13 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Suitability and Supporting Capacity of Mangrove Ecotourism in Yenelo Lake, Sagea Village, North Weda District, Central Halmahera Regency

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    The mangrove area around Lake Yonelo is a unique and potential area, but the area tends to be threatened by increasing mining activities in the area. Management of the mangrove area around Lake Yenelo as an ecotourism area is an alternative form as an innovative effort to maintain environmental functions as a provider of environmental services in order to remain sustainable. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of the tourist area and the carrying capacity of the area as well as the types of activities in the mangrove ecotourism area. The method used is a survey method, using the analysis of the tourism suitability index (IKW) and the carrying capacity of the area (DDK). The results of the analysis of the suitability index of the Yenelo Lake area are classified as very suitable for developing mangrove ecotourism activities, while the results of the analysis of the carrying capacity of the area are 412 people/day with the carrying capacity of the utilization of 42 people/day with the types of activities, namely tracking, picnicking, sitting relaxed, photography and education in along 844 m of mangrove area. The contribution of this type of activity will provide new job opportunities for the community around the mine which will certainly affect the welfare level of the community around the mine in the North Weda District

    Utilizing rGH + Spirulina in Fish Feed to Enhance The Growth and Pigmentation of Betta Fish (Betta, spp.)

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    This study aims to evaluate the effect of the addition of growth hormone (rGH) and spirulina flour on the performance of absolute weight growth, survival, feed efficiency, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of cupang fish (Betta spp.). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments with three replications, i.e., A) Dose of growth hormone 1.5 mg+3 g spirulina flour; B) Dose of growth hormone 2 mg+3g spirulina flour; C) Dose of growth hormone 2.5+3 g spirulina flour; D) Control (no treatment). The results showed that the addition of growth hormone (rGH) and spirulina to commercial feed affected absolute weight growth of 2.27 Ā± 0.90 g. The survival rate was 75.00Ā±1.11 %, the feed efficiency value was 28.98Ā±1.17 %, and the feed conversion ratio was 1.11Ā±0.022. The highest color intensity was found in treatment C with a score of 6

    Aplikasi Tenologi Metode Topikal Pada Pemijahan Ikan Nila Sebagai Upaya Produksi Benih

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    Topical method technology is one of the methods that is trying to be developed to stimulate spawning and can overcome stress in small fish. The purpose of PKM is to help partner groups and local communities to produce their own seeds. From this PKM activity, it has been proven that partner groups and local communities have succeeded in spawning fish with the application of Topical method technology. From several treatments that were tested with TMT and hormones as stimulants, fish spawned with a degree of ovulation of 85% and SR larvae for 7 days of observation of 75%

    Analysis of Local Community Ecological Knowledge on Mangrove Ecotourism Development in Talaga Yenelo, Sagea Village, North Weda District Central Halmahera District

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    Local ecological knowledge is knowledge and beliefs that are largely derived from observations of the ecological processes of resources in the surrounding area and the various factors that influence them based on the logical interpretation of local communities. Local ecological knowledge has an important role in informing sound spatial, spatial and temporal management approaches for marine spatial planning. The aim of this research is to identify the ecological knowledge of local communities regarding the mangrove ecosystem and 2) Community perceptions regarding the management of mangrove ecotourism in Talaga Yenelo in Sagea Village and 3). The level of perception of local communities regarding Ecotourism activities. The method used in this research is determining the sample in this research using a purposive sampling method, namely respondents who participate are deliberately selected by researchers according to the criteria of research respondents. To determine people's knowledge and perceptions, it is based on a Likert scale assessment system and multiple linear regression analysis to see the influence of several independent variables on one dependent variable. The research results show that the people of Sagea and Kiya villages have better knowledge of the local ecology of mangrove forests, especially mangrove habitat, factors of mangrove damage and the impact of mangrove damage compared to the function of mangroves. with the level of utilization of the mangrove ecosystem in the villages of Sagea and Kiya varying greatly. While understanding of mangrove ecotourism activities is very minimal, they agree with the ecotourism activities carried out. Therefore, there is a need for follow-up action from the government regarding mangrove forest management based on the mangrove forest environment

