18 research outputs found

    Alat Pemantau Jumlah Hasil Produksi dalam Industri Sepatu

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    Perkembangan dunia industri sepatu sudah semakin berkembang pesat dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang ada. Proses pemantauan jumlah hasil produksi menjadi perhatian utama bagi semua industri yang ada di dunia. Sistem monitoring pada umumnya masih bersifat manual sehingga proses produksi belum terotomatisasi. Hal ini tentunya akan menghambat jalannya proses produksi sehingga target produksi sulit untuk dicapai. Perancangan dan implementasi alat pemantau jumlah hasil produksi dalam industri sepatu ini akan menggunakan sensor inframerah sebagai pendeteksi sepatu, yang kemudian data hasil sensor dikirimkan secara wireless dan diterima oleh personal computer (PC) melalui LAN. Keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh dari perancangan alat ini adalah sistem sudah bersifat otomatis sehingga tidak memerlukan penghitungan jumlah produksi secara manual dan mengurangi kesalahan manusia. Alat pemantau hasil produksi sepatu ini dilengkapi dengan buzzer yang berfungsi sebagai penanda bahwa sedang terjadi kegagalan yang melebihi dari persentase yang ditentukan di setiap line produksi. Peringatan pada PC pun akan muncul dengan tampilan berwarna merah pada line produksi yang bermasalah sehingga kepala produksi dapat segera menangani masalah yang ada. Alat ini juga dirancang agar dapat menampilkan data-data hasil produksi secara online dengan teknologi desktop remote sehingga proses produksi dapat dipantau oleh pimpinan Perusahaan dari mana saja melalui koneksi intern

    Effect of Leadership and Employee Work Performance to Employee Performance Through the Satisfaction of Work as Intervening Variable in PT. Wedu District Merauke

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    Human resources is one of the determinants of corporate success because the role of human resources as a valuable asset is to plan, implement and control various corporate operations. This study uses quantitative methods to examine the population or specific samples, random sampling in general and quantitative / statistical data analysis with the aim to test the hypothesis that has been established using the help of software SPSS 20.0. The result of this research found that partially leadership style and work environment have positive and significant influence to the satisfaction, leadership style and work environment have positive and significant effect to performance, job satisfaction have positive and significant effect to performance. while indirect influence shows the style of leadership and work environment have positive and significant influence to performance through satisfaction

    Sistem Pendeteksi Asap Rokok di Ruang Kampus

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    The device that designed by writer is smoke sensor device that use smoke sensor. System is controlled by microcontroller that purposed to take conversion result data from analog voltage which made by smoke sensor that converted to the digital data. The data send through microcontroller using DTMF wave to receive at monitoring room in DTMF wave shape, the receive wave will be sent to the PC and receive by Visual Basic program. The final result from this project can be use on the screen from the computer PC, the result is an voltage number detection with the sensor. If the score showing with the cigarette smoke sensor higher than limited score cigarette smoke than alarm will be work

    Aplikasi Accelerometer 3 Axis untuk Mengukur Sudut Kemiringan (Tilt) Engineering Model Satelit di Atas Air Bearing

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    This paper described of design of accelerometer application to measurement of tilt of engineering model of satellite. One of test satellite is how to control the satellite attitude, how to reduce the disturb. The satellite placed on the air bearing where it can free move like on the outer space. The satellite give a disturb until the attitude is change, where one of attitude is change is tilt. From the tilt the user can analyses and gave a command what to do. We use accelerometer type LIS3L06AL to sense a tilt. This sensor has sensitivity 0.66 V/g. The accelerometer placed on the air bearing where one of axis across with the earth. This condition, the accelerometer will force 1 g. If the accelerometer position is change, the accelerometer will act force 1 g times sin θ