40 research outputs found

    Optimization of the expression of the subtilisin-like protease from Bacillus pumilus

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The features of the expression of the subtilisin-like protease from Bacillus pumilus have been studied. Potential binding sites for the transcription factor DegU∼P have been identified in the regulatory region of the gene of the enzyme, which were optimized for the interaction with this regulatory protein. The expression of the modified gene of the extracellular subtilisin-like protease has been investigated. It has been shown that the modification of one of the sites increased the expression of the protease twofold. It has been concluded that the optimization of the promoter leads to an increase in the expression of the subtilisin-like protease

    Bacillus pumilus strains with inactivated genes of extracellular serine proteinases

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    Two Bacillus pumilus strains with inactivated genes of extracellular serine proteinases (subtilisin-like proteinase and glutamyl endopeptidase) were obtained. Inactivation of the gseBp and aprBp genes resulted in an increase in cell size, changed colony shape, and more rapid cell lysis that started during the growth retardation phase. Protease-deficient stains partially changed the ability to decompose carbohydrates (sugars), reduced resistance to variations in temperature of cultivation, and did not respond to the fluctuations of phosphate concentration in the medium. Proteinases gene disruption resulted in alteration of hydrolases secretion level by these bacteria. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Building an integrated infrastructure for exploring biodiversity: field collections and archives of mammals and parasites.

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    Museum specimens play an increasingly important role in predicting the outcomes and revealing the consequences of anthropogenically driven disruption of the biosphere. As ecological communities respond to ongoing environmental change, host-parasite interactions are also altered. This shifting landscape of host-parasite associations creates opportunities for colonization of different hosts and emergence of new pathogens, with implications for wildlife conservation and management, public health, and other societal concerns. Integrated archives that document and preserve mammal specimens along with their communities of associated parasites and ancillary data provide a powerful resource for investigating, anticipating, and mitigating the epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary impacts of environmental perturbation. Mammalogists who collect and archive mammal specimens have a unique opportunity to expand the scope and impact of their field work by collecting the parasites that are associated with their study organisms. We encourage mammalogists to embrace an integrated and holistic sampling paradigm and advocate for this to become standard practice for museum-based collecting. To this end, we provide a detailed, field-tested protocol to give mammalogists the tools to collect and preserve host and parasite materials that are of high quality and suitable for a range of potential downstream analyses (e.g., genetic, morphological). Finally, we also encourage increased global cooperation across taxonomic disciplines to build an integrated series of baselines and snapshots of the changing biosphere. Los especímenes de museo desempeñan un papel cada vez más importante tanto en la descripción de los resultados de la alteración antropogénica de la biosfera como en la predicción de sus consecuencias. Dado que las comunidades ecológicas responden al cambio ambiental, también se alteran las interacciones hospedador-parásito. Este panorama cambiante de asociaciones hospedador-parásito crea oportunidades para la colonización de diferentes hospedadores y para la aparición de nuevos patógenos, con implicancias en la conservación y manejo de la vida silvestre, la salud pública y otras preocupaciones de importancia para la sociedad. Archivos integrados que documentan y preservan especímenes de mamíferos junto con sus comunidades de parásitos y datos asociados, proporcionan un fuerte recurso para investigar, anticipar y mitigar los impactos epidemiológicos, ecológicos y evolutivos de las perturbaciones ambientales. Los mastozoólogos que recolectan y archivan muestras de mamíferos, tienen una oportunidad única de ampliar el alcance e impacto de su trabajo de campo mediante la recolección de los parásitos que están asociados con los organismos que estudian. Alentamos a los mastozoólogos a adoptar un paradigma de muestreo integrado y holístico y abogamos para que esto se convierta en una práctica estándarizada de la obtención de muestras para museos. Con este objetivo, proporcionamos un protocolo detallado y probado en el campo para brindar a los mastozoólogos las herramientas para recolectar y preservar materiales de parásitos y hospedadores de alta calidad y adecuados para una gran variedad de análisis subsecuentes (e.g., genéticos, morfológicos, etc.). Finalmente, también abogamos por una mayor cooperación global entre las diversas disciplinas taxonómicas para construir una serie integrada de líneas de base y registros actuales de nuestra cambiante biosfera

    Studying strategies and types of players:Experiments, logics and cognitive models

