12 research outputs found

    Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease among coeliac disease patients in a Hungarian coeliac centre

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac disease, Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis are inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract with some common genetic, immunological and environmental factors involved in their pathogenesis. Several research shown that patients with celiac disease have increased risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease when compared with that of the general population. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in our celiac patient cohort over a 15-year-long study period. METHODS: To diagnose celiac disease, serological tests were used, and duodenal biopsy samples were taken to determine the degree of mucosal injury. To set up the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, clinical parameters, imaging techniques, colonoscopy histology were applied. DEXA for measuring bone mineral density was performed on every patient. RESULTS: In our material, 8/245 (3,2 %) coeliac disease patients presented inflammatory bowel disease (four males, mean age 37, range 22-67), 6/8 Crohn's disease, and 2/8 ulcerative colitis. In 7/8 patients the diagnosis of coeliac disease was made first and inflammatory bowel disease was identified during follow-up. The average time period during the set-up of the two diagnosis was 10,7 years. Coeliac disease serology was positive in all cases. The distribution of histology results according to Marsh classification: 1/8 M1, 2/8 M2, 3/8 M3a, 2/8 M3b. The distribution according to the Montreal classification: 4/6 Crohn's disease patients are B1, 2/6 Crohn's disease patients are B2, 2/2 ulcerative colitis patients are S2. Normal bone mineral density was detected in 2/8 case, osteopenia in 4/8 and osteoporosis in 2/8 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Within our cohort of patients with coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease was significantly more common (3,2 %) than in the general population

    Antioxidative Vitamine und HyperbilirubinÀmie bei Neugeborenen

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    Objective: Low antioxidant system may contribute to the severity of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. The aim of this research was to explore the relationship between plasma vitamin E and C levels and the severity of hyperbilirubinemia in full-term neonates with normal glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activities. Methods: A total of 130 full-term healthy live birth neonates of healthy mothers with normal G6PD activity were included in this study. In addition to routine blood analysis, plasma total bilirubin, vitamin E and C levels and G6PD activity were measured on the first day of life. None of the neonates was ABO incompatible or anemic. Results: Neonates who did not develop hyperbilirubinemia (n=119) had a mean plasma bilirubin level of 65±24 ”mol/l (median 58.1), while neonates who developed significant hyperbilirubinemia (n=11) had a mean plasma bilirubin level of 238±56 ”mol/l (median 246.2) on the first day of life. Mean plasma vitamin C levels of neonates who developed hyperbilirubinemia were significantly lower than those who did not develop hyperbilirubinemia (87±22 ”mol/l (median 89.4) vs. 132±36 ”mol/l (median 127.7), respectively, P=0.0001). Similar results were observed for plasma vitamin E levels in neonates who did or did not develop hyperbilirubinemia (7.5±2 ”mol/l (median 6.3) vs. 10.4±5 ”mol/l (median 9.1), respectively, P=0.001). Hemoglobin and hematocrit were significantly lower in neonates who developed hyperbilirubinemia (P=0.0002 and P=0.0003, respectively), although gestational age and birth weight for the two groups showed no significant difference. Conclusion: The results of the present work indicate that low level of plasma vitamins C and E are associated with significant hyperbilirubinemia in full-term neonates.Zielsetzung: Ein vermindertes antioxidatives System kann zur VerstĂ€rkung der neonatalen BilirubinĂ€mie fĂŒhren. Das Ziel dieses Projektes war die Beziehung zwischen den Konzentrationen der Vitamine E und C im Plasma und die Höhe der HyperbilirubinĂ€mie bei Neugeborenen mit normaler Glucose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase-AktivitĂ€t zu erforschen.Methoden: 130 am regelrechten Termin geborene gesunde Neugeborene mit normaler Glucose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase-AktivitĂ€t von gesunden MĂŒttern wurden in diese Studie einbezogen. Neben den Routineanalysen im Blut wurde Gesamtbilirubin, Vitamin E und C im Plasma sowie die Glucose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase-AktivitĂ€t am 1. Lebenstag bestimmt. Keines der Neugeborenen hatte eine AB0-InkompatibilitĂ€t oder eine AnĂ€mie. Ergebnisse: Neugeborene, die keine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie entwickelt hatten (n=119), hatten am 1. Lebenstag einen mittleren Plasma-Bilirubinspiegel von 65±24 ”mol/l (Median 58,1 ”mol/l), wĂ€hrend Neugeborene mit einer signifikant erhöhten HyperbilirubinĂ€mie (n=11) mittlere Plasma-Bilirubinkonzentrationen von 238±56 ”mol/l (Median 246,2 ”mol/l ) aufwiesen.Der mittlere Vitamin C-Spiegel im Plasma von Neugeborenen, die eine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie entwickelt hatten, war mit 87±22 ”mol/l (Median 89,4 ”mol/l) signifikant niedriger als der von Neugeborenen, die keine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie aufwiesen (132±36 ”mol/l, Median=127,7 ”mol/l). Diese Unterschiede waren statistisch signifikant (P=0,001).Ähnliche Ergebnisse wurden bei den Vitamin E-Spiegeln bei Neugeborenen beobachtet, die eine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie entwickelt bzw. nicht entwickelt hatten: Die Vitamin E-Spiegel lagen bei 7,5±2 ”mol/l (Median 6,3 ”mol/l) bzw. bei 10,4±5 ”mol/l (Median 9,1 ”mol/l). HĂ€moglobinkonzentrationen und HĂ€matokritwerte waren bei den Neugeborenen, die eine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie entwickelt hatten, signifikant niedriger, obgleich die Schwangerschaftsdauer und die Geburtsgewichte der beiden Gruppen keine Unterschiede zeigten.Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass bei ausgereiften Neugeborenen niedrige Konzentrationen von Vitamin C und Vitamin E im Plasma mit einer signifikant erhöhten HyperbilirubinĂ€mie korreliert sind

