8 research outputs found

    Personalized computational model quantifies heterogeneity in postprandial responses to oral glucose challenge

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    Plasma glucose and insulin responses following an oral glucose challenge are representative of glucose tolerance and insulin resistance, key indicators of type 2 diabetes mellitus pathophysiology. A large heterogeneity in individuals' challenge test responses has been shown to underlie the effectiveness of lifestyle intervention. Currently, this heterogeneity is overlooked due to a lack of methods to quantify the interconnected dynamics in the glucose and insulin time-courses. Here, a physiology-based mathematical model of the human glucose-insulin system is personalized to elucidate the heterogeneity in individuals' responses using a large population of overweight/obese individuals (n = 738) from the DIOGenes study. The personalized models are derived from population level models through a systematic parameter selection pipeline that may be generalized to other biological systems. The resulting personalized models showed a 4-5 fold decrease in discrepancy between measurements and model simulation compared to population level. The estimated model parameters capture relevant features of individuals' metabolic health such as gastric emptying, endogenous insulin secretion and insulin dependent glucose disposal into tissues, with the latter also showing a significant association with the Insulinogenic index and the Matsuda insulin sensitivity index, respectively

    E-DES-PROT: A novel computational model to describe the effects of amino acids and protein on postprandial glucose and insulin dynamics in humans

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    Current computational models of whole-body glucose homeostasis describe physiological processes by which insulin regulates circulating glucose concentrations. While these models perform well in response to oral glucose challenges, interaction with other nutrients that impact postprandial glucose metabolism, such as amino acids (AAs), is not considered. Here, we developed a computational model of the human glucose-insulin system, which incorporates the effects of AAs on insulin secretion and hepatic glucose production. This model was applied to postprandial glucose and insulin time-series data following different AA challenges (with and without co-ingestion of glucose), dried milk protein ingredients, and dairy products. Our findings demonstrate that this model allows accurate description of postprandial glucose and insulin dynamics and provides insight into the physiological processes underlying meal responses. This model may facilitate the development of computational models that describe glucose homeostasis following the intake of multiple macronutrients, while capturing relevant features of an individual's metabolic health

    Quantifying the contribution of triglycerides to metabolic resilience through the mixed meal model

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    Despite the pivotal role played by elevated circulating triglyceride levels in the pathophysiology of cardio-metabolic diseases many of the indices used to quantify metabolic health focus on deviations in glucose and insulin alone. We present the Mixed Meal Model, a computational model describing the systemic interplay between triglycerides, free fatty acids, glucose, and insulin. We show that the Mixed Meal Model can capture deviations in the post-meal excursions of plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride that are indicative of features of metabolic resilience; quantifying insulin resistance and liver fat; validated by comparison to gold-standard measures. We also demonstrate that the Mixed Meal Model is generalizable, applying it to meals with diverse macro-nutrient compositions. In this way, by coupling triglycerides to the glucose-insulin system the Mixed Meal Model provides a more holistic assessment of metabolic resilience from meal response data, quantifying pre-clinical metabolic deteriorations that drive disease development in overweight and obesity

    A computational model of postprandial adipose tissue lipid metabolism derived using human arteriovenous stable isotope tracer data

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    \u3cp\u3eGiven the association of disturbances in non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) metabolism with the development of Type 2 Diabetes and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, computational models of glucose-insulin dynamics have been extended to account for the interplay with NEFA. In this study, we use arteriovenous measurement across the subcutaneous adipose tissue during a mixed meal challenge test to evaluate the performance and underlying assumptions of three existing models of adipose tissue metabolism and construct a new, refined model of adipose tissue metabolism. Our model introduces new terms, explicitly accounting for the conversion of glucose to glyceraldehye-3-phosphate, the postprandial influx of glycerol into the adipose tissue, and several physiologically relevant delays in insulin signalling in order to better describe the measured adipose tissues fluxes. We then applied our refined model to human adipose tissue flux data collected before and after a diet intervention as part of the Yoyo study, to quantify the effects of caloric restriction on postprandial adipose tissue metabolism. Significant increases were observed in the model parameters describing the rate of uptake and release of both glycerol and NEFA. Additionally, decreases in the model's delay in insulin signalling parameters indicates there is an improvement in adipose tissue insulin sensitivity following caloric restriction.\u3c/p\u3

    Application of transfer learning to predict drug-induced human in vivo gene expression changes using rat in vitro and in vivo data.

