609 research outputs found

    Duygusal Zeka Ölçeği: Bir Ölçek Uyarlama Çalışması

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    The purpose of this study is to adaptation of Emotional Intelligence (EI) scale to the Turkish language. Research was implemented on the 249 high school students. The 3 dimensional models which were consisted of 20 items were found coherent in the confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency, item and factor analysis studies were conducted for the aim of examining psychometric features of the scale. The results of reliability of the scale analyses were .83, scale was found reliable. Confirmatory factor analysis’ results exhibit that scale’s original 3 dimensional models were appropriate for the Turkish sample (x²=399.55, df=167, RMSEA=.075, NNFI=.90, CFI=.91, IFI=.91, SRMR=.080, GFI=.86). In this case, scale is considered as a reliable and valid instrument in terms of measuring learners’ emotional intelligence degree in the education process of learners in Turkey.Bu araştırmanın amacı Güney Kore’de Hyuneung Lee ve Yungjung Kwak1 tarafından 2011’de geliştirilen Duygusal Zeka ölçeğini Türk diline uyarlayarak Türk kültürüne uygulamaktır. Araştırma 249 lise öğrencileri üzerinde uygulanmıştır. 20 maddeden oluşan 3 boyutlu model doğrulayıcı faktör analizinde uyumlu bulunmuştur. Ölçeğin psikometrik özelliklerini incelemek amacıyla iç tutarlılık, madde ve faktör analiz çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. Güvenilirlik analizleri sonucunda ise ölçeğin tümü için Cronbach Alfa katsayısı .83 olarak bulunmuştur. Doğrulayıcı faktör analiz sonuçları ölçeğin 3 boyutlu modelinin Türk örneklemine uygun olduğu bulunmuştur (x²=399.55, df=167, RMSEA=. 075, NNFI=.90,CFI=.91,IFI=.91,SRMR=.080, GFI=.86).Çalışma sonucunda, ölçek Türkiye’deki öğrencilerin eğitim süreçlerindeki duygusal zeka derecelerini ölçmede kullanılan bir araç olarak güvenilir ve geçerli bulunmuştur


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    In the present study we try to highlight prospective mathematics teachers’ ability to identify mistakes of sixth grade students related to angle concept. And also an examination of prospective mathematics teachers conceptions of angle. Study was carried out with 30 sixth-grade students and 38 prospective mathematics teachers. Sixth grade students required to define the concept of angle with their own statements and describe what it brought to their minds by writing their responses on a paper.  Students written responses were examined by the researchers and students’ mistakes in their definitions were determined. A data collection form that included students’ definitions of angle (correct, partly correct, incorrect) was obtained. Prospective teachers were required to define the concept of angle with their own statements and evaluate whether sixth grade students’ responses were correct by explaining the reasons in written form. The data obtained from written forms of prospective teachers were analysed through the descriptive analysis technique. Candidate's' comments they have made in response to each student are coded. The results of the research show that prospective mathematics teachers didn’t have problems in determining students' definitions of angle as correct, incorrect or partially correct. But they have problems about expressing the students’ failures and to clearly identifying the mistakes in the incorrect definitions of students. Additionally, almost all of the candidates have made only the static definition of the angle concept.  Article visualizations

    High altitude and blood pressure in children.

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    We aimed to evaluate the blood pressure of children who had similar demographic characteristics but lived at different altitudes. Blood pressure of the children attending primary schools in Izmir (sea level: n = 425) and Van (altitude: 1725 m, n = 291) were measured by mercurial sphygmomanometer for this study. They were similar with respect to age, sex, weight, height, and BMI. Mean age of the children was 10.51 +/- 0.87 years (range: 9 to 12 years), and 358 (50 percent) of them were female. Mean systolic blood pressure was significantly higher in the children living in Van than in the children living in Izmir (104.72 +/- 11.2 vs. 97.96 +/- 25.5 mmHg, respectively, p < .001). Similarly mean diastolic blood pressure was significantly higher in the children living in Van than in the children living in Izmir (63.98 +/- 9.3 vs. 59.91 +/- 10.0 mmHg, respectively, p < .001). When blood pressure was evaluated with regard to height percentile, the number of children with a blood pressure over 90 percentile were 19 (4.5 percent) and 48 (16.5 percent) for systolic blood pressure, and 25 (5.9 percent) and 37 (12.7 percent) for diastolic blood pressure among the children living in Izmir and Van, respectively (p < .001). Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were found to increase in parallel to the increase in body mass index in children living in Van (r = 0.358, p < .001 and r = 0.235, p < .001, respectively). However, blood pressures were not correlated to body mass index in children living in Izmir. A difference of 1700 m in altitude was associated with higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in children with similar demographic characteristics, and at this altitude, body mass index and blood pressure showed a positive correlation