    Kajian Pola Kekayaan Spesies dan Relung Mikrohabitat Ekosistem Padang Lamun Di Pulau Manomadehe Kecamatan Jailolo Selatan Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan tujuan yaitu :mengetahui komposisi jenis padang lamun di Pulau Manomadehe Kecamatan Jailolo Selatan, mengetahui pola kekayaan spesies padang lamun di Pulau Manomadehe Kecamatan Jailolo Selatan, mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis, dominasi jenis dan kemerataan jenis padang lamun di Pulau Manomadehe Kecamatan Jailolo Selatan, serta mengetahui relung mikrohabitat jenis padang lamun di Pulau Manomadehe Kecamatan Jailolo Selatan. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode metode ā€line transekā€ yang didasarkan panduan Seagrass-Net Western Pacific Monitoring Methods. Transek terdiri dari 3 buah yang ditempatkan sejajar garis pantai (horizontal) dengan panjang 50 meter. Komposisi jenis lamun yang tumbuh di zona intertidal Pulau Manomadeheyaitu sebanyak 6 jenis yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila minor, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule pinifolio, dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Kekayaan spesies lamun menunjukkan bahwa apabila total luasan area dilipatgandakan menjadi 1800 m2 (72 kuadrat) maka kekayaan jenis lamun tidak akan bertambah jenisnya yaitu tetap 6 jenis.Keanakeragaman jenis lamun baik tergolong sedang dan tidak ada jenis yang mendominasi serta penyebaran tiap jenis sangat merata. Jenis lamun yang mempunyai relung habitat terlebar adalah Enhalus acoroides dan tersempit adalah Holodule pinifilio. Kesaling-lingkupan relung atau tumpah tindih relung mikrohabitat yang cukup besar dilakukan oleh Enhalus acoroides terhadap Holodule pinifolio sebesar. Sedangkan sedikit terjadi pada Thalassia hemprichii terhadap Halodule pinifolio dan Halophila minor terhadap Halodule pinifolio.Kata Kunci : padang lamun, kekayaan spesies, relung mikrohabita


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    Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) mempunyai kemampuan tinggi dalam bereproduksi, sehingga sulit untuk mencegah inbreeding yang menyebabkan lambatnya pertumbuhan. Salah satu alternatifnya adalah dengan maskulinisasi atau budidaya ikan monoseks dengan satu jenis kelamin saja. Madu memiliki kandungan chrysin dan kalsium yang berperan dalam maskulinisasi. Tujuan dari riset ini idalah mengevaluasi penggunaan madu hutan dari Desa Pohea melalui perendaman dengan tiga level dosis yang berbeda terhadap persentase jantan, pertumbuhan mutlak serta kelangsungan hidup dari larva ikan nila. Ikan uji pada penelitian ini merupakan larva dari ikan nila umur 7 hari, dengan panjang 4,01Ā±0,03 mm. Metode pemberian madu melalui perendaman selama 24 jam. Perlakuan terdiri dari tiga dosis madu yang berbeda yaitu dosis 1% (A), 1,5% (B), dan 2% (C), sedangkan kontrol tanpa perendaman madu (D). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian madu hutan secara signifikan (P<0,05) memberikan persentase jantan yang lebih tinngi dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Pertumbuhan mutlak pada larva yang diberikan dosis madu 2% (C) signifikan memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan tanpa pemberian madu atau kontrol (D). Kelangsungan hidup larva menunjukkan bahwa pemberian madu mampu memberikan kelangsungan hidup yang signifikan lebih tinggi atau berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan tanpa pemberian maduĀ  atau kontrol (D). Dosis terbaik yang mampu meningkatkan persentase jantan, pertumbuhan mutlak, dan kelangsungan hidup adalah perlakuan dengan dosis 2% (C).Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has a high reproductive ability leading to difficulty in preventing inbreeding which causes slow growth. Suppressing the effects of this trait can be done through masculinization or "monosex fish farmingā€. Honey contains chrysin and calcium, which play a role in masculinization. This study set out to assess the effects of forest honey, administered in varying doses via immersion method, on the survival rate, growth rate, and percentage of male tilapia larvae. The fish used in this study were tilapia larvae at 7 days old, with an average length of 4.01Ā±0.02 mm. The method of giving honey was through immersion for 24 h. The treatment consisted of three different doses, namely 1% (A), 1,5% (B), and 2% (C), while the control was without honey (D). The findings of this study revealed that providing forest honey significantly (P<0,05) increased the percentage of males compared to the control. The absolute growth of larvae given a dose of 2% honey (C) was significantly different (P<0,05) from the control (D). The survival rate of larvae revealed that honey treatment provided significant (P<0,05) benefits over the control (D). The best dose that was able to increase the percentage of males, absolute growth, and survival rate was the treatment with a dose of 2% (C).

