173 research outputs found

    La simulation du discours adverse dans un discours sans adversaires : le Manuel de la campagne du Conseil de l’Europe contre les violences envers les femmes (2006-2008)

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    Le discours des institutions internationales estompe les conflictualitĂ©s et s’énonce comme un discours « sans adversaires » (Juhem, 2001) d’autant plus lorsqu’il s’agit de se faire porteur d’un combat auquel aucun acteur public ne saurait aujourd’hui s’opposer comme celui contre la violence envers les femmes dans la sphĂšre dite privĂ©e. Toutefois, la construction du consensus passe parfois, par la mise en scĂšne d’une polyphonie qui mime la conflictualitĂ© et qui permet Ă  l’institution de construire son monopole Ă©nonciatif en matiĂšre Ă©thique, comme le montre l’argumentaire officiel de la Campagne du Conseil de l’Europe contre la violence envers les femmes (2006-2008). La configuration Ă©nonciative et rhĂ©torico-argumentative de ce document emblĂ©matique permet aussi d’observer les ambiguĂŻtĂ©s d’un discours qui, soumis Ă  de nombreuses contraintes, risque parfois de banaliser les causes et les solutions du problĂšme des violences envers les femmes

    « Right-wing populist parties endorse what can be recognised as the “arrogance of ignorance” »

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    Drawing on her monograph The Politics of Fear (2015), Ruth Wodak presents a critical discourse analysis of populist discourses and politics. She underlines the difference between left-wing and right-wing populism and addresses the problems of islamophobia, antisemitism, and the anger and resentment of the so-called “modernization losers”. She also tackles the specificities of the historical approach of discourse in Critical Discourse Studies while giving some insights into her own intellectual trajectory and social involvement as a discourse analyst.Dans cet entretien, Ruth Wodak, s’appuyant sur sa monographie The Politics of Fear (2015), examine les discours et les politiques populistes du point de vue d’une analyse de discours critique : elle souligne la diffĂ©rence entre populisme de droite et de gauche et elle aborde les problĂšmes de l’islamophobie, de l’antisĂ©mitisme, et de la colĂšre ou du ressentiment de ceux qu’on a appelĂ©s les « perdants de la modernisation ». Elle traite Ă©galement des spĂ©cificitĂ©s de l’approche historique du discours dans les Critical Discourse Studies tout en revenant sur sa propre trajectoire intellectuelle et sur son engagement social en tant qu’analyste du discours.En esta entrevista, Ruth Wodak, apoyĂĄndose en su monografĂ­a The Politics of Fear (2015), examina los discursos y las polĂ­ticas populistas del punto de vista de la anĂĄlisis de discurso crĂ­tica: destaca la diferencia entre populismo de derecha y populismo de izquierda y aborda los problemas de la islamofobia, del antisemitismo, y de la cĂłlera o del resentimiento de los a que se llama de «fracasados de la modernizaciĂłn». Trata tambiĂ©n de las especifidades del planteamiento histĂłrico del discurso en las Critical Discourse Studies, mientras vuelve sobre su propia trayectoria intelectual y su envolvimiento social como analista del discurso


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    Upaya pemerintah dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan sedang dihadapkan pada masalah tingginya alih fungsi lahan pertanian. Alih fungsi lahan pertanian terjadi sebagai konsekuensi adanya pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkembangan wilayah yang membutuhkan lahan-lahan baru untuk permukiman, industri, transportasi, dan lain-lain. Untuk itu, pemerintah membuat UU Nomor 41 tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan LP2B. Kebijakan tersebut merupakan kebijakan yang didesentralisasikan ke daerah-daerah

    «Neutre est le seul genre qui me convienne»: retoriche dell’androginia nell’opera di Claude Cahun

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    The article deals with the rhetoric and discursive strategies through which surrealist artist and writer Clade Cahun elaborates forms of self-representations which, by subverting gender norms, reinvent non only femininity but humanity overall. The analysis will be carried out on the basis of Roland Barthes’ reflections on androgyny which he elaborated during his course on Neutre at the CollĂšge de France. For Barthes, Neutre is a vector of symbolic change: « un mĂ©lange, un dosage, une dialectique, non de l’homme et de la femme (gĂ©nitalitĂ©), mais du masculin et du fĂ©minin. Ou mieux encore: l’homme en qui il y a du fĂ©minin, la femme en qui il y a du masculin ». Neutre is whatever breaks the binary opposition between terms A and B by assuming the form of either “not A nor B”, or “A+B”. Neutre is therefore an attempt to elude the doxa and all immutable binary scheme of meaning through linguistic and rhetoric strategies such as epicene nouns and names, impersonals, a fluctuant use of gender forms, amphibology, irony, paradox, parallelism, antiphrasis.L’articolo esplora i dispositivi retorico-discorsivi attraverso cui la scrittrice e artista surrealista Claude Cahun elabora autorappresentazioni che, divertendosi a sovvertire le norme di genere, reinventano non solo il femminile ma piĂč ampiamente l’umano. Lo sfondo teorico su cui si colloca l’analisi si trova nella riflessione che Roland Barthes dedicĂČ all’androginia nell’ambito del suo corso al CollĂšge de France sul Neutre. Per il semiologo, il Neutre Ăš un veicolo di mutamento simbolico : “un mĂ©lange, un dosage, une dialectique, non de l’homme et de la femme (gĂ©nitalitĂ©), mais du masculin et du fĂ©minin. Ou mieux encore: l’homme en qui il y a du fĂ©minin, la femme en qui il y a du masculin”. Il Neutre Ăš tutto ciĂČ che, di fronte all’opposizione binaria di due termini A e B, si presenta sotto la forma “nĂ© A nĂ© B”, oppure “A+B”. Neutre Ăš cioĂš il tentativo di sfuggire alla doxa, alle logiche di un senso vincolato a binarismi immutabili, attraverso dispositivi linguistici e retorico-discorsivi quali i nomi epiceni, le forme impersonali, l’uso variabile e fluttuante del genere nelle espressioni referenziali, l’anfibologia, l’ironia, il paradosso, il parallelismo, l’antifrasi