    Analysis of Deep Transfer Learning Methods for Early Diagnosis of the Covid-19 Disease with Chest X-ray Images

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    This study aimed to present an analysis of deep transfer learning models to support the early diagnosis of Covid-19 disease using X-ray images. For this purpose, the deep transfer learning models VGG-16, VGG-19, Inception V3 and Xception, which were successful in the ImageNet competition, were used to detect Covid-19 disease. Also, 280 chest x-ray images were used for the training data, and 140 chest x-ray images were used for the test data. As a result of the statistical analysis, the most successful model was Inception V3 (%92), the next successful model was Xception (%91), and the VGG-16 and VGG-19 models gave the same result (%88). The proposed deep learning model offers significant advantages in diagnosing covid-19 disease issues such as test costs, test accuracy rate, staff workload, and waiting time for test results

    Investigation of Wheat Germ and Oil Characteristics with Regard to Different Stabilization Techniques

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    Pozadina istraživanja. Upotreba pšeničnih klica i njihovog ulja ograničena je zbog velike aktivnosti enzima u klicama i prisutnosti nezasićenih masnih kiselina u ulju, što zahtijeva primjenu stabilizacijskih tehnika. Eksperimentalni pristup. U ovom su istraživanju procijenjeni učinci metoda stabilizacije (suho zagrijavanje u konvekcijskoj pećnici na 90 i 160 °C, mikrovalno zračenje na 180 i 360 W i uparavanje u autoklavu) na pšenične klice i njihovo ulje. Rezultati i zaključci. Uparavanje je prouzročilo najdramatičnije promjene aktivnosti lipoksigenaze, udjela slobodnih masnih kiselina, aktivnosti uklanjanja radikala DPPH i masenih udjela tokoferola i tokotrienola. Niži peroksidni broj izmjeren je u uzorcima ulja obrađenim konvekcijskim zagrijavanjem (160 °C) i parom na temperaturama iznad 100 °C. Međutim, vrijednosti p-anisidina u uzorcima tretiranim na višim temperaturama bile su znatno veće od onih u uzorcima stabiliziranim pri nižim temperaturama. Zagrijavanje u pećnici na 160 °C je nakon uparavanja bilo jedno od najučinkovitijih postupaka za inaktivaciju lipoksigenaze. Primjena pare bitno je smanjila maseni udjel ukupnih tokoferola, što je izravno povezano s povećanim gubitkom β-tokoferola. Suprotno tome, pronađeno je znatno više γ- i δ-tokoferola te homologa tokotrienola u uparenim uzorcima. Izomeri najotporniji na procese stabilizacije bili su α-tokoferol i γ-tokotrienol. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da metoda zagrijavanja u pećnici na visokoj temperaturi, koja se često koristi u industriji za toplinsku stabilizaciju pšeničnih klica, ne poboljšava njihovu oksidacijsku stabilnost u usporedbi s obradom parom i mikrovalovima. Uparavanje odgađa oksidacijske procese u klici te inhibira aktivnost lipoksigenaze, a osim toga smanjuje gubitak tokotrienola. Za industrijsku se primjenu preporučuje uporaba mikrovalne pećnice male snage (180 umjesto 360 W) i zagrijavanje u pećnici na nižoj temperaturi (90 umjesto 160 °C).Research background. Utilization of wheat germ and wheat germ oil is limited due to high enzymatic activity and the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, which require stabilization techniques to overcome this problem. Experimental approach. In this study, the effects of stabilization methods (dry convective oven heating at 90 and 160 °C, microwave radiation at 180 and 360 W, and autoclave steaming) on both wheat germ and its oil were evaluated. Results and conclusions. Steaming caused the most dramatic changes in lipoxygenase activity, free fatty acid content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and mass fractions of tocopherols and tocotrienols. Lower peroxide values were measured in the oil samples treated with convectional heating (160 °C) and steaming at temperatures above 100 °C. However, p-anisidine values of samples treated at higher temperatures were considerably greater than those of samples stabilized at lower temperatures. Oven heating at 160 °C was also one of the most effective treatments, after steaming, for the inactivation of lipoxygenase. Steaming significantly reduced mass fraction of total tocopherols, which was directly associated with the greater loss of β-tocopherol content. On the contrary, γ- and δ-tocopherol and tocotrienol homologues were abundant with higher amounts in steamed samples. α-Tocopherol and γ-tocotrienol were the most resistant isomers to stabilization processes. Novelty and scientific contribution. This study shows that the high temperature oven heating method, which is widely used in the industry for thermal stabilization of wheat germ, does not provide an advantage in oxidative stability compared to steaming and microwave applications. Steaming delayed oxidation in the germ, while further inhibiting lipoxygenase activity. Moreover, tocotrienols were more conservable. In industrial application, low-power microwave (180 instead of 360 W) and oven heating at lower temperature (90 instead of 160 °C) would be preferable

