130 research outputs found

    A stochastic resonator to detect BPAM signals ; analysis, PSR designs, and sine-induced SR

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    A Stochastic Resonator has been considered as an alternative signal processing tool because of its noise-induced performance enhancement ability. Here, the resonator parameters, steady states and transition time of the system are redefined for BPAM signals such that the region in which the resonator benefits from noise can be identified. Simple parameter-induced stochastic resonance (PSR) designs are then built, based on this analysis in order to configure the resonator in the optimum region. Furthermore, Sine-induced SR based on using a periodic signal instead of noise is introduced to enhance the system performance and compared with noise-enhanced SR (NSR). It is shown that Sine-induced SR provides a performance enhancement as it needs less power and does not require an adjustment relevant to the background noise. The results indicate that a resonator improves the receiver performance by eliminating noise if its parameters and BPAM characteristics are set accurately as given in the PSR designs, otherwise the resonator can benefit from either a noise as in NSR, or a sine wave as proposed

    Photonic controlled metasurface for intelligent antenna beam steering applications including 6G mobile communication systems

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    This paper presents a novel metasurface antenna whose radiation characteristics can be remotely controlled by optical means using PIN photodiodes. The proposed reconfigurable antenna is implemented using a single radiating element to minimize the size and complexity. The antenna is shown to exhibit a large impedance bandwidth and is capable of radiating energy in a specified direction. The proposed antenna consists of a standard rectangular patch on which is embedded an H-tree shaped fractal slot of order 3. The fractal slot is used to effectively reduce the physical size of the patch by 75 % and to enhance its impedance bandwidth. A metasurface layer is strategically placed above the patch radiator with a narrow air gap between the two. The metasurface layer is a lattice pattern of square framed rhombus ring shaped unit-cells that are interconnected by PIN photodiodes. The metasurface layer essentially acts like a superstrate when exposed to RF/microwave radiation. Placed below the patch antenna is a conductive layer that acts like a reflector to enhance the front-toback ratio by blocking radiation from the backside of the patch radiator. The patch’s main beam can be precisely controlled by photonically illuminating the metasurface layer. The antenna’s performance was modelled and analyzed with a commercial 3D electromagnetic solver. The antenna was fabricated on a standard dielectric substrate FR4 and has dimensions of 0.778λo × 0.778λo × 0.25λo mm3 , where λo is the wavelength of free space centered at 1.35 GHz. Measured results confirm the antenna’s performance. The antenna exhibits a wide fractional band of 55.5 % from 0.978 to 1.73 GHz for reflection-coefficient (S11) better than − 10 dB. It has a maximum gain of 9 dBi at 1.35 GHz with a maximum front-to-back ratio (F/B) of 21 dBi. The main beam can be steered in the elevation plane from − 24◦ to +24◦. The advantage of the proposed antenna is it does not require any mechanical movements or complicated electronic systems.Dr. Mohammad Alibakhshikenari acknowledges support from the CONEX-Plus programme funded by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 801538. The authors also sincerely appreciate funding from Researchers Supporting Project number (RSP2023R58), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Additionally, this work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional -FEDER-, European Union) under the research grant PID2021-127409OB-C31 CONDOR. Besides above, the Article Processing Charge (APC) was afforded by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Read & Publish Agreement CRUE-CSIC 2023)

    Optical-Microwave Sensor for Real-Time Measurement of Water Contamination in Oil Derivatives  

