711 research outputs found

    S.H.I.E.L.D Relays (Shadow-masked Hack-proof Ion Etched Latch Deterrence Relays)

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    We are presenting micro-scale logic devices using single cantilever relays fabricated in-plane from single crystal Silicon. These logic devices are designed to protect electrical systems that require a high level of security by being completely hack proof by not having the ability or need to be connected to any outside internet connection. Because these devices are fabricated from silicon, they are extremely reliable, durable and adaptable. Silicon’s high Young’s Modulus allows the cantilevers to function for an extremely long time, compared to other materials such as metal that will start to fatigue over time, producing a longer life span of the devices. The logic devices are also Rad-Hard and chemically resilient. This allows the devices to remain durable in many types of environments from satellites orbiting the Earth to Nuclear power plants and submarines to industrial manufacturing plants with harsh chemicals. These devices can also be fabricated to have device actuation voltages from a fraction of a volt to tens of thousands of volts allowing the devices the ability to function in almost any electrical system. We have also innovated a new processing procedure using hi-resolution shadowing masking techniques that improves the fabrication of these devices. By using the hi-resolution shadow mask, we are able to reduce the number of steps required to fabricate the logic devices, shorten the processing time and reduce the chemical waste from fabrication. This allows the devices to be fabricated at a lower cost while also reducing the environmental impact from chemical waste.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1194/thumbnail.jp

    Una forma de escribir la pérdida del siglo XX: estética de la ausencia en Jacob’s Room de Virginia Woolf

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    Considerada la seva primera novel·la modernista, Jacob’s Room (1922) de Virginia Woolf seria recordada per les seves tècniques experimentals per a contar la història de Jacob, qui va morir a la Primera Guerra Mundial. La construcció del que és en el fons del seu personatge més misteriós ofereix una resposta diferent a les realitats canviants de la guerra i serveix com manera literària de dol que busca no tant consolar com preservar i transmetre l’absència provocada per les pèrdues de la Gran Guerra. Aquí es presenta una anàlisis de l’estètica de l’absència a l’obra de Woolf, i s’afirma que anticipa preocupacions posteriors al tractar experiències de violència de masses en la literatura. De manera particular, es rastregen els paral·lelismes amb Dora Bruder (1997) de Modiano i Austerlitz (2001) de Sebald.Considered her first modernist novel, Virginia Woolf’s Jacob’s Room (1922) would be remembered for its experimental techniques to tell the story of Jacob who died in the First World War. Woolf’s construction of her ultimately unknowable character offers a distinct response to the changing realities of warfare and serves as a literary mode of mourning that seeks not to console, but rather to preserve and transmit absence provoked by the losses of the Great War. Here I offer an analysis of Woolf’s aesthetics of absence, which I contend anticipates later concerns in addressing experiences of mass violence in literature. In particular, I trace parallels in Modiano’s Dora Bruder (1997) and Sebald’s Austerlitz (2001).Considerada su primera novela modernista, Jacob’s Room (1922) de Virginia Woolf sería recordada por sus técnicas experimentales para contar la historia de Jacob, quien muere en la Primera Guerra Mundial. La construcción del que es en el fondo su personaje más misterioso ofrece una respuesta diferente a las realidades cambiantes de la guerra y sirve como un modo literario de duelo que no busca consolar, sino más bien preservar y transmitir la ausencia provocada por las pérdidas de la Gran Guerra. Aquí ofrezco un análisis de la estética de la ausencia de Woolf, que sostengo anticipa preocupaciones posteriores al abordar experiencias de violencia de masas en la literatura. De manera particular, rastreo los paralelismos con Dora Bruder (1997) de Modiano y Austerlitz (2001) de Sebald

    Ion Irradiation Effects on Damage Annealing and Dopant Activation in Single Crystal SiC

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    Energetic ions deposit their energy into a target material through elastic and inelastic processes: termed nuclear and electronic energy loss. In SiC [silicon carbide], these two processes are coupled and often competing, where nuclear energy loss generates defects and disorder, and electronic energy loss anneals the material. This work examines the relationship between these energy deposition processes and their impact on single crystal, 3C- and 4H-SiC microstructure via intermediate energy ion irradiations. With increasing incident ion atomic mass, decoupling between the two processes takes place, and inelastic energy deposition becomes less effective at inducing in-cascade annealing. Further, there are thresholds in electronic energy loss above which, disorder induced by damage energy is totally suppressed. These thresholds increase sub-linearly with incident ion atomic number. The feasibility of inelastic energy deposition inducing dopant activation is also studied. While 21 MeV Ni irradiation failed to activate implanted As ions, the irradiation did reduce implantation damage and altered the disorder and defect distribution in SiC. Overall, electronic energy loss from intermediate to higher energy ions can significantly alter physical disordering processes and electrical properties in SiC

    Optimizing Cell Culture Media for Combined Use for Ex Vivo Lung Bioengineering

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    The prevalence of lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is on the rise and with it the demand for donor lungs for transplantation in end-stage disease patients (Wagner et al., 2013). This demand continually exhausts the available donor lung supply, therefore, novel alternatives for lung transplantation are being investigated. One of these potential solutions is the creation of a bioengineered synthetic lung for use in transplantation. A successful methodology would result in an independence from the limited supply of donor lungs as well as a solution to immune rejection by the transplant recipient, as cells from the recipient could be used to cellularize the engineered lung and minimize rejection. A proposed protocol for the synthesis of bioengineered lungs involves the use of a lung scaffold, obtained by removing all cellular material from a pre-existing lung, leaving on the extracellular matrix proteins, and seeding it with patient cells to grow a new, viable lung (Uriarte et al., 2018). However, one problem that currently hinders progress is the ability to seed multiple cell lines on a single scaffold. Currently a single cell line can be seeded, however this is not representative of a completely functioning lung possessing over 40 types of cells. Therefore, this study focused on developing a preliminary protocol on how to co-seed multiple cell lines, traditionally cultured in different growth media, on a single scaffold. In this study, cell culture was conducted with human lung fibroblast cells (HLFs) and human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEs). The two cell lines were initially grown and observed in their own respective media to determine proportional growth rates. They were then seeded individually and as co-seeds in plates varying in media components and in cell counts. It was found that a co-seed of HLF and HBE cells is possible over a seven-day period in a media composed of 50% HBE and 50% HLF media. Growth in this trial followed an exponential trend, and the cells were interspersed indicating that they were cohabitating in a healthy manner

    An Evaluation of German-Croatian Contact

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    This paper is a study of the influence of German on Croatian. It attempts to provide a historical background and to summarize and evaluate the linguistic findings of some scholars in the field. The study focuses mainly on the period 1526–1918, when the Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia was under the political control of the Habsburg Empire, and it is also limited to the contact in those areas of the Croatian-speaking world that were under Habsburg rule, i.e. Croatia and Slavonia, not Dalmatia. I consider the socio-historical context of the contact and the history of the Croatian literary language before examining specifically the results of contact which are visible in the Croatian language of today. In evaluating the results of contact, I draw largely on the criteria developed by Thomason and Kaufman (1988), as well as on the work of other scholars and my own observations. Although the influence of German on Croatian is almost exclusively lexical, calquing from German is extensive and points to a higher degree of contact than might be expected: The large number of loanshifts and loanblends indicates a higher degree of bilingualism than pure loanwords would suggest

    The Impact of Cognitive Complexity on Impression Management

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    This study seeks to add to the knowledge of cognitive complexity by examining its relationship with impression management and social desirability. In light of past studies a positive relationship between cognitive complexity and impression management was expected. This predicted relationship was found to exist, thereby increasing knowledge of the construct of cognitive complexity. Furthermore, relationships between cognitive complexity, social desirability, and impression management were expected, with social desirability moderating the relationship between cognitive complexity and social desirability. The results of this study did not support the hypothesized relationships involving social desirability; in fact, the results ran counter to those predicted. However, these findings raise interesting questions for future research. Both the expected findings and those which were unexpected add to the body of knowledge about cognitive complexity and point to the need for continued research on this topic.  M.A

    The symbolist and decadent elements in the lyrical dramas of Oscar Wilde

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    The terms decadence, aestheticism, art for art\u27s sake have been used interchangeably to describe the movement in literature that flowered during the 1890\u27s in England. Despite the fact that the English aesthetics and decadents were a relatively small group, they were vocal and colorful. Many contributed to the numerous aesthetic and semi-aesthetic periodicals with such titles as The Chamelion, The Butter, The Rose Leaf, and The Hobby Horse. In this way the decadents presented the new trends in art and literature to the general public. In London during the 1890\u27s the literacy taverns were full of these decadent artists who met frequently to discuss the new trends in art and literature


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    This thesis statement is of a two part nature. The first part shows photographs of my creative products in the process of making them and in their completed state. The second part deals with the process involved in my mental activity as these objects were created. I have presented the photographs of my work first because I feel that viewing the work before reading the text is of primary importance. Visual comprehension of my work is my major purpose. The photographs in the visual appendix are objects that exist within my world. They are abstractions. They are but a few of the things with which I am involved in my creative work. These are more than mere representations. They are my inspiration
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