14 research outputs found

    Sistem Kontrol Intensitas Cahaya Pada Kandang Puyuh Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    A quail is a type of poultry which producers meat and egg that are rich protein and nutrients in it. Various efforts undertaken to improve the productivity of quail in the scale of cultivation, such as the addition of hormones, feed manipulation, as well as providing additional light with the ultimate goal of optimal growth so that better productivity. Light is one external factor that can spur the growth and control of various biological processes in the body poultry. This research's aims are to create a tool that is able to increase the quantity and quality of quail eggs by controlling the light requirements in accordance with the needs of the quail, the illumination using monochromatic light blue by 15-25 lux for 14 hours per day. The method used to made Light Intensity Control System at Quail's Cage Based-on Arduino Uno, it is starts with collecting information, design tools, making tools, testing tools and conclusions. Based on the results of tests that have been performed on prototype instrument control systems in the light intensity quail cage conclusion that the tool is able to work well in accordance with the design

    Risk and Turnover From Investing in Equity Mutual Fund Performance

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    Measurement of equity funds committed so far, that was done several previous studies have only done manually, so the process is more vulnerable to errors, the result is a slower, less accurate, less rapidly. The findings of this study with previous differentiate is in the measurement of equity funds used all approaches methods Sharpe, Mayer, Treynor and Jensens models, and information sharpe ratio, also financial information system applications as media performance measurement system in mutual fund shares. Knowing how to interpret this information correctly will make it easier for investor to make responsible and informed investment recommendations to their investors.Based on the calculation results in mutual and stock, mix and fixed income using the Sharpe model of it, it can be concluded that the fund Batavia Shares Fund Optimal who had the best performance, this is caused because reksdana Batavia equity fund Optimal has a return value of the highest in comparison with other funds. Based on the calculation results in mutual and stock, mix and fixed income using methods Sharpe, Mayer, Treynor and Jensens models then, it can be concluded that the fund Shares Fund Optimal who had the best performance, this is caused because reksdana Batavia equity fund Optimal has a return value of the highest in comparison with other fund

    Perancangan Model Knowledge Management untuk Memonitoring Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang model knowledge management untuk memonitoring prestasi akademik pada pergurun tinggi mengambil studi kasus di IBI Darmajaya yang dapat digunakan oleh Biro administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (BAAK) untuk memonitoring prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Model ini digambarkan dengan pemodelan usecase mulai dari gambaran proses bisnis dan pengembangan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) mulai dari analisis, desain, dan implementasi sehingga model sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem. Hasil berupa informasi peningkatan dan penurunan prestasi akademik digunakan sebagai akomodasi kebutuhan data, informasi dan pengetahuan untuk melakukan peringatan dini, menentukan sanksi akademik, dan rekomendasi beasiswa. Sehingga Perguruan Tinggi memiliki sebuah model yang membantu mahasiswa lulus tepat waktu, dan memudahkan pihak pengelola beasiswa dalam pembuatan laporan ke pihak pemberi dana dan sampainya perkembangan prestasi akademik kepada orang tua mahasiswa

    Sistem Pengamanan Ganda Pada Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan Kartu Secara Elektronik Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Multiple security systems in motor vehicles in Indonesia today is required to reduce vehicle theft by people who are not responsible. Current conditions, vehicle theft rates continue to rise. The data obtained from multiple information media, both print and electronic media. Even the theft of motor vehicles had entered the campus environment. The idea how to make the vehicle security system, although there is now a double security on the vehicle include a remote that is connected with an alarm is limited to the open door, an additional lock on the wheels of motor vehicles, power down with the manual switch button and so forth. This research will be how to generate the security of two-wheeled motor vehicles especially effective and much cheaper if produced. The equipment will be made can be displayed by the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), an attractive and easy to modify the card as a password. How it works two-wheeled vehicle security system is by entering the card as an input to turn off the alarm signal received from signal input through the motion sensor (switch). If the two-wheeler handlebar position changed from the initial position, and handlebar changed by force then it will give input to the microcontroller to inform the infrared sensor (input card), if the card is wrong then the microcontroller will activate the hor

    Implementation of Rfid (Radio Frequency Identification) for Student Attendance System

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    IBI Darmajaya is one of private university that located onBandar Lampung which still use manual attendance.that isuse attendance book every time student come or leave theclass. This final report has a purpose to build anattendance system prototype that use a RFID technologywhich is integrated with arduino to increase the disciplineattitude program of student s honesty IBI Darmajaya.The prototype of RFID attendance system consist ofseveral main components such as tags and card that willbe used in KTM (Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa) and reader thatwill be used to read the information related to the studentattendance. The result of this final project is a prototype ofRFID for student attendance which has a function to storestudent s attendace data, with a maximum range 5cm anda minimum read 0,7 second to do an optimalfunctionability

    Design of Prototype Development on Lecturer Presence System Integration at Ibi Darmajaya

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    The design of Prototype development on lecturer presence system integration at IBI Darmajaya is a study used to monitor lecturer's teaching activities based on days, hours, classrooms, and specific subjects based on the schedule made previously and results in up-to-date information on the lecturer's teaching.The lecturer presence process at IBI Darmajaya has been using a presence application; the monitoring process on the record of lecturer's teaching presence data becomes the responsibility of the official/ the Pusat Layanan Pelaporan Perkuliahan (PLPP) staffs for inputting the data into that application. This surely gives impacts on the performance of the PLPP department when there are teaching queues at specific hours and there is also inefficiency and inconsistency in recording the lecturer's teaching presence. The result of this study is a Prototype of lecturer presence system integration with centralized database placed in each classroom/ laboratory in which it demands the lecturers individually to do the teaching presence at every lecture

    M-learning Application For Computer Networking Subjects

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    Nowadays, mobile application, called mobile learning, is widely used among academic staff to help them in the process of teaching and learning at university. This research proposed the use of mobile learning in computer network subjects, particularly computer network and security, to facilitate the ease of access to the source of material and evaluation. Based on the questionnaire that distributed to the students, 75% respondents found this application is easy to use, attractive, and helping them to understand the content of subjects

    Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Asap Rokok melalui Smartphone Menggunakan Sensor Mq-135 Berbasis Arduino untuk Meningkatkan Gerakan Displin Kampus (GDK)

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    Gerakan Disiplin Kampus (GDK) adalah upaya menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang nyaman, tertib, dan bersih di kampus Institut Informatika dan Bisnis (IIB) Darmajaya. Sanksi diterapkan untuk meningkatkan GDK dan berlaku bagi seluruh civitas akademika IIB Darmajaya. Adanya sanksi atas pelanggaran GDK yang dilakukan belum dapat menekan angka pelanggaran. Salah satunya masih banyak mahasiswa dan karyawan yang merokok ditempat yang terdapat tanda larangan merokok. Guna meningkatkan monitoring diperlukan alat yang dapat mendeteksi jika ada yang merokok dan memberikan informasi lokasi melalui smartphone. Penelitian ini menggunakan sensor MQ-135 sebagai pendeteksi adanya asap rokok yang kemudian akan diproses oleh arduino. Arduino akan memproses inputan dan akan menampilkan lokasi tempat terjadinya pelanggaran larangan merokok melalui smartphone. Wifi digunakan sebagai media transmisi antara smartphone dengan alat pendeteksi asap rokok. Hasil uji coba membuktikan bahwa sensor MQ-135 dapat mengirimkan informasi lokasi asap rokok ke smartphone dengan akurat ketika ada asap rokok dengan jarak jangkauan maksimal 25 meter