    Reagire alla dominazione sociale: classe, sesso e politica nelle narrazioni autobiografiche di Didier Éribon ed Édouard Louis

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    Inspired by Bourdieu’s sociological autobiography, Retour Ă  Reims (2009) by the sociologist Didier Éribon and En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule (2014) by his twenty-two years old disciple Édouard Louis, give an account of the respective authors’ life experience through the lens of the social and sexual forms of dominations which affected them. Both texts portray the image of working class escapee intellectuals for whom writing is a way to elaborate identity conflicts as well as to meditate upon the relationship between political power and symbolic power. Moreover, these two examples of socio-self-analysis may also be interpreted as a contribution to the public debate which in France is challenged by the political impact of multifaceted identities and by a crisis of the traditional bond between the left and the working class that has been occurring since the Sixties.Iscrivendosi nella scia dell’autobiografia sociologica di Bourdieu, Retour Ă  Reims (2009) del sociologo Didier Éribon e En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule (2014) del suo allievo ventiduenne Édouard Louis raccontano l’esperienza dei rispettivi autori a partire dalle dinamiche di dominazione sociale e sessuale che l’hanno determinata. Entrambi i testi chiamano in causa la figura dell’intellettuale come transfuga di classe che tramite la scrittura rielabora i conflitti identitari che lo attraversano e apre a una riflessione sui rapporti tra potere politico e potere simbolico. Inoltre, questi due esempi di auto-socio-analisi possono essere interpretati come contributi a un dibattito pubblico che in Francia e non solo si confronta con il valore politico di identitĂ  sociali sempre piĂč complesse e con dinamiche elettorali che dagli anni Sessanta a oggi hanno sciolto il legame tra forze politiche della sinistra e classi sociali piĂč svantaggiate

    Far-from-equilibrium attractors with Full Relativistic Boltzmann approach in boost-invariant and non-boost-invariant systems

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    We study the universal behavior associated with a Relativistic Boltzmann Transport (RBT) approach with the full collision integral in 0+1D conformal systems. We show that all momentum moments of the distribution function exhibit universal behavior. Furthermore, the RBT approach allows to calculate the full distribution function, showing that an attractor behavior is present in both the longitudinal and transverse momentum dependence. We compare our results to the far-from-equilibrium attractors determined with other approaches, such as kinetic theory in Relaxation Time Approximation (RTA) and relativistic hydrodynamic theories, both in their viscous (DNMR) an anisotropic (aHydro) formulations, finding a very similar evolution, but an even faster thermalization in RBT for higher order moments. For the first time, we extended this analysis also to study the attractor behavior under a temperature-dependent viscosity η/s(T)\eta/s(T), accounting also for the rapid increase toward the hadronic phase. We find that a partial breaking of the scaling behavior with respect to τ/τeq\tau/\tau_{eq} emerges only at T≈TcT \approx T_c generating a transient deviation from attractors; interestingly this in realistic finite systems may occur around the freeze-out dynamics. Finally, we investigate for the first time results beyond the boost-invariant picture, finding that also in such a case the system evolves toward the universal attractor. In particular, we present the forward and pull-back attractors at different space-time rapidities including rapidity regions where initially the distribution function is even vanishing.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Donne e poissons-chats: un desiderio senza nome in Monique Lange

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    Women in love with men who love men: a woman’s desire for a gay man is an enigmatic configuration of desire often trivialized if not stigmatized both by terms such as fag hag or fruit fly (frociarola in Italian) and by grotesque literary representations (David Leavitt, Robert Rodi). On the contrary, French writer Monique Lange (1926-1986) has turned such desire into an actual topos deeply investigated throughout most of her production and especially in her début novel The Kissing Fish (1959). The story portrays a bond of fraternity and identification capable of defying hetero-patriarchy as well as sexual and gender norms. Lange’s work therefore depicts a queer form of affection in a sometimes joyful sometimes painful search for social and erotic alternatives.Donne che amano uomini che amano uomini: il desiderio femminile per l’uomo gay è una figura del desiderio enigmatica ma spesso banalizzata sia sul piano lessicale, con termini quali frociarola o fag hag, sia sul piano di una rappresentazione letteraria grottesca o stilizzata (David Leavitt, Robert Rodi). Al contrario, quasi tutti gli scritti di Monique Lange (1926-1986), e in particolare il racconto d’esordio Les Poissons-chats (1959), ne fanno un topos capace di indagare un legame di fratellanza e identificazione che sfida il sistema etero-patriarcale e costituisce una forma di dissenso di genere e sessuale. L’opera di Lange racconta così un’affettività eccentrica che, talvolta gioiosamente, talvolta disperatamente, si pone alla ricerca di alternative sociali ed erotiche
