kinases of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. CONCLUSIONS: The implicit consideration of multi-domain architectures is a valuable inclusion to complement other classification schemes. The proposed algorithm may also be employed to classify other families of enzymes with multi-domain architecture

    Sequence survey of receptor tyrosine kinases reveals mutations in glioblastomas

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    It is now clear that tyrosine kinases represent attractive targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer. Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology now provide the opportunity to survey mutational changes in cancer in a high-throughput and comprehensive manner. Here we report on the sequence analysis of members of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) gene family in the genomes of glioblastoma brain tumors. Previous studies have identified a number of molecular alterations in glioblastoma, including amplification of the RTK epidermal growth factor receptor. We have identified mutations in two other RTKs: (i) fibroblast growth receptor 1, including the first mutations in the kinase domain in this gene observed in any cancer, and (ii) a frameshift mutation in the platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α gene. Fibroblast growth receptor 1, platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α, and epidermal growth factor receptor are all potential entry points to the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase intracellular signaling pathways already known to be important for neoplasia. Our results demonstrate the utility of applying DNA sequencing technology to systematically assess the coding sequence of genes within cancer genomes