    Antioxidative Vitamine und Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase-Mangel bei ausgereiften Neugeborenen

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    Objective: The mechanism by which glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency causes neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is not completely understood. However, the genetic disorder G6PD deficiency predisposes red blood cells to oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between plasma antioxidant vitamin (E and C) levels and the development of hyperbilirubinemia in full-term neonates with deficient G6PD. Methods: A total of 196 live birth neonates of healthy mothers were included in this study. Twelve of them were deficient in G6PD. In addition to demographic data, serum total bilirubin, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and vitamin E and C levels were measured on the first day after birth. Results: Neonates with G6PD deficiency (n=7) who did not develop hyperbilirubinemia (mean serum bilirubin level of 70.8±23 ”mol/l, median 71.8) and neonates with G6PD deficiency (n=4) who developed hyperbilirubinemia (mean serum bilirubin level of 226.7±79 ”mol/l, median 233.4) on the first day of life had similar gestational weights and age. The second group, however, had lower hemoglobin and hematocrit as well as plasma vitamin C and E levels. None of these results showed significant difference. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that red blood cell hemolysis as a result of inadequate antioxidants system in G6PD-deficient neonates is not the only contributing factor for hyperbilirubinemia.Ziel der Studie: Der Mechanismus, durch den ein Mangel an Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) bei Neugeborenen eine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie erzeugt, ist noch nicht vollstĂ€ndig erforscht. Allerdings schafft der genetische Defekt eines G6PD-Mangels eine Veranlagung der roten Blutzellen zu oxidativem Stress. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Beziehung zwischen den Konzentrationen antioxidativer Vitamine (Vitamin E und C) im Plasma und der Entstehung der HyperbilirubinĂ€mie bei ausgereiften Neugeborenen mit G6PD-Mangel festzustellen. Methoden: 196 Neugeborene von gesunden MĂŒttern wurden in diese Studie eingeschlossen. 12 dieser Neugeborenen hatten einen G6PD-Mangel. Neben den demografischen Daten wurden am 1. Tag nach der Geburt die Konzentrationen von Gesamtbilirubin, HĂ€moglobin, HĂ€matokrit sowie Vitamin E und C bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Neugeborene mit einem G6PD-Mangel (n=7), die keine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie entwickelt haben (mittlerer Serum-Bilirubin-Spiegel 70,8±23 ”mol/l, median 71,8 ”mol/l), und Neugeborene mit einem G6PD-Mangel (n=4), die am 1. Lebenstag eine HyperbilirubinĂ€mie entwickelt haben (mittlerer Serum-Bilirubin-Spiegel 226,7±79 ”mol/l, median 233,4 ”mol/l), waren in Bezug auf Geburtsgewicht und Schwangerschaftsalter vergleichbar. Die zweite Gruppe wies allerdings niedrigere Konzentrationen von HĂ€moglobin, HĂ€matokrit sowie Vitamin C und E auf. Aber keines dieser Messergebnisse zeigte eine signifikante Differenz. Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass HyperbilirubinĂ€mie nicht allein durch HĂ€molyse als Folge eines unzureichenden Antioxidationssystem bei Neugeborenen mit G6PD-Mangel verursacht wird

    Immunoassay for troponin I using a glassy carbon electrode modified with a hybrid film consisting of graphene and multiwalled carbon nanotubes and decorated with platinum nanoparticles

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    This article describes a bioelectrode for the determination of human cardiac troponin-I (cTnI). A glassy carbon electrode was coated with a hybrid film of graphene and multiwalled carbon nanotube (G-MWCNT) and modified with platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) that were capped with mercaptopropionic acid. The PtNPs were anchored on the G-MWCNT hybrid film via the cross-linker 1-pyrenemethylamine and subsequently functionalized with antibody against troponin (anti-cTnI). The bioelectrode was characterized by transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The performance of the immunoelectrode was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and response was fit to Randle's equivalent circuit model. The charge transfer resistance (R-et) at a.c. frequencies of < 1 Hz is found to be a viable sensing parameter. The dissociation constant of the immunoreaction between surface immobilized anti-cTnI and the analyte cTnI is 0.29 nM (with a Hill coefficient of 0.23), this indicating a negative cooperativity and high binding affinity of cTnI for anti-cTnI on the electrode surface. The EIS response is linear in the 1.0 pg mL(-1) to 10 ng mL(-1) concentration range, and the R-et sensitivity is 145.5 a"broken vertical bar cm(2) per decade

    Adverse effects of common medications on male fertility

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