    Zaštitni učinci resveratrola od oštećenja ljudskih endotelnih stanica koronarne arterije izazvanog vodikovim peroksidom in vitro

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    Oxidative stress is defined as imbalance between the production and destruction of reactive oxygen species. The aim of this study was to investigate whether resveratrol could protect human endothelial cells against hydrogen peroxide damage in vitro. In this in vitro study on human coronary endothelial cells, the effects of resveratrol on the glutathione content in human coronary endothelial cells in vitro were evaluated with high performance liquid chromatography. The effects of resveratrol on protein expression of the glutamate cysteine ligase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzymes were evaluated with the Western blot method. Resveratrol increased the reduced glutathione contents significantly (p<0.05). Resveratrol increased protein expression of the glutamate cysteine ligase, glutathione peroxidase-1 and glutathione reductase enzymes (p<0.05). All data supported each other and suggested that resveratrol had a protective effect against human coronary artery endothelial cell damage. It is thought that these results could pave the way to the new therapeutic approaches to protect against oxidative stress that develops in cardiovascular diseases.Oksidativni stres definira se kao neravnoteža između nastanka i razgradnje reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti može li resveratrol zaštititi ljudske endotelne stanice od oštećenja vodikovim peroksidom in vitro. U ovoj in vitro studiji na endotelnim stanicama koronarne arterije učinci resveratrola na sadržaj glutationa određeni su visokotlačnom tekućinskom kromatografijom. Učinci resveratrola na ekspresiju proteina enzima glutamat cistein ligaze, glutation peroksidaze-1 i glutation reduktaze određeni su metodom Western blot. Resveratrol je statistički značajno povećao sadržaj reduciranog glutationa (p<0,05). Resveratrol je povećao i ekspresiju proteina enzima glutamat cistein ligaze, glutation peroksidaze-1 i glutation reduktaze (p<0,05). Svi dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju da resveratrol ima zaštitni učinak od oštećenja endotelnih stanica koronarne arterije. Rezultati ove studije daju smjernice prema novim terapijskim pristupima koji bi se rabili za zaštitu od oksidativnog stresa koji se razvija u bolestima krvožilnog sustava

    The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase As Biomarkers For Neural Tube Defect

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    Neural Tube Defect (NTD) is one of the most common congenital malformations. It is crucial to determine the prognostic, predictive, or therapeutic genetic factors for prevent ing NTD. The formation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an essential role in migrating neural crest cells. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a significant role in cell migration in ECM organization. The role of expressions and activation of MMP in NTD is unknown. This study aimed to investigate the roles of MMP-1, -2, and 9 gene expressions as biomarkers for NTD. Peripheral blood samples and NTD tissues were collected from 40 newborn babies diagnosed with NTD, which were also divided into subgroups based on pathology, and peripheral blood samples from only 20 healthy babies were taken for control. After total RNA isolation from blood and tissues, MMP -1, -2, -9 gene expressions were analyzed by Quantitative Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR). There was no difference between the control group and the NTD group in terms of MMP expressions in blood samples (p>0.05). A statistically significantly higher MMP-1 expression was found in Meningocele and Myeloschisis than in Encephalocele (p=0.014). A significant difference was found between the tissue and blood samples of the Meningomyelocele patient group regarding MMP-9 expression (p=0.019). There was no significant relationship between Ca2+, B12, and Folate levels, NTD, and MMP genes expressions (p>0.05). Even though MMP genes were not different between control and NTD groups, they were found to vary between different subgroups and can serve as biomarkers