5 research outputs found

    Joseph Morrison Skelly with a foreword by President Mary Robinson : Irish Diplomacy at the United Nations, 1945-1965

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    O'Sullivan Tadhg F. Joseph Morrison Skelly with a foreword by President Mary Robinson : Irish Diplomacy at the United Nations, 1945-1965. In: Études irlandaises, n°23-1, 1998. pp. 237-238

    The Impossible Diplomatic Mission of Battista Rinuccini (1645-1649)

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    Hard pressed by the army of the Parliament and their Scottish allies in the English civil war, King Charles I concludes a truce with the Catholic insurgents in Ireland in the hope of persuading them to organize a force to come to his assistance against his rebels at home. Pope Innocent X, seeing in this situation the possibility of a revival of Church influence in Ireland, despatches Archbishop Giovanni Battista Rinuccini as Apostolic Nuncio to the government of the Catholic Confederation at Kilkenny, with instructions «to restore and re-establish the public exercise of the Catholic religion in the island of Ireland ». But neither the king nor his Irish deputy, the Earl of Ormond, have any intention of making such a concession to the Catholics, who in any case are divided and demoralised by their irreconcilable sectional interests. Hence the impossible mission of the Nuncio, Archbishop Rinuccini, and another chapter in the tragic story of Ireland, which then lies prostrate before the fury of Cromwell.Rudement éprouvé par l'armée du Parlement et les troupes écossaises, le roi Charles 1er négocie une trêve avec les rebelles catholiques d'Irlande dans l'espoir de les rallier à sa cause. Supputant un rétablissement possible de l'influence de l'Eglise en Irlande, le Pape Innocent X envoie l'archevêque Jean-Baptiste Rinuccini comme Nonce Apostolique auprès du gouvernement de la Confédération Catholique siégeant à Kilkenny, avec pour mission «de restaurer et de rétablir l'exercice public de la religion catholique dans l'île de l'Irlande». Mais ni le Roi ni son représentant en Irlande, le Comte d'Ormond, n'ont la moindre intention d'accorder une telle concession aux catholiques qui sont minés par d'implacables dissensions internes et querelles de personnes. D'où l'échec prévisible de la mission du Nonce Rinuccini dans cette Irlande déchirée et bientôt abandonnée à la fureur de Cromwell.O'Sullivan Tadhg F. The Impossible Diplomatic Mission of Battista Rinuccini (1645-1649). In: Études irlandaises, n°18-2, 1993. pp. 87-92

