5,833 research outputs found

    Giant optical Faraday rotation induced by a single electron spin in a quantum dot: Applications to entangling remote spins via a single photon

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    We propose a quantum non-demolition method - giant Faraday rotation - to detect a single electron spin in a quantum dot inside a microcavity where negatively-charged exciton strongly couples to the cavity mode. Left- and right-circularly polarized light reflected from the cavity feels different phase shifts due to cavity quantum electrodynamics and the optical spin selection rule. This yields giant and tunable Faraday rotation which can be easily detected experimentally. Based on this spin-detection technique, a scalable scheme to create an arbitrary amount of entanglement between two or more remote spins via a single photon is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Preparation of Knill-Laflamme-Milburn states using tunable controlled phase gate

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    A specific class of partially entangled states known as Knill-Laflamme-Milburn states (or KLM states) has been proved to be useful in relation to quantum information processing [Knill et al., Nature 409, 46 (2001)]. Although the usage of such states is widely investigated, considerably less effort has been invested into experimentally accessible preparation schemes. This paper discusses the possibility to employ a tunable controlled phase gate to generate an arbitrary Knill-Laflamme-Milburn state. In the first part, the idea of using the controlled phase gate is explained on the case of two-qubit KLM states. Optimization of the proposed scheme is then discussed for the framework of linear optics. Subsequent generalization of the scheme to arbitrary n-qubit KLM state is derived in the second part of this paper.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Journal of Physics

    Association Between Public Reporting of Outcomes With Procedural Management and Mortality for Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    AbstractBackgroundPublic reporting of procedural outcomes may create disincentives to provide percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for critically ill patients.ObjectivesThis study evaluated the association between public reporting with procedural management and outcomes among patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).MethodsUsing the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, we identified all patients with a primary diagnosis of AMI in states with public reporting (Massachusetts and New York) and regionally comparable states without public reporting (Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) between 2005 and 2011. Procedural management and in-hospital outcomes were stratified by public reporting.ResultsAmong 84,121 patients hospitalized with AMI, 57,629 (69%) underwent treatment in a public reporting state. After multivariate adjustment, percutaneous revascularization was performed less often in public reporting states than in nonreporting states (odds ratio [OR]: 0.81, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.67 to 0.96), especially among older patients (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.62 to 0.91), those with Medicare insurance (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.62 to 0.91), and those presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (OR: 0.63, 95% CI: 0.56 to 0.71) or concomitant cardiac arrest or cardiogenic shock (OR: 0.58, 95% CI: 0.47 to 0.70). Overall, patients with AMI in public reporting states had higher adjusted in-hospital mortality rates (OR: 1.21, 95% CI: 1.06 to 1.37) than those in nonreporting states. This was observed predominantly in patients who did not receive percutaneous revascularization in public reporting states (adjusted OR: 1.30, 95% CI: 1.13 to 1.50), whereas those undergoing the procedure had lower mortality (OR: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.62 to 0.83).ConclusionsPublic reporting is associated with reduced percutaneous revascularization and increased in-hospital mortality among patients with AMI, particularly among patients not selected for PCI

    Intermittent random walks for an optimal search strategy: One-dimensional case

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    We study the search kinetics of an immobile target by a concentration of randomly moving searchers. The object of the study is to optimize the probability of detection within the constraints of our model. The target is hidden on a one-dimensional lattice in the sense that searchers have no a priori information about where it is, and may detect it only upon encounter. The searchers perform random walks in discrete time n=0,1,2, ..., N, where N is the maximal time the search process is allowed to run. With probability \alpha the searchers step on a nearest-neighbour, and with probability (1-\alpha) they leave the lattice and stay off until they land back on the lattice at a fixed distance L away from the departure point. The random walk is thus intermittent. We calculate the probability P_N that the target remains undetected up to the maximal search time N, and seek to minimize this probability. We find that P_N is a non-monotonic function of \alpha, and show that there is an optimal choice \alpha_{opt}(N) of \alpha well within the intermittent regime, 0 < \alpha_{opt}(N) < 1, whereby P_N can be orders of magnitude smaller compared to the "pure" random walk cases \alpha =0 and \alpha = 1.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter; special issue on Chemical Kinetics Beyond the Textbook: Fluctuations, Many-Particle Effects and Anomalous Dynamics, eds. K.Lindenberg, G.Oshanin and M.Tachiy