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Dendeng Ikan Layang Di Kelurahan Jambula

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    Serving fish is one type of fish that has economic value and is included in the resources of small pelagic fish. In North Maluku, Ternate, scad fish are caught using pajeko and bagang fishing gear, the catches obtained by fishermen are directly sold without any processing. Therefore, the activity of empowering the creative economy of the community through training in making scad fish jerky aims to increase knowledge and skills about processing scad fish into products that are durable and quality is maintained and get products that have different flavors. In this activity, the participants came from Jambula Village, District of South Ternate City, which consisted of 25 people and consisted of 3 business groups. The method of carrying out this activity is by practicing surgery, washing, drying, mixing spices and blanching and drying carried out by participants by utilizing the materials provided. The results obtained from this activity are that the participants can master the technology of processing fish into processed products that have different tastes, and can improve the community's economy


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    Ikan komet (Carrasius auratus) merupakan ikan hias air tawar yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat karena bentuk tubuhnya yang lucu, gerakannya yang lincah dan memiliki warna yang indah hingga digemari oleh masyarakat dengan demikian ikan komet mampu menghilangkan stres. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan dosis tepung wortel (Daucus corata L) yang berbeda pada pellet terhadap peningkatan warna pada ikan komet (Carrasius auratus). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 12 agusus- 11 oktober 2019, yang bertempat di Laboratorium Basah Kastela, Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Khairun Ternate. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yaitu melakukan pengamatan pada warna tiap minggu selama 2 bulan dengan menggunakan lima orang panelis, metode pengamatan yaitu mencocokkan warna ikan dengan alat pengukur warna yaitu TCF (Toca colour finder) dengan menggunakan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan A (89 % Tepung Takari, 11 % Tepung Wortel), Perlakuan B (87 % Tepung Takari, 13 % Tepung Wortel), Perlakuan C (85 % Tepung Takari, 15 % Tepung Wortel) dan Perlakuan D sebagai kontrol (100 % Tepung Takari dan 0 % Tepung Wortel). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan warna yang tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan C (15 % tepung wortel).Kata Kunci : Ikan Komet, Tepung Wortel dan Warn


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    Ikan Betok ambon (Chrysiptera cyanea) yang juga dikenal sebagai damsel fish blue merupakan ikan hias air laut yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat karena warnanya begitu cantik, agresif dan termasuk ikan rakus serta tahan terhadap perubahan lingkungan Ikan ini merupakan ikan hias yang terlaris di Amerika Serikat.Warna merupakan salah satu parameter dalam penentuan harga ikan hias. Semakin cerah warna suatu jenis ikan, maka semakin tinggi harganya. Spirulina merupakan mikro alga yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kecerahan warna ikan.. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruhpenggunaan tepung spirulina sp pada pakan terhadap kecerahan warna ikan betok ambon (chrysiptera cyanea) dan Untuk mengetahui jumlah pemberian dosis yang tepat terhadap kecerahan warna Ikan Betok ambon (Chrysipteracyanea) Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lapangan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara. Pada bulan Agustus-September 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. dan di Analisis menggunakan uji kruskal-wallis Adapun perlakuan yang dicobakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut: Perlakuan A : 0,9 gram tepung spirulina sp dalam 100 gram pakan Perlakuan B : 1,2 gram tepung spirulina sp dalam 100 gram pakan Perlakuan C : 1,5 gram tepung spirulina sp dalam 100 gram pakan Perlakuan D : Kontrol (tanpa penambahan tepung spirulina sp). Hasil Penelitian menunjukan Penambahan tepung spirulina sp pada pakan buatan dapat memberikan perubahan kecerahan warna pada ikan betok ambon dan Dosis terbaik dalam penelitian ini terdapat pada perlakuan C dengan penambahan 1,5 gram tepung spirulina sp pada pakan buatan.Kata Kunci: : Ikan betok ambon, warna dan tepung spirulina sp