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    The liver is the primary site for the metabolism and detoxification of many compounds, including pharmaceuticals. Consequently, it is also the primary location for many adverse reactions. As the liver is not readily accessible for sampling in humans; rodent or cell line models are often used to evaluate potential toxic effects of a novel compound or candidate drug. However, relating the results of animal and in vitro studies to relevant clinical outcomes for the human in vivo situation still proves challenging. In this study, we incorporate principles of transfer learning within a deep artificial neural network allowing us to leverage the relative abundance of rat in vitro and in vivo exposure data from the Open TG-GATEs data set to train a model to predict the expected pattern of human in vivo gene expression following an exposure given measured human in vitro gene expression. We show that domain adaptation has been successfully achieved, with the rat and human in vitro data no longer being separable in the common latent space generated by the network. The network produces physiologically plausible predictions of human in vivo gene expression pattern following an exposure to a previously unseen compound. Moreover, we show the integration of the human in vitro data in the training of the domain adaptation network significantly improves the temporal accuracy of the predicted rat in vivo gene expression pattern following an exposure to a previously unseen compound. In this way, we demonstrate the improvements in prediction accuracy that can be achieved by combining data from distinct domains

    A computational model of postprandial adipose tissue lipid metabolism derived using human arteriovenous stable isotope tracer data

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    Given the association of disturbances in non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) metabolism with the development of Type 2 Diabetes and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, computational models of glucose-insulin dynamics have been extended to account for the interplay with NEFA. In this study, we use arteriovenous measurement across the subcutaneous adipose tissue during a mixed meal challenge test to evaluate the performance and underlying assumptions of three existing models of adipose tissue metabolism and construct a new, refined model of adipose tissue metabolism. Our model introduces new terms, explicitly accounting for the conversion of glucose to glyceraldehye-3-phosphate, the postprandial influx of glycerol into the adipose tissue, and several physiologically relevant delays in insulin signalling in order to better describe the measured adipose tissues fluxes. We then applied our refined model to human adipose tissue flux data collected before and after a diet intervention as part of the Yoyo study, to quantify the effects of caloric restriction on postprandial adipose tissue metabolism. Significant increases were observed in the model parameters describing the rate of uptake and release of both glycerol and NEFA. Additionally, decreases in the model’s delay in insulin signalling parameters indicates there is an improvement in adipose tissue insulin sensitivity following caloric restriction.</p

    Use of deep learning methods to translate drug-induced gene expression changes from rat to human primary hepatocytes

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    In clinical trials, animal and cell line models are often used to evaluate the potential toxic effects of a novel compound or candidate drug before progressing to human trials. However, relating the results of animal and in vitro model exposures to relevant clinical outcomes in the human in vivo system still proves challenging, relying on often putative orthologs. In recent years, multiple studies have demonstrated that the repeated dose rodent bioassay, the current gold standard in the field, lacks sufficient sensitivity and specificity in predicting toxic effects of pharmaceuticals in humans. In this study, we evaluate the potential of deep learning techniques to translate the pattern of gene expression measured following an exposure in rodents to humans, circumventing the current reliance on orthologs, and also from in vitro to in vivo experimental designs. Of the applied deep learning architectures applied in this study the convolutional neural network (CNN) and a deep artificial neural network with bottleneck architecture significantly outperform classical machine learning techniques in predicting the time series of gene expression in primary human hepatocytes given a measured time series of gene expression from primary rat hepatocytes following exposure in vitro to a previously unseen compound across multiple toxicologically relevant gene sets. With a reduction in average mean absolute error across 76 genes that have been shown to be predictive for identifying carcinogenicity from 0.0172 for a random regression forest to 0.0166 for the CNN model (p < 0.05). These deep learning architecture also perform well when applied to predict time series of in vivo gene expression given measured time series of in vitro gene expression for rats