189 research outputs found

    Inclusive deuteron-induced reactions and final neutron states

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    We present in this paper a formalism for deuteron-induced inclusive reactions. We disentangle direct elastic breakup contributions from other processes (which we generically call non-elastic breakup) implying a capture of the neutron both above and below the neutron emission threshold. The reaction is described as a two step process, namely the breakup of the deuteron followed by the propagation of the neutron-target system driven by an optical potential. The final state interaction between the neutron and the target can eventually form an excited compound nucleus. Within this context, the direct neutron transfer to a sharp bound state is a limiting case of the present formalism.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Ital

    Questões de linguagem: rigor versus compreensão

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    O “imediatismo” característico da era da comunicação em que vivemos parece traduzir-se num “facilitismo linguístico” que, com o intuito de chegar a um maior número de pessoas, corre o risco de induzir a perda da principal característica de qualquer linguagem: a sua Universalidade. Este facto, (que podemos constatar abrindo a página das msg do telemóvel de “kualker adolxent”) também se verifica na Matemática, apesar desta ser uma linguagem mais “técnica” e Universal. Em prol da dita “compreensão” pelas “massas” abdica-se com uma frequência, algo assustadora, do rigor exigido pela “técnica” intrínseca à natureza de uma ciência, dita, exacta. Esta tendência parece difícil de contornar se não exigirmos a nós mesmos uma atenção constante no rigor da linguagem que utilizamos. Este rigor deverá surgir, quanto mais não seja, como uma formalização da linguagem “corrente” que utilizamos para uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos expostos. Pretendemos promover a discussão em torno de duas questões, quanto a nós extremamente importantes, e frequentemente perdidas num manancial de objectivos a cumprir e de competências a serem adquiridas: • A linguagem Matemática é (ou não) uma linguagem Universal? (com eventuais, mas nem sempre óbvias, adaptações à língua materna) • Não devemos ser nós, professores de Matemática, a insistir no rigor da linguagem que utilizamos diariamente? Se não formos nós quem mais o irá fazer

    Diferentes formas de multiplicar

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    A matemática é um edifício intelectual complexo, subtil, construído ao longo dos séculos sobre diversos princípios e regras lógicas. O tão “básico” algoritmo da multiplicação que “mecanicamente” utilizamos é o resultado de uma evolução histórica. Ao longo dos tempos, diferentes povos, em diferentes lugares, desenvolveram variadas técnicas para multiplicar e aqui serão recordadas algumas. Desde o processo de duplicações sucessivas dos egípcios da Antiguidade, e de algumas variações a este, ao processo de multiplicação utilizando as mãos, dos camponeses franceses, passando pelo método da gelosia utilizado pelos árabes que, provavelmente, o aprenderam com os hindus, vários serão os métodos analisados à luz dos conhecimentos actuais. Para terminar, não poderá deixar de se abordar o algoritmo usual da multiplicação, frequentemente "ensinado” como se de uma “receita” se tratasse, justificando todos os seus “porquês”

    Purchasing in a complex humanitarian institution: the portuguese red cross

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    Choosing the purchasing strategy of an organization can be a complex process. Some organizations have rooted habits that are extremely difficult to change. The Portuguese Red Cross (PRC) is a highly diversified institution where each branch works independently. Currently, the PRC purchasing strategy is not well defined for delegations. After assessing the purchasing process, two different strategies were considered as possibilities for the future. However, it became clear that a full centralization would not be the ideal model due to many resistance factors. In the end, it seemed that the best purchasing approach for the PRC would be a hybird progressive partially centralized strategy

    Study of Cluster Structures in Nuclei through the Ratio Method. A Tribute to Mahir Hussein

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    For one-neutron halo nuclei, the cross section for elastic scattering and breakup at intermediate energy exhibit similar angular dependences. The Recoil Excitation and Breakup (REB) model of reactions elegantly explains this feature. It also leads to the idea of a new reaction observable to study the structure of loosely-bound nuclear systems: the Ratio. This observable consists of the ratio of angular distributions for different reaction channels, viz. elastic scattering and breakup, which cancels most of the dependence on the reaction mechanism; in particular it is insensitive to the choice of optical potentials that simulate the projectile-target interaction. This new observable is very sensitive to the structure of the projectile. In this article, we review the Ratio Method and its extension to low beam energies and proton-halo nuclei.Comment: Submitted to the European Physical Journal A as a contribution to the Special Issue on "Cluster structure and dynamics of nuclei" dedicated to the memory of Mahir S. Hussein (1944-2019). 12 pages, 7 figure

    New perspectives on spectroscopic factor quenching from reactions

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    The evolution of single-particle strengths as the neutron-to-proton asymmetry changes informs us of the importance of short- and long-range correlations in nuclei and has therefore been extensively studied for the last two decades. Surprisingly, the strong asymmetry dependence of these strengths and their extreme values for highly-asymmetric nuclei inferred from knockout reaction measurements on a target nucleus are not consistent with what is extracted from electron-induced, transfer, and quasi-free reaction data, constituting a two-decade old puzzle. This work presents the first consistent analysis of one-nucleon transfer and one-nucleon knockout data, in which theoretical uncertainties associated with the nucleon-nucleus effective interactions considered in the reaction models are quantified using a Bayesian analysis. Our results demonstrate that, taking into account these uncertainties, the spectroscopic strengths of loosely-bound nucleons extracted from both probes agree with each other and, although there are still discrepancies for deeply-bound nucleons, the slope of the asymmetry dependence of the single-particle strengths inferred from transfer and knockout reactions are consistent within 1σ1\sigma. Both probes are consistent with a small asymmetry dependence of these strengths. The uncertainties obtained in this work represent a lower bound and are already significantly larger than the original estimates.Comment: 14 pages: 7 pages of the main text (including one and a half of reference) and 7 pages of supplemental material. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let