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    How do people reason about their opponent in turn-taking games? Often, people do not make the decisions that game theory would prescribe. We present a logic that can play a key role in understanding how people make their decisions, by delineating all plausible reasoning strategies in a systematic manner. This in turn makes it possible to construct a corresponding set of computational models in a cognitive architecture. These models can be run and fitted to the participants’ data in terms of decisions, response times, and answers to questions. We validate these claims on the basis of an earlier game-theoretic experiment about the turn-taking game “Marble Drop with Surprising Opponent”, in which the opponent often starts with a seemingly irrational move. We explore two ways of segregating the participants into reasonable “player types”. The first way is based on latent class analysis, which divides the players into three classes according to their first decisions in the game: Random players, Learners, and Expected players, who make decisions consistent with forward induction. The second way is based on participants’ answers to a question about their opponent, classified according to levels of theory of mind: zero-order, first-order and second-order. It turns out that increasing levels of decisions and theory of mind both correspond to increasing success as measured by monetary awards and increasing decision times. Next, we use the logical language to express different kinds of strategies that people apply when reasoning about their opponent and making decisions in turn-taking games, as well as the ‘reasoning types’ reflected in their behavior. Then, we translate the logical formulas into computational cognitive models in the PRIMs architecture. Finally, we run two of the resulting models, corresponding to the strategy of only being interested in one’s own payoff and to the myopic strategy, in which one can only look ahead to a limited number of nodes. It turns out that the participant data fit to the own-payoff strategy, not the myopic one. The article closes the circle from experiments via logic and cognitive modelling back to predictions about new experiments

    Isolation and characterization of a new bacillary phytase

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    From cell lysates of a recombinant Escherichia coli strain, Bacillus ginsengihumi phytase has been isolated and studied for the first time. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity, and its primary structure has been determined. It has been concluded that phytase belongs to the class of β-propeller phosphatases. The molecular weight of the protein is 41 kDa, and pI is 4.8. Some physicochemical properties of the enzyme have been investigated. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Optimization of the expression of the subtilisin-like protease from Bacillus pumilus

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The features of the expression of the subtilisin-like protease from Bacillus pumilus have been studied. Potential binding sites for the transcription factor DegU∼P have been identified in the regulatory region of the gene of the enzyme, which were optimized for the interaction with this regulatory protein. The expression of the modified gene of the extracellular subtilisin-like protease has been investigated. It has been shown that the modification of one of the sites increased the expression of the protease twofold. It has been concluded that the optimization of the promoter leads to an increase in the expression of the subtilisin-like protease

    Optimization of the expression of the subtilisin-like protease from Bacillus pumilus

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The features of the expression of the subtilisin-like protease from Bacillus pumilus have been studied. Potential binding sites for the transcription factor DegU∼P have been identified in the regulatory region of the gene of the enzyme, which were optimized for the interaction with this regulatory protein. The expression of the modified gene of the extracellular subtilisin-like protease has been investigated. It has been shown that the modification of one of the sites increased the expression of the protease twofold. It has been concluded that the optimization of the promoter leads to an increase in the expression of the subtilisin-like protease

    Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana Plants Expressing Bacterial Phytase

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    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: Transgenic plants containing genes of bacterial phytases represent one of the promising ways to solve the problem of phosphorus deficiency in the nutrition of plants and monogastric animals. Histidine acid phytase PaPhyC from Pantoea agglomerans has a high activity and represents a promising basis for the biotechnology of plants. In this study, the analysis of morphological characteristics, phytase activity, and phosphorus content in tissues of the earlier obtained, genetically modified Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants producing extracellular phytase (PaPhyC) has been carried out. According to the obtained results, modified plants are able to grow on a medium supplemented with phytate as the sole source of phosphorus. Exterior characteristics (rosette diameter and area) of phytase-expressing plants grown on media containing phytate or inorganic phosphorus do not differ, which confirms that the plants use phytate as the phosphorus source. In the case of plant cultivation on a phytate-containing medium, a high phytase activity is observed in the cell walls of modified plants. The content of inorganic phosphorus in tissues of modified plants does not change in the case of their cultivation on the medium containing phytate as the sole source of phosphorus

    Isolation and characterization of a new bacillary phytase

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    From cell lysates of a recombinant Escherichia coli strain, Bacillus ginsengihumi phytase has been isolated and studied for the first time. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity, and its primary structure has been determined. It has been concluded that phytase belongs to the class of β-propeller phosphatases. The molecular weight of the protein is 41 kDa, and pI is 4.8. Some physicochemical properties of the enzyme have been investigated. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd