369 research outputs found

    The search for short-term flares in extended VHE Crab Nebula observations with the Whipple 10m telescope

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    In 1989, the Whipple 10m telescope achieved the first indisputable detection of a TeV gamma-ray source, the Crab Nebula. Until its decommissioning in 2011, the Whipple telescope took regular measurements of the nebula. With the recent discovery of GeV gamma-ray flaring activity in the Crab Nebula, it is an opportune time to return to the Whipple telescope data set and search its extensive archive for evidence of TeV flares. A data set on the Crab Nebula spanning ten years, 2000 - 2010, is compiled and searched for day-scale flaring activity using a Bayesian-block binning algorithm. No evidence for significant flaring activity is found. Monte Carlo simulations show that low levels of flux increase on short timescales are difficult to detect. Assuming a flare duration of seven days, 99% confidence level upper limits are calculated for the possible frequency of five-fold, two-fold and 1.5-fold flares in the data set. An upper limit of 0.02 flares per year is found for the five-fold flare, and a limit of 0.27 flares per year is placed on the two-fold flare. The detection of the 1.5-fold flare is consistent with the false-positive rate of the method, and so cannot be excluded.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, in proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conferenc

    VERITAS observations of exceptionally bright TeV flares from LS I +61^\circ 303

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    The very-high-energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray experiment, VERITAS, detected exceptionally bright flares from the high-mass X-ray binary LS I +61^\circ 303 during the period October-December 2014. LS I +61^\circ 303 is a known VHE gamma-ray source, the flux from which varies strongly with the orbital period of ~26.5 days. The maximum VHE flux is found around apastron (orbital phase ~0.6) at a level typically corresponding to 10-15% of the Crab Nebula flux (>300 GeV). During these most recent observations, relatively short (day scale), bright TeV flares were observed from the source around apastron in two orbital cycles (October and November). Both cases exhibited peak fluxes above 25% of the Crab Nebula flux (>300 GeV), making these the brightest VHE flares ever detected from this source. In the last orbital cycle observed (December), the source had returned to its historical level of activity. The results of these VERITAS observations from 2014 will be presented.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, in proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conferenc

    Four-wave mixing in slow light photonic crystal waveguides with very high group index

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    This work was supported by the EPSRC - UK Silicon Photonics consortium.We report efficient four-wave mixing in dispersion engineered slow light silicon photonic crystal waveguides with a flat band group index of n(g) = 60. Using only 15 mW continuous wave coupled input power, we observe a conversion efficiency of -28 dB. This efficiency represents a 30 dB enhancement compared to a silicon nanowire of the same length. At higher powers, thermal redshifting due to linear absorption was found to detune the slow light regime preventing the expected improvement in efficiency. We then overcome this thermal limitation by using oxide-clad waveguides, which we demonstrate for group indices of n(g) = 30. Higher group indices may be achieved with oxide clad-waveguides, and we predict conversion efficiencies approaching -10 dB, which is equivalent to that already achieved in silicon nanowires but for a 50x shorter length.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Ultracompact and low-power optical switch based on silicon photonic crystals

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    Switching light is one of the most fundamental functions of an optical circuit. As such, optical switches are a major research topic in photonics, and many types of switches have been realized. Most optical switches operate by imposing a phase shift between two sections of the device to direct light from one port to another, or to switch it on and off, the major constraint being that typical refractive index changes are very small. Conventional solutions address this issue by making long devices, thus increasing the footprint, or by using resonant enhancement, thus reducing the bandwidth. We present a slow-light-enhanced optical switch that is 36 times shorter than a conventional device for the same refractive index change and has a switching length of 5.2 m.The work was funded through the EU FP6-FET “Splash” project and we acknowledge the Nanostructuring Platform of EU FP6-NoE “epixnet” for technical support. T. P. White is supported by an 1851 Royal Commission Research Fellowship