    The Last Butler

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    This article considers the life and work of the Irish writer Hubert Butler, who died this year and an anthology of whose essays is to be published in France in 1992 by the Éditions du Rocher. Born at the turn of the century into a family of the Anglo-Irish ascendancy tracing its origins to the court of the Capetian kings in France, Buttler found himself in his youth surrounded by the burnt-out houses of his relatives and friends, many of whom had emigrated to England. Of a more obstinate mould, Butler preferred to defend not only his ancestral home but also the principles of Irish protestant nationalism - the Ireland of Wolfe Tone, inspired by the American and French revolutions, of Yeats and Horace of Plunkett. On his father's death he took over the family home in Co. Kilkenny, devoting himself to writing, broadcasting and the organisation of cultural and social movements. For Butler, the only guarantee of the survival of the protestant minority in the Irish Republic would be its full participation in the political and social life of the new Ireland. Drawing on his extensive acquaintance with continental Europe where he had travelled widely as a young man (particularly in the USSR and the Balkans), this Anglo-Irish Cassandra found in the pre-war experience and the atrocities of the second world war a prototype of the threat hanging over his co-religionists in the conservative and rural Ireland of the 1950's. This did not serve to endear him to the clerical establishment nor to the public at large. It was only after long persistence, and with the liberalizing trends of the post- Vatican II era and the movement towards European union that Butler a few short years before the end of his exceptionally long life, took his rightful place among the most influential Irish writers of this century.II s'agit de la vie et de l'œuvre de l'écrivain irlandais Hubert Butler, disparu cette année et dont une anthologie de ses essais paraîtra en France en 1992 aux Éditions du Rocher. Issu d'une famille noble de l'Ascendancy anglo-irlandaise dont les origines remontent à la cour des Capétiens en France, Butler, né au seuil du siècle, se trouve en grandissant entouré des châteaux incendiés de ses parents et amis, la plupart déjà émigrés en Angleterre. Obstiné, Butler décide de défendre non seulement ses terres ancestrales mais les principes d'une Irlande protestante et nationaliste - l'Irlande de Wolfe Tone (inspiré des révolutions américaine et française), de W.B. Yeats et de Horace Plunkett. Au décès de son père il prend donc possession de la propriété familiale dans le Kilkenny, où il se consacre à l'écriture, à la radiodiffusion et à la fondation d'associations culturelles et à but social. Pour Butler, la seule garantie de survie de la minorité protestante en république d'Irlande est de partager à part égale la vie politique et sociale de la nouvelle Irlande. Profitant d'une vaste connaissance de l'Europe continentale où il avait beaucoup voyagé pendant sa jeunesse (notamment en URSS et dans les Balkans) de Cassandre anglo-irlandais tire des événements d'avant-guerre et des atrocités survenues pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale l'exemple des menaces qui pèsent sur ses co-religionnaires dans l'Irlande conservatrice et rurale des années 50. Ceci ne le recommandait pas auprès des pouvoirs cléricaux établis ni auprès du grand public. Ce n'est qu'après une longue persistance et avec l'arrivée des nouveaux courants libéraux issus de la rénovation de l'église et du mouvement européen que Butler, à quelques années seulement de la fin d'une très longue vie, prend sa place légitime parmi les écrivains irlandais les plus influents de ce siècle.O'Sullivan Tadhg F. The Last Butler. In: Études irlandaises, n°16-1, 1991. pp. 121-128

    Joseph Morrison Skelly with a foreword by President Mary Robinson : Irish Diplomacy at the United Nations, 1945-1965

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    O'Sullivan Tadhg F. Joseph Morrison Skelly with a foreword by President Mary Robinson : Irish Diplomacy at the United Nations, 1945-1965. In: Études irlandaises, n°23-1, 1998. pp. 237-238

    Worldwide Disparities in Recovery of Cardiac Testing 1 Year Into COVID-19

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    BACKGROUND The extent to which health care systems have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide necessary cardiac diagnostic services is unknown.OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the pandemic on cardiac testing practices, volumes and types of diagnostic services, and perceived psychological stress to health care providers worldwide.METHODS The International Atomic Energy Agency conducted a worldwide survey assessing alterations from baseline in cardiovascular diagnostic care at the pandemic's onset and 1 year later. Multivariable regression was used to determine factors associated with procedure volume recovery.RESULTS Surveys were submitted from 669 centers in 107 countries. Worldwide reduction in cardiac procedure volumes of 64% from March 2019 to April 2020 recovered by April 2021 in high- and upper middle-income countries (recovery rates of 108% and 99%) but remained depressed in lower middle- and low-income countries (46% and 30% recovery). Although stress testing was used 12% less frequently in 2021 than in 2019, coronary computed tomographic angiography was used 14% more, a trend also seen for other advanced cardiac imaging modalities (positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance; 22%-25% increases). Pandemic-related psychological stress was estimated to have affected nearly 40% of staff, impacting patient care at 78% of sites. In multivariable regression, only lower-income status and physicians' psychological stress were significant in predicting recovery of cardiac testing.CONCLUSIONS Cardiac diagnostic testing has yet to recover to prepandemic levels in lower-income countries. Worldwide, the decrease in standard stress testing is offset by greater use of advanced cardiac imaging modalities. Pandemic-related psychological stress among providers is widespread and associated with poor recovery of cardiac testing. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation