268 research outputs found

    Using parametric regressors to disentangle properties of multi-feature processes

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    FMRI data observed under a given experimental condition may be decomposed into two parts: the average effect and the deviation of single replications from this average effect. The average effect is represented by the mean activation over a specific condition. The deviation from this average effect may be decomposed into two components as well: systematic variation due to known empirical factors and pure measurement error. In most fMRI designs deviations from mean activation may be treated as measurement error. Nevertheless, often deviation from the average also may contain systematic variation that can be distinguished from simple measurement error. In these cases, the average fMRI signal may provide only a coarse picture of real brain activation. The larger the variation within-condition, the coarser the average effect and the more relevant is the impact of deviations from it. Systematic deviation from the mean activation may be examined by defining a set of parametric regressors. Here, the applicability of parametric methods to refine the evaluation of fMRI studies is discussed with special emphasis on (i) examination of the impact of continuous predictors on the fMRI signal, (ii) control for variation within each experimental condition and (iii) isolation of specific contributions by different features of a single complex stimulus, especially in the case of a sampled stimulus. The usefulness and applicability of this method are discussed and an example with real data is presented

    The synthesis of a novel diazo-diphosphetidine-diamine based on interaction of 2-amino-4-phenylthiazole with chloride phosphorus(III)

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    In recent years, the obtaining and study of structural features of organophosphorus heterocyclic compounds with P-N bond, attracted considerable attention. Heterocycles which contain P-C, P-N, P-O and P-S bonds have a high biological activity and commercial importance. In this work, we have studied the reaction of interaction 2-amino-4-phenylthiazole with. phosphorus trichloride The conditions of reaction and structure of the resulting compounds were found

    Effects of Finger Counting on Numerical Development – The Opposing Views of Neurocognition and Mathematics Education

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    Children typically learn basic numerical and arithmetic principles using finger-based representations. However, whether or not reliance on finger-based representations is beneficial or detrimental is the subject of an ongoing debate between researchers in neurocognition and mathematics education. From the neurocognitive perspective, finger counting provides multisensory input, which conveys both cardinal and ordinal aspects of numbers. Recent data indicate that children with good finger-based numerical representations show better arithmetic skills and that training finger gnosis, or “finger sense,” enhances mathematical skills. Therefore neurocognitive researchers conclude that elaborate finger-based numerical representations are beneficial for later numerical development. However, research in mathematics education recommends fostering mentally based numerical representations so as to induce children to abandon finger counting. More precisely, mathematics education recommends first using finger counting, then concrete structured representations and, finally, mental representations of numbers to perform numerical operations. Taken together, these results reveal an important debate between neurocognitive and mathematics education research concerning the benefits and detriments of finger-based strategies for numerical development. In the present review, the rationale of both lines of evidence will be discussed

    Прогнозирование временных рядов на основе штрафного P-сплайна

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    В работе исследуется возможность применения штрафного P-сплайна в задаче прогнозирования измерительной информации. Созданы компактные и экономичные формы вычисления сплайна в реальном времени и произведена настройка и оптимизация параметров.The possibility of applying the penalty P-spline in the problem of measuring information forecasting is investigated in this paper. Compact and economical forms of spline calculation in real time have been created, and parameters have been tuned and optimized

    Разработка технологического процесса изготовления венца КС4871.328.100.018

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    Цель данной выпускной квалификационной работы – подведение итогов о полученных инженерных навыках на протяжении всего срока обучения, разработка оптимального технологического процесса механической обработки корпуса в условиях мелкосерийного производства, с учетом важнейших направлений развития технологии механической обработки в машиностроении.The purpose of this final qualification work is summarizing the received engineering skills throughout the training period, developing the optimal technological process for machining the hull in small-scale production, taking into account the most important directions in the development of machining technology in engineering

    Professional mathematicians do not differ from others in the symbolic numerical distance and size effects

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    The numerical distance effect (it is easier to compare numbers that are further apart) and size effect (for a constant distance, it is easier to compare smaller numbers) characterize symbolic number processing. However, evidence for a relationship between these two basic phenomena and more complex mathematical skills is mixed. Previously this relationship has only been studied in participants with normal or poor mathematical skills, not in mathematicians. Furthermore, the prevalence of these effects at the individual level is not known. Here we compared professional mathematicians, engineers, social scientists, and a reference group using the symbolic magnitude classification task with single-digit Arabic numbers. The groups did not differ with respect to symbolic numerical distance and size effects in either frequentist or Bayesian analyses. Moreover, we looked at their prevalence at the individual level using the bootstrapping method: while a reliable numerical distance effect was present in almost all participants, the prevalence of a reliable numerical size effect was much lower. Again, prevalence did not differ between groups. In summary, the phenomena were neither more pronounced nor more prevalent in mathematicians, suggesting that extremely high mathematical skills neither rely on nor have special consequences for analogue processing of symbolic numerical magnitudes

    Spatial Presentations, but Not Response Formats Influence Spatial-Numerical Associations in Adults

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    According to theories of embodied numerosity, processing of numerical magnitude is anchored in bodily experiences. In particular, spatial representations of number interact with movement in physical space, but it is still unclear whether the extent of the movement is relevant for this interaction. In this study, we compared spatial-numerical associations over response movements of differing spatial expansion. We expected spatial-numerical effects to increase with the extent of physical response movements. In addition, we hypothesized that these effects should be influenced by whether or not a spatial representation of numbers was presented. Adult participants performed two tasks: a magnitude classification (comparing numbers to the fixed standard 5), from which we calculated the Spatial Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect; and a magnitude comparison task (comparing two numbers against each other), from which we calculated a relative numerical congruity effect (NCE), which describes that when two relatively small numbers are compared, responses to the smaller number are faster than responses to the larger number; and vice versa for large numbers. A SNARC effect was observed across all conditions and was not influenced by response movement extent but increased when a number line was presented. In contrast, an NCE was only observed when no number line was presented. This suggests that the SNARC effect and the NCE reflect two different processes. The SNARC effect seems to represent a highly automated classification of numbers as large or small, which is further emphasized by the presentation of a number line. In contrast, the NCE likely results from participants not only classifying numbers as small or large, but also processing their relative size within the relevant section of their mental number line representation. An additional external presentation of a number line might interfere with this process, resulting in overall slower responses. This study follows up on previous spatial-numerical training studies and has implications for future spatial-numerical trainings. Specifically, similar studies with children showed contrasting results, in that response format but not number line presentation influenced spatial-numerical associations. Accordingly, during development, the relative relevance of physical experiences and presentation format for spatial-numerical associations might change

    The neural circuits of number and letter copying: an fNIRS study

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    In our daily lives, we are constantly exposed to numbers and letters. However, it is still under debate how letters and numbers are processed in the brain, while information on this topic would allow for a more comprehensive understanding of, for example, known influences of language on numerical cognition or neural circuits shared by numerical cognition and language processing. Some findings provide evidence for a double dissociation between numbers and letters, with numbers being represented in the right and letters in the left hemisphere, while the opposing view suggests a shared neural network. Since processing may depend on the task, we address the reported inconsistencies in a very basic symbol copying task using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). fNIRS data revealed that both number and letter copying rely on the bilateral middle and left inferior frontal gyri. Only numbers elicited additional activation in the bilateral parietal cortex and in the left superior temporal gyrus. However, no cortical activation difference was observed between copying numbers and letters, and there was Bayesian evidence for common activation in the middle frontal gyri and superior parietal lobules. Therefore, we conclude that basic number and letter processing are based on a largely shared cortical network, at least in a simple task such as copying symbols. This suggests that copying can be used as a control condition for more complex tasks in neuroimaging studies without subtracting stimuli-specific activation