    Group IV functionalization of low index waveguides

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    Low fabrication error sensitivity, integration density, channel scalability, low switching energy and low insertion loss are the major prerequisites for future on-chip WDM systems and interfacing with optical fibres. A number of device geometries have already been demonstrated that fulfil these criteria, at least in part, but combining all of the requirements is still a difficult challenge.Two contenders that could fulfil these criteria are the low loss nitride waveguiding platform and the high index group IV compounds for active photonic devices. Silicon Oxynitride (SiON) and Silicon Nitride (SiN) based waveguides are extremely powerful and central to today’s optical communications networks. The intermediate refractive index provides low footprint devices but eases the fabrication demands that can result in phase errors and repeatability problems in the all silicon approach. This enables multiplexers and demultiplexers with very low crosstalk and insertion loss and extremely low loss long range waveguides, making them very attractive for the optical backplanes and rack to rack links inside supercomputers and data centers. Group IV Photonics GeSi has a number of attractive optical characteristics for modulation, absorption and detection in a small volume area enabling low power and high density integration.Here, we propose and demonstrate a novel architecture consisting of the interfacing of a range of deposition method using low temperature PECVD and HWCVD nitride waveguides, Photonic crystal modulators [1] but also detectors [2] connected by a silicon nitride bus waveguide. The architecture features very high scalability due to the small size of the devices (~100 micrometre square) and the modulators operate with an AC energy consumption of less than 1fJ/bit

    Control of Q-factor in nanobeam cavities on substrate

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    In this paper, we demonstrate how to efficiently control the quality factor of silicon nitride nanobeam cavities, grown on a silica substrate and embedded in an upper cladding, by engineering the nanobeam cross-section and the shape of the periodic holes. We propose optimized configurations that are able to overcome the decreasing of the Q-factor when the nanobeam is embedded in an asymmetric medium. More precisely, we show that the maximum achievable quality factor can be designed and tuned in asymmetric configurations where the upper cladding is particularly different from the substrate one. These optimized configurations exhibit high-Q factor and small mode volume over a wide range of the upper cladding refractive index paving the way for the realization of innovative optical sensors and for the compensation of fabrication tolerances in embedded optical nanobeam cavities.Postprin

    Electro-optic modulation in bulk silicon using surface plasmon resonance

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    The authors acknowledge funding from the EPSRC in the UK under the UK Silicon Photonics project.We propose and present simulated results for a new design of an optical modulator based on Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP) resonance. The modulator is realized on a bulk silicon substrate, thus offering an opportunity for front-end integration with electronic circuits. The device consists of a dielectric waveguide evanescently coupled to a SPP mode at the interface between bulk silicon and metal. By using SPP resonance we achieved an ultra-high spectral sensitivity (∼5000 nm/refractive index unit) with large modulation bandwidth (90 nm). For a refractive index change of 0.02, we achieved 100 nm shift in resonance wavelength and a modulation depth of ∼10 dB.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Highly efficient coupling between a monolithically integrated photonic crystal cavity and a bus waveguide

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    We experimentally demonstrate a new optical filter design comprising of a photonic crystal cavity and a low index bus waveguide which are monolithically integrated on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. We have fabricated oxide clad PhC cavities with a silicon nitride waveguide positioned directly above, such that there is an overlap between the evanescent tails of the two modes. We have realised an extinction ratio of 7.5dB for cavities with total Q of 50,000.Postprin

    Optimizing band-edge slow light in silicon-on-insulator waveguide gratings

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    A systematic analysis of photonic bands and group index in silicon grating waveguides is performed, in order to optimize band-edge slow-light behavior in integrated structures with low losses. A combination of numerical methods and perturbation theory is adopted. It is shown that a substantial increase of slow light bandwidth is achieved when decreasing the internal width of the waveguide and the silicon thickness in the cladding region. It is also observed that a reduction of the internal width does not undermine the performance of an adiabatic taper

    Toolkit for photonic integrated circuits based on inverted rib waveguides

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    This work was supported by an EPSRC Doctoral Prize and a European Research Council Starting under Grant 337508.We have performed an exploration of inverted rib waveguide platform for use in optical backplanes. This entailed the design, optimization, and characterization of a variety of passive optical components that may serve as a basis for the functions required of an on-chip optical networks. The presented design introduces an inverted-rib template, which consists of a polymer waveguide layer. We have successfully fabricated and demonstrated low-loss waveguides, and also functional passive devices such as directional couplers, multimode interferometers, waveguide bends and crossings, and distributed Bragg reflectors. We also demonstrate a way of coupling active components (e.g., in silicon) to such a photonic integrated circuit.PostprintPeer reviewe