    High-Resolution Keck Spectra of the Associated Absorption Lines in 3C 191

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    Associated absorption lines (AALs) are valuable probes of the gaseous environments near quasars. Here we discuss high-resolution (6.7 km/s) spectra of the AALs in the radio-loud quasar 3C 191 (redshift z=1.956). The measured AALs have ionizations ranging from Mg I to N V, and multi-component profiles that are blueshifted by ~400 to ~1400 km/s relative to the quasar's broad emission lines. These data yield the following new results. 1) The density based on Si II*/Si II lines is ~300 cm-3, implying a distance of ~28 kpc from the quasar if the gas is photoionized. 2) The characteristic flow time is thus \~3 x 10^7 yr. 3) Strong Mg I AALs identify neutral gas with very low ionization parameter and high density. We estimate n_H > 5 x 10^4 cm-3 in this region, compared to ~15 cm-3 where the N V lines form. 4) The total column density is N_H < 4 x 10^18 cm-2 in the neutral gas and N_H ~ 2 x 10^20 cm-2 in the moderately ionized regions. 5) The total mass in the AAL outflow is M ~ 2 x 10^9 Mo, assuming a global covering factor (as viewed from the quasar) of ~10% >. 6) The absorbing gas only partially covers the background light source(s) along our line(s) of sight, requiring absorption in small clouds or filaments <0.01 pc across. The ratio N_H/n_H implies that the clouds have radial (line- of-sight) thicknesses <0.2 pc. These properties might characterize a sub-class of AALs that are physically related to quasars but form at large distances. We propose a model for the absorber in which pockets of dense neutral gas are surrounded by larger clouds of generally lower density and higher ionization. This outflowing material might be leftover from a blowout associated with a nuclear starburst, the onset of quasar activity or a past broad absorption line (BAL) wind phase.Comment: 15 pages text plus 6 figures, in press with Ap

    MERLIN radio detection of an interaction zone within a binary Orion proplyd system

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    Presented here are high angular resolution MERLIN 5 GHz (6 cm) continuum observations of the binary proplyd system, LV 1 in the Orion nebula, which consists of proplyd 168--326SE and its binary proplyd companion 168--326NW (separation 0.4 arcsec). Accurate astrometric alignment allows a detailed comparison between these data and published HST PC Halpha and [Oiii] images. Thermal radio sources coincide with the two proplyds and originate in the ionized photoevaporating flows seen in the optical emission lines. Flow velocities of approx 50 km/s from the ionized proplyd surfaces and \geq 100 km/s from a possible micro-jet have been detected using the Manchester Echelle spectrometer. A third radio source is found to coincide with a region of extended, high excitation, optical line emission that lies between the binary proplyds 168--326SE/326NW . This is modelled as a bowshock due to the collision of the photoevaporating flows from the two proplyds. Both a thermal and a non-thermal origin for the radio emission in this collision zone are considered.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    Intermittent search strategies

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    This review examines intermittent target search strategies, which combine phases of slow motion, allowing the searcher to detect the target, and phases of fast motion during which targets cannot be detected. We first show that intermittent search strategies are actually widely observed at various scales. At the macroscopic scale, this is for example the case of animals looking for food ; at the microscopic scale, intermittent transport patterns are involved in reaction pathway of DNA binding proteins as well as in intracellular transport. Second, we introduce generic stochastic models, which show that intermittent strategies are efficient strategies, which enable to minimize the search time. This suggests that the intrinsic efficiency of intermittent search strategies could justify their frequent observation in nature. Last, beyond these modeling aspects, we propose that intermittent strategies could be used also in a broader context to design and accelerate search processes.Comment: 72 pages, review articl

    Extended Classical Over-Barrier Model for Collisions of Highly Charged Ions with Conducting and Insulating Surfaces

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    We have extended the classical over-barrier model to simulate the neutralization dynamics of highly charged ions interacting under grazing incidence with conducting and insulating surfaces. Our calculations are based on simple model rates for resonant and Auger transitions. We include effects caused by the dielectric response of the target and, for insulators, localized surface charges. Characteristic deviations regarding the charge transfer processes from conducting and insulating targets to the ion are discussed. We find good agreement with previously published experimental data for the image energy gain of a variety of highly charged ions impinging on Au, Al, LiF and KI crystals.Comment: 32 pages http://pikp28.uni-muenster.de/~ducree

    Split-off dimer defects on the Si(001)2x1 surface

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    Dimer vacancy (DV) defect complexes in the Si(001)2x1 surface were investigated using high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and first principles calculations. We find that under low bias filled-state tunneling conditions, isolated 'split-off' dimers in these defect complexes are imaged as pairs of protrusions while the surrounding Si surface dimers appear as the usual 'bean-shaped' protrusions. We attribute this to the formation of pi-bonds between the two atoms of the split-off dimer and second layer atoms, and present charge density plots to support this assignment. We observe a local brightness enhancement due to strain for different DV complexes and provide the first experimental confirmation of an earlier prediction that the 1+2-DV induces less surface strain than other DV complexes. Finally, we present a previously unreported triangular shaped split-off dimer defect complex that exists at SB-type step edges, and propose a structure for this defect involving a bound Si monomer.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Si-compatible candidates for high-K dielectrics with the Pbnm perovskite structure

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    We analyze both experimentally (where possible) and theoretically from first-principles the dielectric tensor components and crystal structure of five classes of Pbnm perovskites. All of these materials are believed to be stable on silicon and are therefore promising candidates for high-K dielectrics. We also analyze the structure of these materials with various simple models, decompose the lattice contribution to the dielectric tensor into force constant matrix eigenmode contributions, explore a peculiar correlation between structural and dielectric anisotropies in these compounds and give phonon frequencies and infrared activities of those modes that are infrared-active. We find that CaZrO_3, SrZrO_3, LaHoO_3, and LaYO_3 are among the most promising candidates for high-K dielectrics among the compounds we considered.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Supplementary information: http://link.aps.org/supplemental/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.064101 or http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~sinisa/highk/supp.pd
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