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    This paper presents a novel microwave sensor using optical activation for measuring in real-time the water contamination in crude oil or its derivatives. The sensor is constructed from an end-coupled microstrip resonator that is interconnected to two pairs of identical fractal structures based on Moore curves. Electromagnetic (EM) interaction between the fractal curves is mitigated using a T-shaped microstrip-stub to enhance the performance of the sensor. The gap in one pair of fractal curves is loaded with light dependent resistors (LDR) and the other pair with microwave chip capacitors. The chip capacitors were used to increase the EM coupling between the fractal gaps to realize a high Q-factor resonator that determines the sensitivity of the sensor. Empirical results presented here show that the insertion-loss of the sensor is affected by the change in LDR impedance when illuminated by light. This property is used to determine the amount of water contaminated oil. The sensitivity of the sensor was optimized using commercial 3D EM solver. The measurements were made by placing a 30 mm diameter petri dish holding the sample on top of the sensor. The petri dish was filled up to a height of 10 mm with the sample of water contaminated crude oil, and the measurements were done in the range between 0.76 GHz to 1.2 GHz. The Q-factor of the oil sample with no water contamination was 70 and the Q-factor declined to 20 for 100% contamination. The error in the measurements was less than 0.024%. The sensor has dimensions of 0.1270×0.1270×0.0040 and represents a new modality. Compared to existing techniques, the proposed sensor is simple to use, readily portable and is more sensitive

    Curcumin Ameliorates High-Fat Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease by Regulating Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in The Liver

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    This study explores the effects of curcumin administration on beclin-1 and microtubule-associated protein light chain-3 (LC3) expression as autophagy markers and XBP1 spliced as a marker indicating endoplasmic reticulum stress in ameliorating HFD-induced NAFLD in mic

    Comparison of ESSDAI and ClinESSDAI in potential optimization of trial outcomes in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: examination of data from the UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the use of the Clinical EULAR Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ClinESSDAI), a version of the ESSDAI without the biological domain, for assessing potential eligibility and outcomes for clinical trials in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS), according to the new ACR-EULAR classification criteria, from the UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry (UKPSSR). METHODS: A total of 665 patients from the UKPSSR cohort were analysed at their time of inclusion in the registry. ESSDAI and ClinESSDAI were calculated for each patient. RESULTS: For different disease activity index cut-off values, more potentially eligible participants were found when ClinESSDAI was used than with ESSDAI. The distribution of patients according to defined disease activity levels did not differ statistically (chi2 p = 0.57) between ESSDAI and ClinESSDAI for moderate disease activity (score ≥5 and <14; ESSDAI 36.4%; ClinESSDA 36.5%) or high disease activity (score ≥14; ESSDAI 5.4%; ClinESSDAI 6.8%). We did not find significant differences between the indexes in terms of activity levels for individual domains, with the exception of the articular domain. We found a good level of agreement between both indexes, and a positive correlation between lymphadenopathy and glandular domains with the use of either index and with different cut-off values. With the use of ClinESSDAI, the minimal clinically important improvement value was more often achievable with a one grade improvement of a single domain than with ESSDAI. We observed similar results when using the new ACR-EULAR classification criteria or the previously used American-European Consensus Group (AECG) classification criteria for pSS. CONCLUSIONS: In the UKPSSR population, the use of ClinESSDAI instead of ESSDAI did not lead to significant changes in score distribution, potential eligibility or outcome measurement in trials, or in routine care when immunological tests are not available. These results need to be confirmed in other cohorts and with longitudinal data

    Supplemented ERA-EDTA Registry data evaluated the frequency of dialysis, kidney transplantation, and comprehensive conservative management for patients with kidney failure in Europe

