252 research outputs found

    Duodeno-colic fistula as a rare presentation of lung cancer - surgical treatment of a stage IV oligometastatic lung disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Rare adenosquamous carcinomas have no defined standard approach given their low incidence. They present with nonspecific imaging characteristics and are described as having worse prognosis than other lung malignancies, with greater likelihood of local invasion and early metastasis. PRESENTATION OF CASE: Male caucasian patient, 43 years, 26 pack-year smoking history, presented with watery diarrhea, early emesis and loss of 25% body weight (20kg) in four weeks. Colonoscopy identified a left colonic mass. Abdominal CT/ultrasound showed a large fistulous lesion between the 4th portion of the duodenum and left colon. CT showed a solid mass in the right upper lung lobe. Endoscopy and transthoracic biopsy were inconclusive. En bloc D3 and D4 duodenectomy, proximal enterectomy and left hemicolectomy were performed, with inconclusive histology of the specimen. Three months later, a right upper lung lobectomy with lymphadenectomy was performed, revealing an adenosquamous carcinoma of lung origin, R0, staged as pT2pN0pM1b. Six months later, a single dural metastasis in the left cerebellopontine angle was detected and resected, with subsequent holocranial radiotherapy and systemic adjuvant chemotherapy. Patient is currently with 18 months follow-up, in good general health and with no evidence of recurrent disease. DISCUSSION: There are no specific guidelines to treat oligometastatic adenosquamous lung carcinoma. Our approach was abdominal surgery as a life-saving procedure and, months later, oncological resection of primary lung tumor and metachronous metastasis to the brain. CONCLUSION: A systematic, patient-oriented, patient-shared, multidisciplinary approach is particularly relevant when dealing with atypical presentations of rare diseases in young patients

    Identificação de fitonematóides presentes em cafeeiros de diferentes municípios do Estado de Rondônia.

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    O presente estudo visou identificar os nematóides responsáveis pelos ataques aos cafeeiros do Estado de Rondônia.bitstream/item/24809/1/Cot305-cafe.pd

    Levantamento da ocorrência do moko da bananeira em Rondônia.

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    O presente trabalho visa apresentar dados sobre o levantamento da ocorrência do moko nos diferentes municípios do Estado de Rondônia, tendo como base as coletas de amostras de bananais, realizado pela Agência de Defesa Agrossilvopastoril de Rondônia ? Idaron, em parceria com a Embrapa Rondônia, entre os anos de 2004 e 2007.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2009-09/12208/1/cot323_mokodabananeira.pdfAngela M. L. Nunes, Embrapa Rondônia (In memorian)

    Combinando análise fractal e mineração de séries temporais para identificação de extremos climáticos regionais

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    Nas últimas décadas, grandes quantidades de dados climáticos provenientes de estações meteorológicas e de outros tipos de sensores têm sido coletadas e armazenadas por diversas instituições. A análise desses dados tornou-se uma tarefa importante devido às mudanças climáticas e seus efeitos sociais e econômicos. Este trabalho propõe um processo de análise de múltiplas séries temporais climáticas para identificar padrões temporais intrínsecos aos dados. Considerando múltiplas séries como uma data stream, é possível integrar diferentes variáveis climáticas e detectar mudanças de comportamento ao longo do tempo. Estudos em séries climáticas reais coletadas em diferentes regiões do Brasil mostram o potencial de aplicação dessa abordagem

    Levantamento dos principais agentes fitopatogênicos presentes em culturas no Estado de Rondônia.

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    Este trabalho objetivou identificar as doenças que atingem as principais culturas no Estado de Rondônia e suas incidências. Foi realizado um levantamento e a quantificação dos agentes fitopatogênicos associados às amostras catalogadas no Laboratório de Fitopatologia da Embrapa Rondônia e seus respectivos hospedeiros.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14319/1/doc108-agentesfitopatogenicos.pd

    Genetic and genomic analysis modeling of germline c-MYC overexpression and cancer susceptibility

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    Background: Germline genetic variation is associated with the differential expression of many human genes. The phenotypic effects of this type of variation may be important when considering susceptibility to common genetic diseases. Three regions at 8q24 have recently been identified to independently confer risk of prostate cancer. Variation at 8q24 has also recently been associated with risk of breast and colorectal cancer. However, none of the risk variants map at or relatively close to known genes, with c-MYC mapping a few hundred kilobases distally. Results: This study identifies cis-regulators of germline c-MYC expression in immortalized lymphocytes of HapMap individuals. Quantitative analysis of c-MYC expression in normal prostate tissues suggests an association between overexpression and variants in Region 1 of prostate cancer risk. Somatic c-MYC overexpression correlates with prostate cancer progression and more aggressive tumor forms, which was also a pathological variable associated with Region 1. Expression profiling analysis and modeling of transcriptional regulatory networks predicts a functional association between MYC and the prostate tumor suppressor KLF6. Analysis of MYC/Myc-driven cell transformation and tumorigenesis substantiates a model in which MYC overexpression promotes transformation by down-regulating KLF6. In this model, a feedback loop through E-cadherin down-regulation causes further transactivation of c-MYC. Conclusion: This study proposes that variation at putative 8q24 cis-regulator(s) of transcription can significantly alter germline c-MYC expression levels and, thus, contribute to prostate cancer susceptibility by down-regulating the prostate tumor suppressor KLF6 gene