75 research outputs found

    Distributed Computing Systems, Structure And Strategy

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    Disparate studies have provided inconsistent results of the effect of information technology (IT) on organizational structure and strategy.  Additionally, some other studies indicate contradictory outcomes from the implementation and use of identical technologies.  This study examined the effects of distributed application systems on organizational structure and strategy.  Using distributed application system (DAS) components as measures of distributivity, the study examined the impact of distributivity of data, program and user-interface on the dimensions of organizational structure and business level strategies.The research findings indicate that there is a synergic relationship among the components of DAS, and that the DAS components are highly intercorrelated.  Further, the study has demonstrated that user-interface replication in DAS is strongly associated with data replication and program partitioning has a strong impact on user-interface partitioning

    Teaching Accounting Online: Dealing With Challenging Situations

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    This paper chronicles the issues and concerns of teaching an online accounting course.  The issues discussed in this paper constitute the barest minimum that online instructors should address as they contemplate offering an online accounting course.  Analysis of the following crucial factors that impact online teaching such as, knowledge of the online process; technical skills of online teaching; online communication and moderation skills; confidence and motivation are presented.  This paper will present an analysis of teaching and learning issues, which may provide the basis of guidelines for best practice.  It is further noted in this paper that effective institutional support is equally instrumental in successful implementation of online teaching

    Knowledge Management Process Capability: Operations Strategy Perspective

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    According to the resource based view (RBV) of the firm (Wernerfeldt, 1984; Barney, 2004) and distributed knowledge system view of the firm, knowledge is a critical organizational resource that contributes to superior performance if relevant KM capabilities are built and applied to the knowledge resources.  The perspective that sound operations strategy applied to knowledge is necessary for a firm to take full advantage of knowledge management programmes is explored in this paper.  The objective of this paper is to document empirical evidence from existing literature on the effect of KM process capability on performance of firms and to identify opportunities for further research which can generate more knowledge to help in the understanding of this relationship leading to the improvement of the contribution of knowledge to performance. An empirical literature survey method was used to collect information regarding KM process capability and its effect on performance.  The results suggest that knowledge management process operations positively impact performance.  Arising from these findings, it is proposed that studies be launched to determine the relative disposition and contribution of each of the KM process capabilities’ operations to performance.  Such studies will guide organizations in building KM process capabilities and carrying out operations which can be leveraged for sustainable superior performance using knowledge resources

    Determinants Of Efficient Networks: An Empirical Analysis

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    Although management support and user involvement have been reported to be contributors of network success, vendor support may be one of the most determinants of network efficiency.  The user of any system takes what has been given to him or her by vendors and is only perfected by habituation. The other factor that may determine the implementation of effective network is traffic measurement, which is achieved by measuring server performance, network performance and application performance

    Data Quality, Power, And Politics: Analysis Of Strategic Decision Making

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    Most decision makers have biases that are inherent the way they seek information, estimate the outcomes, and attach values to outcomes that produce rational behavior.  Many aspects of decision-making may not be accurate because of information processing limitations, power and politics.  This paper presents a set of ideas, models, and limitations caused by biases of a decision maker when sorting information

    Factors influencing somatic embryogenesis, regeneration, and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivar TME14

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    E-Commerce And Small Business Enterprise Some Evidence From Northern New Jersey

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the extent to which small businesses in Northern New Jersey are prepared for e-commerce. The Internet has changed the market place and the face of business more dramatically than any other technological innovation since the Industrial Revolution. In the last ten years, the Internet has changed and fundamentally restructured business to business, business to consumer and consumer to consumer relationships. Internet based commerce is estimated to be growing at the rate of 200% per annum and the volume of Internet commerce is estimated to exceed $2 trillion by 2003

    The Importance Of Gender And Facial Information Science On Information Systems Design

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    Facial Information Science is becoming a discipline in its own right, attracting not only computer scientists, but graphic animators and psychologists, all of whom require knowledge to understand how people make and interpret facial expressions. (Zeng, 2009). Computer advancements enhance the ability of researchers to study facial expression. Digitized computer-displayed faces can now be used in studies. Current advancements are facilitating not only the researcher’s ability to accurately display information, but recording the subject’s reaction automatically.   With increasing interest in Artificial Intelligence and man-machine communications, what importance does the gender of the user play in the design of today’s multi-million dollar applications? Does research suggest that men and women respond to the “gender” of computer displayed images differently? Can this knowledge be used effectively to design applications specifically for use by men or women? This research is an attempt to understand these questions while studying whether automatic, or pre-attentive, processing plays a part in the identification of the facial expressions

    The Impact Of Organizational Change On Information Systems Security

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    When major change is imposed on organizations, there is often resistance and resentment.  Organizational change has been identified as one of the key issues that will present significant challenges to an organization’s effective and timely implementation of privacy and security standards.  It will be necessary to identify specific implementation requirements that represent the most significant organizational change challenges.  Organizations will also have to identify processes and methods to foster acceptance of the change associated with the  entire compliance project  This research examines changing information security requirements and the strategies organizations are developing to meet the related challenges.&nbsp

    Strategies For Gaining Competitive Advantage In A Dynamic Environment Thru Data Quality

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    Raw data should be treated as materials for manufacturing products so that organizations can identify errors which otherwise could not be detected. Information system can be studied from the same perspective of product manufacturing