130 research outputs found

    Aphid tolerance evaluation in annual medics.

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    Trial 89GE61 Location: East Chapman Out of the 100 lines tested, 30 experimental lines were less affected (in terms of seed yield) by aphid damage than c.v. Parabinga

    Pasture species evaluation on acid wodjil soil - machine sown plots.

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    Trial 89TS38 Location: East LathamThe very low seed yields are a reflection of the dry winter conditions experienced in 1989. The Rose (T. hirtum) and Cupped (T. cherli) clovers appear to be a more promising option for this difficult soil type compared to other species. Paros yellow serradella performed well considering the trial site is located in a very dry area. The burr medics would not be an option on these acidic soil types because of nodulation failure; which should become evident in the regenerating swards

    Effect of pasture species on pasture production and following cereal yields on heavy textured soils in low rainfall areas. Regeneration of pasture legume cultivars on low rainfall red loam soils.

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    Trial 90GE17 Aphid tolerance evaluation in annual medics Location: Tenindewa Maturity and seed yields of annual medic lines with or with out aphid control using Pirmor. Trial 90GE116 Evaluation of aphid tolerance in annual medics Location: Tenindewa Dry matter and seed yield of annual medic lines with and without aphid control using Pirmor. Trial 90GE34 Effect of pasture species on pasture production and cereal yields on low rainfall red loams. Location: North Mullewa Research Station, Morawa Agricultural School. Regeneration of annual pasture cultivars on hardsetting red clay loams at North Mullewa and Morawa in 1989 and 1990. Trial 88TS63 Effect of pasture species on pasture production and cereal yields on low rainfall red loams Location: Perenjori Regeneration and nodulation of annual pasture cultivars after cropping on an acid red loam at Perenjori. Trial 88TS65 Effect of pasture species on pasture production and cereal yields on low rainfall red loams. Location: Three Springs Regeneration and production of annual pasture legumes after cropping on a hardsetting red loam at Three Springs, 1990. Trial 88TS64 Effect of pasture species on pasture production and on an acid sandy loam. Location: Latham Regeneration and dry matter production of various pasture legumes on an acid sandy loam at Latham, 1990

    New medics show promise in the northern wheatbelt

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    For more than 20 years Cyprus barrel medic has been the mainstay of pastures grown on the medium to heavy red clay loamss of Western Australia\u27slow rainfall wheatbelt. However, since the early1980s its resistance to aphids has declined followed by reduced productivitymand persistence. Fortunately, a six year research program at Tenibdewa, near Mullewa, is on target to prove the superiority of Parabinga barrel medic and a mixture of Serena and Santiago burr medics. These varieties, which had not been widley tested in the region, generally out-perform Cyprus in all aspects because of their higher tolerance of aphids

    Annual medic evaluation on Eradu sandplain soil - plots

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    Trial 88EC17 Location: East Chapman Research Station. The plots were hand sown at 2 g/m2 of inoculated and lime pelleted seed. The medics were inoculated with WSM540 which may have been ineffective on some of the M. littoralis and M. tornata varieties. The time taken to form ripe pods was monitored to gain some extra measure of maturity besides flowering time for comparing wide ranges of species. The ripening time involved was very similar over all the varieties, averaging out to 44 days after the flower opens. What appears to be a more important factor when considering maturity is the rate of flower and pod development, which appears the most rapid in M. tornata and M. polymorpha

    Effect of deep ripping and aphid infestation on pasture production.

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    Trial 88EC18 Location: East Chapman Research Station. Half the trial site was cultivated to 30cm at the break of the season and the whole site was normally cultivated. Weeds were then sprayed with Roundup at 1 1/ha prior to seeding with an eight run cone seeder. The plots were kept weed free during the year by hand weeding. The root distribution was calculated from soil cores taken in 20 cm increments on 20 August. Aphid cortrol consisted of spraying every two weeks with Pirimor at 140 g/ha between July and October. Lorsban at 150 ml/ha was used for the last two sprays, which appeared to have some affect on the pasture growth and may have compounded the results slightly. Both cultivars displayed an early response to deep ripping, however this response had faded out by 8 weeks after germination and had no effect on seed yield. Blue-green aphids were at the highest numbers between 8 and 11 weeks, and had virtually disappeared by 13 weeks

    Serradella establishment on light textured soil.

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    Trial 87GE81 Location: East Chapman Research Station. Evaluate early maturing serradella lines on deep sands

    Pasture cultivar comparison on red loam soil - large plots.

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    Trial 88GE34 Locations : North Mullewa Research Station and Morawa Agricultural School. Evaluation of pasture cultivars in large plots

    Pasture cultivar comparison - large plots.

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    Trial 88TS63 Location: Perenjori To evaluate the effect of various legume pasture cultivars on pasture and crop production

    Pasture cultivar comparison on acid wodjil soil - large plots.

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    Trial 88TS64 Location: Latham To evaluate the effect of various legume pasture cultivars on pasture production on acid wodjil soils
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