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    The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of dialysis and kidney transplantation and to estimate the regularity of comprehensive conservative management (CCM) for patients with kidney failure in Europe. This study uses data from the ERA-EDTA Registry. Additionally, our study included supplemental data from Armenia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Slovenia and additional data from Israel, Italy, Slovakia using other information sources. Through an online survey, responding nephrologists estimated the frequency of CCM (i.e. planned holistic care instead of kidney replacement therapy) in 33 countries. In 2016, the overall incidence of replacement therapy for kidney failure was 132 per million population (pmp), varying from 29 (Ukraine) to 251 pmp (Greece). On 31 December 2016, the overall prevalence of kidney replacement therapy was 985 pmp, ranging from 188 (Ukraine) to 1906 pmp (Portugal). The prevalence of peritoneal dialysis (114 pmp) and home hemodialysis (28 pmp) was highest in Cyprus and Denmark respectively. The kidney transplantation rate was nearly zero in some countries and highest in Spain (64 pmp). In 28 countries with five or more responding nephrologists, the median percentage of candidates for kidney replacement therapy who were offered CCM in 2018 varied between none (Slovakia and Slovenia) and 20% (Finland) whereas the median prevalence of CCM varied between none (Slovenia) and 15% (Hungary). Thus, the substantial differences across Europe in the frequency of kidney replacement therapy and CCM indicate the need for improvement in access to various treatment options for patients with kidney failure.Peer reviewe

    Effect of rituximab on a salivary gland ultrasound score in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: results of the TRACTISS randomised double-blind multicentre substudy

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    Objectives To compare the effects of rituximab versus placebo on salivary gland ultrasound (SGUS) in primary Sjögren’s syndrome (PSS) in a multicentre, multiobserver phase III trial substudy. Methods Subjects consenting to SGUS were randomised to rituximab or placebo given at weeks 0, 2, 24 and 26, and scanned at baseline and weeks 16 and 48. Sonographers completed a 0–11 total ultrasound score (TUS) comprising domains of echogenicity, homogeneity, glandular definition, glands involved and hypoechoic foci size. Baseline-adjusted TUS values were analysed over time, modelling change from baseline at each time point. For each TUS domain, we fitted a repeated-measures logistic regression model to model the odds of a response in the rituximab arm (≥1-point improvement) as a function of the baseline score, age category, disease duration and time point. Results 52 patients (n=26 rituximab and n=26 placebo) from nine centres completed baseline and one or more follow-up visits. Estimated between-group differences (rituximab-placebo) in baseline-adjusted TUS were −1.2 (95% CI −2.1 to −0.3; P=0.0099) and −1.2 (95% CI −2.0 to −0.5; P=0.0023) at weeks 16 and 48. Glandular definition improved in the rituximab arm with an OR of 6.8 (95% CI 1.1 to 43.0; P=0.043) at week 16 and 10.3 (95% CI 1.0 to 105.9; P=0.050) at week 48. Conclusions We demonstrated statistically significant improvement in TUS after rituximab compared with placebo. This encourages further research into both B cell depletion therapies in PSS and SGUS as an imaging biomarker

    The ERA Registry Annual Report 2021:a summary

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    BackgroundThe European Renal Association (ERA) Registry collects data on kidney replacement therapy (KRT) in patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). This paper is a summary of the ERA Registry Annual Report 2021, including a comparison across treatment modalities.MethodsData was collected from 54 national and regional registries from 36 countries, of which 35 registries from 18 countries contributed individual patient data and 19 registries from 19 countries contributed aggregated data. Using this data, incidence and prevalence of KRT, kidney transplantation rates, survival probabilities and expected remaining lifetimes were calculated.ResultsIn 2021, 533.2 million people in the general population were covered by the ERA Registry. The incidence of KRT was 145 per million population (pmp). In incident patients, 55% were 65 years or older, 64% were male, and the most common primary renal disease (PRD) was diabetes (22%). The prevalence of KRT was 1040 pmp. In prevalent patients, 47% were 65 years or older, 62% were male, and the most common PRDs were diabetes and glomerulonephritis/sclerosis (both 16%). On 31 December 2021, 56% of patients received haemodialysis, 5% received peritoneal dialysis, and 39% were living with a functioning graft. The kidney transplantation rate in 2021 was 37 pmp, a majority coming from deceased donors (66%). For patients initiating KRT between 2012–2016, 5-year survival probability was 52%. Compared to the general population, life expectancy was 65% and 68% shorter for males and females receiving dialysis, and 40% and 43% shorter for males and females living with a functioning graft