14 research outputs found

    Penerapan Sig Untuk Penyusunan Dan Analisis Lahan Kritis Pada Satuan Wilayah Pengelolaan DAS Agam Kuantan, Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    The increment of critical land extent is still undergoing because of change of land use without accompanied with conservation of land and water proportionally. Hence, it is need to carry out rehabilitation of land and forest by considering critical land map which is purposed to define priority scale, both its spatial and time. By applying technology of Geographic Information System (GIS), it can be mapped critical land according to standard of critical land criteria. In addition, the constraint of manual map can be reduced, particularly in information processing and map reproduction. In Agam Kuantan Watershed, critical land of forest has extent of 778.704,2 ha, and outside there area is about 496.486,7 ha

    Pengaruh Ukuran Sel Terhadap Hasil Prediksi Model Agnps Dalam Evaluasi Pengendalian Kualitas Perairan Dari Sumber Pencemar Pertanian

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    Water quality monitoring effort increased with concern about protection ofthe water quality from waterbody. AGNPS model, which was developed toobjectively evaluate alternative land management strategies on non point source pollution from agricultural watersheds, offers a method of predicting the quality of water from the watershed. The model has the ability to output water quality characteristics at intermediate points throughout the watershed network. The size cell was very influence the result of output model. More large of the size cell so the sediment and nutrient yield output was large too. Scale of map for indentify the input model was influnce the result of output model

    Pergeseran Kebijakan Dan Paradigma Baru Dalam Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Di Indonesia

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    Integrated watershed management, which aims at restoration of a soundhydrologic regime in the watershed considering water resources utilization,appropriate landuse, water quality control and environmental conservation, is becoming crucially important in Indonesia. Because, the land degradation of watershed in Indonesia more increases every time. There is a growing concern that many parts of the Indonesia watershed will continue to face problems of watershed degradation. The basic problem in most watershed area, especially in Java, is too many people being concentrated on too small land base. Besides that, the causes of watershed degradation are complex and interrelated, such as too much emphasis being placed on economic growth in the management of natural resources, and the continuing presence of poverty, population growth, infrastructural and industrial development. Thus, the exisiting environmental problems and their overall impacts are not only biophysical in nature, but also social.The integrated watershed approach stresses the interaction of all activities that take place throughout the watershed. The strategy of watershed management approach uses new paradigm with people of participation and using community development in operational, practices and bottom up approach

    Analisis Sensitivitas Parameter Hidrologi, Sedimentasi Dan Hara Dengan Menggunakan Model Agnps Untuk Pengelolaan Lingkungan

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    In Indonesia, the serious problems of degradation water quality from nonpoint source pollution was not yet many applied on watershed. Agricultural activities such as cultivation and application of fertilizer and pesticide will influence water quality, with activities in runoff-producing zones and near streams having a greater effect than those elsewhere. Water quality integrates all sources of pollutants. Nonpoint sources, by definition, are diffuse and not easily identified or quantified. The control technologies and best management practice available are generally expensive to beimplemented. AGNPS model is a model hydrology that should used to identify and quantify the nonpoint source pollution from watershed. The AGNPS is an event-based model that simulates surface runoff, sediment, and nutrient transport primarily from agricultural watersheds. In addition, the model considers point sources of water, sediment, nutrients, and chemical oxigen demand (COD) from animal feedlots, and spring. The model has the ability to output water quality characteristics at intermediate points throughout the watershed network. Seven parameters were selected out of twenty two parameters based on their significance in sensitivity to hydrology, erosion and sediment, and nutrient yield output. That seven parameters consist of SCS curve number, Manning's roughness coefficient, cover and management factor, land slope, channel sideslope, practice factor and fertilization availability factor. Omitted parameters in the hypothetical scenario formulation were either parameters of uncontrollable nature such as rainfall, EI30, soil erodibility, or parameters that had least significant sensitivity such as field slope length and channel slope. The simulation with BMP system has been conducted from the parameter adjustment for seven parameters. The BMP scenario was mosteffective in reducing the degree of volume and peak runoff rate by 32,08% and 29,66% from the base value of 0,53 inches and 118,51 cfs. All erosion and sediment related nonpoint source pollutants were significantly reduced by 66,36% from the base value of 135,67 tons by altering the cover and management factor (C-factor) and the practice factor (P-factor). At the time that, total N dan total P were significantly reduced by 56,85% and 57,92% from the base value of 11,15 lbs/acre and 7,01 lbs/acre with that same of methods

    Evaluasi Keseimbangan Air di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Water supply for the domestics use of Central Java Province has been experiencing problems and challenging. With population of 35 million or 16% of Indonesia, it place the province as the third in national population. It have consequently, water need in the province is as such for use of domestics, irrigation/agriculture, industry, etc. Several counties within the province has experiencing water shortage. Particularly during dry season, defisits is inclining that results water use conflicts. Furthermore, conflicts occur not only in counties with water shortage but also in county with sufficient water supply. Conflict is generally triggered by weak management and allocation. This is a result of unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resources and uncertainty of water rights. Unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resource contain exclusive right to utilize tap water within the territorial right, in way that the territory hold the sole right to exploit the resource without compensation to neighbouring territory. Hence, water balance should be investigated better and comprehensively

    Evaluasi Pembangunan Wilayah Pengembangan Selatan DKI Jakarta Sebagai Kawasan Resapan Air

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    Southern Development Region DKI Jakarta is set as a water recharge area in the mean of decreasing the problem of water resources in DKI Jakarta. The fact, however, this rule does not run well, because there is not action plan and along with followed by development control and law enforcement. what that rule. Besides, the decree on Southern Develeopment Region as water recharging area is not optimal in either in groundwater stream point of view.That so, development in Southern Development Region must directed accomplishment with open space standard, park and playing field for city region, beginning of playlot, playground, playfield, and urban park. There is not only for old settlement, but new settlement development is necessary to put spatial arrangement in order

    Perubahan Watak Hidrologi Sungai-sungai Bagian Hulu di Jawa

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    The hydrological character of the rivers in Java has changed. The trend flow of upstream rivers in Java declined. Significance level of the trend decline in the upstream was large enough. This indicates that the basic flow (base flow) from these rivers has been reduced. The cause of the trend decline in river flow is strongly influenced by a combination of the effects of global climate change and the influence of anthropogenic. The influence of climate change is marked by decreasing annual rainfall. While anthropogenic influences include changes in land use, reduced water catchment area, increasing population pressures and settlements. To identify which factors are most influential between the two factors are very difficult to do because of limited data on land use change

    Pengaruh Konsep Sistem Dan Lingkungan Dalam Modifikasi Cuaca Terhadap Peningkatan Curah Hujan Dan Ketersediaan Air Di DAS Citarum

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    Weather modification technology was applied in Citarum Watershed – West Java on 12 March – 10 April 2001 for increase water resources in Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur Dams. The application was based indication of Citarum River inflow decreased at the end of 2001 that so three cascade dams had water storage deficits. Weather modification technology by employing system and environment concept has been increase the rainfall and inflow of Citarum Watershed. The average inflow of Citarum River was 326,81 m3/sec and nett volume storage in the dams were 559,06 million m3